Johnny, if there was one biggest single influence for me that made me decide to vote Leave, it was this article by Brendan O'Neill.
At the risk of sounding boring because I have mentioned it a few times already, I would really like to know what Remain voters think of his article, written on June 23rd last year. If you or anyone else that reads the above link, voted Remain, and are still happy with your decision after you have read his thoughts and opinions, I would be interested to know why, because when I read it, I can't think for the life of me why a working class person would ever want to stay in the EU ?
I keep going on about it because I haven't heard back from a Remain voter yet, who has read it, with their feedback. So, can you be my Guinea Pig and indulge me please and hopefully where you lead, others will follow. I'm still waiting for Deutsch Wolf to get back to me too.