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I'm sure he's quite a genial chap in general. Hit a lot of twat markers as a manager though. Forever blaming referees, having a go at fans for never giving him a chance, being chippy about other clubs when it was nothing to do with him.
They're launching a 2000s successor (Let's Be Having You) but it's Scull and Alex Brooker, don't think I'll be listening to many of them. Scull and Ivo I could deal with just about.

They did finally get Keegan for a final live show.

Also I refuse to believe that the 2000s can be considered "nostalgia", get out of town.
There was "Match of the 70s" on in the 90s... :)
Yeah but that was when I was young, that is clearly completely different.

Actually yesterday it was 22 years since I left Hamburg. It's nuts. Loads of stuff like that, Bully's last game being 25 years ago, there now being more time between Euro 96 and now than there is between Euro 96 and Ted Heath being elected, etc etc.

I think it first hit a few years ago when I was listening to the radio and some mook called Mr Brightside a "retro track". Get in the sea.

I don't like being old. Although in fairness we all wear better now. Mick Mills was 33 in the 1982 World Cup FFS.

Dan's "Footballers from the past that look older than they were" might be my favourite tangent....
Just listened to the Saunders episode of Quickly Kevin.

A couple of insights in how he worked at Wolves without mentioning us

1) When doing press conferences if he knew a journo was likely to ask a tough question, he just talked and talked to time out the session.
He talks shite anyway but just extended his utter bollocks.

2) When he worked on the coaching team with Wales. They had a plan v Russia to monitor the games in 15 min spells and make changes to react. Plan was to keep it 0-0 until the final 15. So that explains his plan A, plan B etc crap he pulled with us even if we were doing OK.

Rest of it, standard after dinner story telling. Thankfully didn't do his Clough story
Ah, a classic Saunders move.

Our game vs Burnley, he said he would have "watchers" at the Peterborough, Barnsley, Bristol City etc games to let him know if one of them scored.

1) It's 2013 you cretin, I think there are more efficient ways to keep up to date now
2) WE NEED TO WIN YOU FUCKING IDIOT. Nothing else matters. We draw or lose, we are going down.

We lost.
The final question he was asked summed up what appears to be a love of his own voice.

It's always if you could go back and relive the 90's, would you?

Never actually answered it and spent 5 mins talking about a training drill he did in the stands at Swansea when he was 18
It gets lost because he's such a massive, massive cunt but he was a really good player. Albeit one that ended a fellow pro's career with an awful challenge.

Can't remember when/where it was but he started a narrative in a couple of interviews not long back about how the Wolves experience scarred him so much that he never took another job in management again. Which will be news to Crawley and Chesterfield fans.
Listened to the first episode and the fake laughter is jarring, quit it 10 mins in.
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Yep, that's Chris Scull for you.

A man who genuinely thinks Mike Bassett is a good film.
I have just started to get back into Podcasts again and have been listening to A Very British Cult. It is about a life-coaching and mentoring company called Lighthouse and, while they don't sound very ineresting and cult-y to begin with, I thought it became fascinating as the series went on. I'd definitely recommend it as worth listening to.
Further to this, I have been continuing with my renewed enthusiasm for Podcasts. Some other ones I have been listening to are:

Unfinished: Short Creek - All about the FLDS 'cult' (I refuse to call it a Church) that broke off from the Mormons (also a cult, not a Church IMO). I found it really, really interesting.

Missed Fortune - About a guy who was obsessed with finding a hidden treasure chest that some oddball old dude had buried.

Ghost Story - The host starts researching a potential ghost in his childhood home and it leads him to a murder mystery from his familly-in-laws past. It was a lot better than it sounds!

Hoaxed - About a conspiracy theory suggesting that satanic paeodophiles were operating in a posh suburb of North London. It sounds ridiculous but it actually happened.

Any more suggestions of good podcasts would be appreciated.
Interesting (to me anyway) interview on Linekers pod with Kasper Schmeichel.
Hopefully I haven't missed any skeletons in his cupboard this time.

I don't remember Scull saying that about Roberto Baggio but FFS.

He comes across as a berk, as per, and they manage to identify for themselves why a 90s look back works but later doesn't.
Said he was over rated rather than not good and then as you do he refused to back down and doubled down on it.