Ah - we've finally found something that will actually happen. SO now we have that freedom, what laws would you like to see change?
I dont know. I haven't looked at the laws that I would want to change. I would want to consider them in the context of what is fit for post brexit Britain. What may not be working now may work post Brexit and vica versa.
I have in previous posts outlined what I would like to see happen. All of that has been discussed, critiqued, accepted or dismissed on this thread, which is exactly the point of the thread. I dont know exactly what will happen post brexit now anymore than I did before the vote and nor do you. You also dont expect me to ask you for next weeks lottery results either do you.
So what do I want to change or see changed? In no particular order- I would be happy if brexit in five years has delivered or contributed politically to the following.
1. I want to walk through the streets of Cambridge and not be accosted or asked for money by beggars with eastern European accents.And for Cambridge include any city or town in the UK.
2. I want the highest possible animal welfare laws in the UK and cameras in every abbatior to prevent cruelty.
3. I want only responsibly farmed or caught fish to be available in the UK
4. I want 10 police forces not 43 and an end to crime commissioners. A regional assembly should set policing priorities. That's 33 chief constable jobs gone at 150k each.
5. I want fire police and ambulance services to share facilities where possible including the same computer spec and where possible vehicle spec.
6. I want an end to migrant shanty tent towns.
7. I want seasonal migrant workers to only be welcome with an identity card and their DNA held on file here.
8. I want universal basic income to be fully investigated, costed and debated as an alternative to a welfare state system
9. I want tax loop holes for big corporations closed where possible
10.I want as many trade agreements with as many countries as they like. I want them on decent terms as well
11.I want the NHS to actively claim every penny back it spends on foreign nationals. The current deficit is 600 million. I would do the job for free on a percentage of what I claimed back , so confident am I that it would be and could be done
That will do for starters. My team won, the night is young and I am doing the cooking so its enough politics for one day.