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New - The things that really annoy you

When my fellow Americans post negativity about the USA on today of all days. Its our Independence Day(Says an ex colonial haha) and really no need for that. Be quiet and let us celebrate it.

When my fellow Americans post negativity about the USA on today of all days. Its our Independence Day(Says an ex colonial haha) and really no need for that. Be quiet and let us celebrate it.

Can I just ask, how come you refer to the day as the 4th of July, yet for every other circumstance you are adamant that the date should be month, day, year? Isn't it ironic (don't ya think) you date your national holiday, with a non American format :)
My wife & daughter went to my daughter's new secondary school last night to discuss a few things ahead of her 'transition days' today and tomorrow. We had to fork out £70 for the PE kit! It's a PE kit not a Premier League football strip FFS.
Can I just ask, how come you refer to the day as the 4th of July, yet for every other circumstance you are adamant that the date should be month, day, year? Isn't it ironic (don't ya think) you date your national holiday, with a non American format :)
Cos they were British on the original 4th of July :)
Octopus 'kin energy, I had built up quite a sizeable amount in credit, so asked for a refund, couldn't process it as there was a billing anomaly from earlier in the year, got billed the two months missing from Feb/March so reduced my refund request, went online this morning and my balance has gone down nearly £400 as they have just charged me for electricity for April May and June, no wonder I was so much in credit :rolleyes:
My wife & daughter went to my daughter's new secondary school last night to discuss a few things ahead of her 'transition days' today and tomorrow. We had to fork out £70 for the PE kit! It's a PE kit not a Premier League football strip FFS.
fucking woke schools and their transition days...
I'm guessing nowadays school P.E. kit is more than white vest, white shorts, white socks, white pumps (navy blue knickers for the girls obvs)😃
It's a Macron, school logo branded kit. I'm not sure exactly what is included, it'll be t-shirt, shorts, trousers and maybe a jacket? It's annoying that you have to have that one and have no choice to buy a cheaper alternative.

The actual daily school uniform is £90 but I can't complain too much about that yet as they give away the Year 7 Uniform for free due to the schools catchment area not being the most affluent (to put it politely!) I'll complain about that one next year when I have to fork out for it!
It's a Macron, school logo branded kit. I'm not sure exactly what is included, it'll be t-shirt, shorts, trousers and maybe a jacket? It's annoying that you have to have that one and have no choice to buy a cheaper alternative.

The actual daily school uniform is £90 but I can't complain too much about that yet as they give away the Year 7 Uniform for free due to the schools catchment area not being the most affluent (to put it politely!) I'll complain about that one next year when I have to fork out for it!
To be serious for a moment, my parents found it tough to pay for my school uniform when I started Grammar school.
As well as the white P.E. kit, I had to have 'games' kit including black shorts, 'house colours' football shirt/socks. Football boots.
Blazer with school badge, school tie. Shirts, jumpers, trousers could all be generic.
Can't remember the prices but it was all outside our usual household budget.
Summat else for me to feel guilty about as I completely wasted my education.
To be serious for a moment, my parents found it tough to pay for my school uniform when I started Grammar school.
As well as the white P.E. kit, I had to have 'games' kit including black shorts, 'house colours' football shirt/socks. Football boots.
Blazer with school badge, school tie. Shirts, jumpers, trousers could all be generic.
Same with mine. Add to that raincoat, cap (ffs), plimsolls (white and black).
To be serious for a moment, my parents found it tough to pay for my school uniform when I started Grammar school.
As well as the white P.E. kit, I had to have 'games' kit including black shorts, 'house colours' football shirt/socks. Football boots.
Blazer with school badge, school tie. Shirts, jumpers, trousers could all be generic.
Can't remember the prices but it was all outside our usual household budget.
Summat else for me to feel guilty about as I completely wasted my education.
I can vividly remember feeling bad because my parents had to shell out a fortune when I went to the big school.

It was a comprehensive, formerly a grammar and you had to have the full PE kit, plus games kit, which was a full rugby kit. You were excluded from taking part if anything wasn’t right, including socks.

The uniform to be bought from an old dear that ran a little shop who was creaming it, it was a fucking racket - no generic trousers and shirt from Asda.

I recall a figure of £70 being spoken about quietly between my mum and dad who were trying to hide that from me. I think that was just for the games/PE bits alone but might be mistaken and could’ve been for everything, and that was in 1977!! I’d be surprised if my old man was earning £70 a week back then.

I recall also kids being humiliated and forced to sit out because they had the wrong socks or doubled up for games and PE with the same shorts. Some of those former grammar schools hated being forced to go comprehensive and had no issue letting some of the pupils know they were not worthy and the teachers were above ‘that’.

I hated the place for all of that back then and still don now.

Sad to read all these years later uniform and cost is still a big issue too.
Without going too 'Four Yorkshiremen', my initial are PRH (middle name Ray ) and never realised why all my clothes had my initials written on the labels when my brothers weren't, then I found out that majority of my clothes were 'rejects' and in the 70's as such they'd write R on the label, my Mom just wrote P and H either side of it, I thought they were monogrammed :(
Without going too 'Four Yorkshiremen', my initial are PRH (middle name Ray ) and never realised why all my clothes had my initials written on the labels when my brothers weren't, then I found out that majority of my clothes were 'rejects' and in the 70's as such they'd write R on the label, my Mom just wrote P and H either side of it, I thought they were monogrammed :(
This is some Santa Claus ass conspiracy shit right here.
Without going too 'Four Yorkshiremen', my initial are PRH (middle name Ray ) and never realised why all my clothes had my initials written on the labels when my brothers weren't, then I found out that majority of my clothes were 'rejects' and in the 70's as such they'd write R on the label, my Mom just wrote P and H either side of it, I thought they were monogrammed :(
tbh kudos to your mom mate. that's a bit of genius right there!
what a clever lady.
Without going too 'Four Yorkshiremen', my initial are PRH (middle name Ray ) and never realised why all my clothes had my initials written on the labels when my brothers weren't, then I found out that majority of my clothes were 'rejects' and in the 70's as such they'd write R on the label, my Mom just wrote P and H either side of it, I thought they were monogrammed :(
Just for the record, you have a great middle name!!! ;)