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Newcastle United (H) build up


Jeff Shi's Bitch
Jan 14, 2010
Reaction score
Should be a decent atmosphere. Who's going to this one?

Impossible to predict Lambo's line ups atm, hopefully he goes with Bodvarsson, Costa, Ronan & Weimann up top. Good mix of pace, power and trickery there, enough to give anyone in this division a tough game.
Play Saiss - Just for to see if any Newcastle players want to kick off with him and get themselves sent off (only downside is the man is a bit of a nutter himself, so would also probably walk)
I'd like to see Saiss given a run in the team to see what he can do under Lambert, play him with Edwards and Ronan at "10", weimann, Costa and Dicko up top
Play Saiss - Just for to see if any Newcastle players want to kick off with him and get themselves sent off (only downside is the man is a bit of a nutter himself, so would also probably walk)

And tell him to man mark Shelvey...
I am very much on the Saiss bandwagon I really hope he gets a chance under Lambert. Saville and Evans have shown promise but not consistently even Price has been a little inconsistent.

If we are going to play with attacking fullbacks and almost a front 4 having adequate protection for the back 4 is a must.

No idea what team he will pick but for me Price comes back as does Ronan. Will be interesting to see if Batth comes back I suspect he will.

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I'm hoping for, Ikeme, Coady, Stearman, Hause, Doherty, Saiss. Edwards, Weimann, Ronan, Costa, Bod

Marshall---Batth----Hause------Doherty (bleurgh)




Subs: Burgoyne, Stearman, Coady, Price, Enobakhare, Mason, Dicko
It might be wise to leave Saiss out of this one. Or on the bench.
Not that fussed about the midfield as long as it doesn't include Edwards at 10. Saville and Evans proved on Saturday they can't break down a team who's set up to be compact and play on the break, but I can't see Newcastle playing like that. They mustn't play against Wigan on Tuesday though. I can see the argument both ways for playing Saiss in this game.
I'd like to see Paul Lambert go with three passers of the ball in midfield rather than a support striker behind the lone striker. Players who are comfortable on the ball, get their heads up and look to pick a pass.
"Players who are comfortable on the ball.......look to pick a pass "

Do we have anyone of that description ?? !!
I am definitely on the play-Saiss-bandwagon. From the small bits I saw I thought he looked great. Big man who gets stuck in yet had a cracking touch and could pass really well. I thought we were onto a winner with him in front of the defence. Didn't Lambert say he wasn't ideal for a high pressing game? Hmm not sure about that. Bonus if someone fancies calling him a cous cous wanker and gets in trouble over it.
"Players who are comfortable on the ball.......look to pick a pass "

Do we have anyone of that description ?? !!

Saiss, Ronan, Evans, Price...Basically anyone but Edwards so it ain't happening
Can't see Saiss starting. Not sure why, just don't think PL trusts him and wants to see more of him in training.

My guess would be -


Personally I think we'll see Batth back in at the expense of Hause after shipping a couple of goals to Burton. I'd like to see Iorfa back in at right back instead of Coady but I fully expect the rest of the defence to stay the same. It's been a couple of games since Bright started at 10 so I suspect we'll see him start, although it wouldn't surprise me at all to see PL start with Mason there, or even Edwards again with Saville filling in behind.

I would like to see Weimann and Ronan start with Costa as the three advanced players in behind Jon Dadi. Weimann and Ronan could interchange in the number 10/wide left roles with Costa on the right. I think that would be fluid and really give Newcastle issues when we have the ball - but I just think PL will go with his tried and trusted.
Saiss, Ronan, Evans, Price...Basically anyone but Edwards so it ain't happening
At this stage of his career I dont wish to see Bright starting as a ten, doesn't know when to pass or move and still needs to learn that aspect of his game. While Saville and Mason, just no thankyou.
Unless we set up like we did at Anfield - which isn't sustainable in league games - then we cannot play 4-3-3. We tried it extensively through 2016 under three managers. It was dreadful. The defence doesn't get protected properly and we pose little to no goal threat.

We need a #10 in there to link play. Look at our results since we switched to 4-2-3-1 with Bright/Mason/Ronan in there. We moved away from that at the weekend for some reason and lost while barely having a shot.
Unless we set up like we did at Anfield - which isn't sustainable in league games - then we cannot play 4-3-3. We tried it extensively through 2016 under three managers. It was dreadful. The defence doesn't get protected properly and we pose little to no goal threat.

We need a #10 in there to link play. Look at our results since we switched to 4-2-3-1 with Bright/Mason/Ronan in there. We moved away from that at the weekend for some reason and lost while barely having a shot.

Maybe it's the way I've written it out, but the team I would like to see IS a 4-2-3-1, not 4-3-3.

Ronan/Weimann in at 10, or alternatively both interchanging throughout the game. Costa and Weimann in the wide positions, Jon Dadi up top, Price/Edwards holding.
Maybe it's the way I've written it out, but the team I would like to see IS a 4-2-3-1, not 4-3-3.

Ronan/Weimann in at 10, or alternatively both interchanging throughout the game. Costa and Weimann in the wide positions, Jon Dadi up top, Price/Edwards holding.

Responding more to LK mate who wants us to play "three passers"
Responding more to LK mate who wants us to play "three passers"

Three passers because I would like to get into the opponents final third far more with the ball under control. Creating time on the ball to be able to then feed the ball into Costa and Weimann rather than lump it into the general direction of a lone striker.
Three passers because I would like to get into the opponents final third far more with the ball under control. Creating time on the ball to be able to then feed the ball into Costa and Weimann rather than lump it into the general direction of a lone striker.

In an ideal world then yeah. But what have you seen from this squad in the last 15 months that suggests we are remotely capable of playing that system?

Sad to say I have watched us play that system consistently through that period and it has worked on very, very few occasions. And when we haven't played that system by and large since mid-December, we've played better, scored more goals, won more games.

I haven't got a problem with us playing 3-4-3 if we've got the players to do it. We obviously don't. We don't have the players to play 4-3-3 either.