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Lettuce Liz then Tetchy Rish! and the battle to replace him

I see that today's rhetoric on the strikes is that the government can't afford "inflation busting pay rises".

I'm pretty certain that most strikers would accept an increase that is close to, but below current inflation levels. Not inflation busting and in reality it would be a choice to make themselves slightly poorer rather than much poorer.

Have we any posters on here currently involved in the disputes that would agree?
Indeed, I've seen and heard many people involved, both members and organisers, be pretty clear in that their opening gambit is a negotiating position, and while they obviously won't make their redlines public, there's movement on the percentages that are in the public domain. But these cunts aren't willing to budge by a penny. They'll just keep up with the rhetoric that payrises will cause inflation which will make everybody poorer, and I think eventually public opinion on it will shift as the strikes go on, and people get fatigued by both the inconvenience and the news exposure.
They'll ride it out until April when inflation will have dropped slightly (according to the BoE) and take an average over the year, roughly 6%.

New tax year and good for the budget.

I don't think people realise how much this government doesn't care about them.
I think for a lot of people, it's that they don't especially mind (or realise, as you say) that the government doesn't care about them, as long as there's other people they they care less about. We've got a population that are largely either selfish, gaslit or both
I think they'll settle University lecturers first. A lot of Tory voters paying 9250 pa to not have their kids taught
I have organised over 100 picket lines at schools in the last week or so - I can guarantee that a reasonable offer for last year would have prevented teachers taking strike action....but the government wasn't interested in making an offer when we held an indicative ballot, wasn't interested in making an offer when we held a formal ballot, wasn't interested in making an offer when we notified them of the days of action.

I am beginning to think they might not be interested.
Teachers don't get into it expecting to retire to Monaco at 40 buy they're literally being asked to do the same job for less money. That said, I think most of us would rather schools were properly funded and Ofsted abolished or reformed.
Guaranteed that arseholes like 30p Lee will soon roll out all the lines about "six weeks holiday in the summer" and "knocking off at 3pm every day".

I could be a teacher if I did a PGCE, in subjects where there's a proper shortage too so I might even get a relative premium on pay. Not for all the tea in China.
Gillian Keegan said this morning the schools budget is the highest ever this morning, only to be told by the interviewer it was higher in 2010, wonder what happened in 2010 that started budgets getting cut?
As and when Labour get into power and end this Tory nightmare, I don't expect them to get everything right by a long chalk. I don't have that much faith in them. Hey, if I still lived in South Staffs I'd probably still vote Green, as Gavvy Gav will still win anyway and I'm not that enthused by *that* much of Labour's approach, other than being recognisably grown ups. Obviously I'll vote Labour now just to drum out thicko fake Wolves fan Stuart Sport R Troops Anderson if nothing else.

But the money the Tories have cost us through their awful version of their own shit policy in Brexit, what they squandered on bent or useless deals on PPE and Track & Trace, the amounts of corporate tax they just happily write off...that could pay for all these salary increases in services that are vital to the country (transport, health, education, we cannot do without any of these things) that they apparently "can't afford".

They'd vilify a stereotype of a bloke who spent all his money on booze and fags, then as a result couldn't afford to buy his kids new shoes or turn the heating on. Well, they've done the political equivalent of that.
She is stupid enough to think that folk are going to listen to her. She has no remorse for the chaos she inflicted on the country.
As for Johnson, how many tanks and jets did he send to Ukraine?
Labour will spend most of their term in office trying to sort out the mess left by the tories with a backdrop of the media and Tory party going “ but labour are spending too much” 5 years later the tories get back in on the good with money we won’t waste it like labour have, and off we go again on a race to bottom via corruption and whatever else happens by then
"We won't try to improve things, but we won't actively try to make things worse" - Vote Labour