There were load of credible sources that were saying that the EU is in dire straights. Crippling debt, austerity, mass unemployment ect. There are many well known economists that say that the EU is debt ridden and will not be able to carry on as it is. I have yet to hear a remain voter talk about this. All they seem to care about is running the UK down. Where in the goverment ( propaganda ) leaflet, does it say anything about the UK being a trillion of debt? Yes a trillion in debt and in the EU. It is a bit rich keep talking how bad things will be with Brexit, without ever mentioning the Trillion debt, whilst in the EU, from anyone in the leave campaign.
No remainer could equate or dare mention we have 4 million UK workers that are living below the poverty line, whilst we are in EU. If remain voters had of, maybe we would take notice of their incessant running the UK down,when talking about the future, which is just guess work and at the same time not standing up to be counted and talking about the UK poverty and debt, whilst we are in the EU.