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Lettuce Liz then Tetchy Rish! and the battle to replace him

It was £220k a month ago, it'll double at least by the time it's finished.

It's not a legal case so he shouldn't need a hot shot lawyer, and if he does need one then the fat cunt can pay for one.

We all know people who are incomprehensibly awful with money but he really does take the biscuit. Why was a serving Prime Minister in need of an £800k loan facility FFS? Obviously he doesn't care how bad that looks or what it opens him up to (he's one of the most venal, amoral people in the public eye ever) but what on earth are you spending it on? It's not clothes, clearly.

Estimated to be at least £100k a year in school fees for all of the children he's meant to have sired. Not essential spending but you can start to see how quite easily it all adds up for the lying bar steward.
Hot Topics of the Day?

Christ in his world that will be

"Should Nanny get days off?"

"Has technology gone too far? As we struggle to adapt to using a typewriter, should we take a step back and trust the use of ink and Quills again"
Hmm? Might suggest it’s the fault of the bunch of cunts in power daily express
Prat Hancock was true to his word and donated part of his jungle fee to charity. £10k from a £320k fee.
What a guy!
According to the i, Thick Liz is planning on her first public intervention since her resignation by making an attempt to influence the forthcoming budget.
FFS, you can’t make this sort of shit up.
That will go well. She has been shown to be economically incompetent. Hunt will eat her for breakfast
Hunt says the government’s plan for growth is “necessitated, energised and made possible” by Brexit, and that the UK needs to “make Brexit a catalyst for bold choices”.

Brexit allows us to “take advantage of the nimbleness and flexibility it makes possible”, he says.

Absolute bollocks. Just soundbites to create an illusion that there are some positives from the decision to leave the EU. If they are there then can Hunt please explain them in more detail and tell us what impact that they have had or will have on the economy?
It allows them to burn all those nasty expensive European workers rights laws
Problem with that is they don't have a majority for what would replace it and there no way it gets through the lords without it.
Hunt just said "I'm proud, that for the first time in ten years, there are shovels in the ground on HS2 under a Conservative government". Erm, who was in charge of it for the previous ten years, you poncey little fucko?
Hunt just said "I'm proud, that for the first time in ten years, there are shovels in the ground on HS2 under a Conservative government". Erm, who was in charge of it for the previous ten years, you poncey little fucko?
You silly little man.

You should know by now, new PM = the stuff before had NOTHING to do with them and is probably down to Corbyn.
Gullis has 'apologised'*

*Seen the fury his comments have caused and said decided to say something 3 days later.
I only vaguely positive I can take out of that us is Sunak albeit belatedly because of optics at least puts his foot down, Johnson wouldn't have done
Sex pest Rob Roberts:

Lots of discussion about pay and conditions with strikes and protests in the public sector. Of nurses needing food banks and of politicians being berated when they dare to point out that in some instances people need to make better budgeting choices.

Of course there are some circumstances that are beyond people’s control. Relationships break down and leave people with children and a single wage coming in and the Child Maintenance Service often not providing much service or assistance at all.

Today, I had a conversation with someone in Mold who earns £23k a year. They told me that they have never used a food bank. Pay their bills, on time every time. Doesn’t have to choose between heating and eating, as the left would have you believe. When it’s cold, they turn on the heating. When they’re hungry, they eat.
Doesn’t have Sky TV (but does have Netflix). Dresses smartly. Drives an 11-year old car. Has a PAYG iPhone SE that cost £40 and never puts any credit on because they use Messenger services on home and work WiFi and that’s available in most retailers and restaurants anyway.

They don’t understand how people can be on the breadline with salaries in excess of £30k other than they might have made different choices on both a long and short term basis.
The person I was speaking to is a great example of how to live to their means. They make decisions that still allows them to go in family holidays each year.

When we lump everyone into the ”xxxx profession are struggling” we never have to confront the real issues. It starts in schools. Financial education. It starts in the home. Role modelling good decision-making and the backbone of civil society - personal responsibility.

But if we can never have the debate without being shouted down and called “uncaring” and people saying “you don’t understand what it’s like”, we’ll never get to the crux of the problem. It’s another one of many examples of how the left try to hold people down and keep them dependant on the State. The debate is important and it’s about time we had it!

Right, let's run with this you cunt.

The average yearly wage in 2010 was just under £26k.

We've had average inflation of 2.6% every year since (obvious much more steep recently, but the Bank of England's own website suggests that £10 of goods in 2010 is likely to cost £13.61 now, so 36% in total). A 36% increase on £26k would be just over £35k. The average salary in 2022 was £33k, so it hasn't kept pace with inflation.

So quite clearly an annual salary of £23k (pre-tax? If so then it's less than £20k net) in 2023 isn't realistically very much to live on is it, Rob. Sure, you might not starve to death. It'd be an absolutely shite life though. You could never do anything. For a start the very lowest council tax band in Mold is £1,220 p/a. Over 5% of your gross annual income gone immediately, just for being alive and not being homeless. You'd never have any savings at all, what if something like your boiler breaks or your 11 year old car decides it's had enough?

Plus if you have a PAYG phone and never top it up, most providers will just cut you off inside a few months. So no WhatsApp, even on someone else's WiFi as you don't have a phone number. And no one wants to live off value noodles and water FFS.
But it was an "honest mistake"... He'll be back in government in a month