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Kenny Jackett; The poll to end all polls (Part Deux)

Kenny Jackett; The poll to end all polls (Part Deux)

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No-one's saying you're not proper fans. Just that most people would still criticise him if he changed it to what we wanted and we were still played shit. Which is true.
He'd get crucified on here if we switched to 4-4-2 and went back to conceding soft goals against Fulham next Tuesday. He'll also get slaughtered on here if we stick with the 4-5-1 and grind out another 1-0 win, being accused of negativity and anti-football.

A lot of people have staked their self-anointed reputations for football expertise on Kenny being a dead man walking, and the hubris involved means that he'll never win some back around. Thankfully, the majority view on here is actually the minority view amongst the fans.

So do you think playing the way we have in the last 3 games is sustainable? Do you think we can sit back as far as we have and rely on other teams not taking chances and hoping we take one of the 2 or 3 we get?
No-one's saying you're not proper fans. Just that most people would still criticise him if he changed it to what we wanted and we were still played shit. Which is true.

Yeah but there's more to football that a manager just putting 11 players out. We have a squad that is capable of playing much better football than we are doing now and still win games, for whatever reason KJ can't seem to get us to do this so would rightly be criticised.
Setting up that way at home in this division is indefensible really, especially against crap like Fulham who have been below us all season. You get away with it away at the likes of Brighton who aren't especially good but are top six and a point would be considered a decent result. Set up that way against bottom six filth at Molineux and he deserves everything coming to him as it's an insult to the fans, a waste of our resources and wholly unnecessary.

Like I said the other day, entertainment is a huge part of football. Otherwise Alex McLeish would still be employed and we'd follow all the games on Ceefax.
No-one's saying you're not proper fans. Just that most people would still criticise him if he changed it to what we wanted and we were still played $#@!. Which is true.

I think you need to read that drivel again Bear.

As DW and Slink have put it, Jackett deserves everything he gets for not getting his side to perform. See Chelsea for the difference a manager can make with exactly the same players.
Kenny's first job was to stop a run of defeats, which he has now done, with 3 wins. I hope now, that we can start playing some decent football.
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Kenny's first job was to stop a run of defeats, which he has done now done with 3 wins. I hope now, that we can start playing some decent football.

What happens if he doesn't? No way is this style sustainable. We're all happy that we are winning and can see why KJ has resorted to these awful to watch tactics but it shouldn't have come to this and i'm not sure he has it in him to get us winning games consistently whether that's playing like this or playing better football as we should.
What happens if he doesn't? No way is this style sustainable. We're all happy that we are winning and can see why KJ has resorted to these awful to watch tactics but it shouldn't have come to this and i'm not sure he has it in him to get us winning games consistently whether that's playing like this or playing better football as we should.

That is just the point I am making. I can understand why he played the tactics he did, we needed results. That does not mean I would be so understanding, if he continued with the same tactics.
What happens if he doesn't? No way is this style sustainable. We're all happy that we are winning and can see why KJ has resorted to these awful to watch tactics but it shouldn't have come to this and i'm not sure he has it in him to get us winning games consistently whether that's playing like this or playing better football as we should.

Personally I'm hoping that the players confidence after recent results will encourage them to take the odd chance, play their one-two's, triangles etc.

The players are definitely capable. The issue is why it isn't happening at the mo. Partly tactics, but quite possible that confidence isn't high at the mo. If some confidence returns, perhaps those very short passages of play that have been fleeting so far will become more frequent?
Yeah. Cos what KJ says publicly is always gospel isn't it? :spaz:
"SPAZ" what's that about?
Anyway you're right he is a lying b@$turd but he is always negative and it'll be more of the same till the ground is f@#?in empty. Happy Clapper!

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Personally I'm hoping that the players confidence after recent results will encourage them to take the odd chance, play their one-two's, triangles etc.

The players are definitely capable. The issue is why it isn't happening at the mo. Partly tactics, but quite possible that confidence isn't high at the mo. If some confidence returns, perhaps those very short passages of play that have been fleeting so far will become more frequent?

There's no chance of them playing anything like decent football if they all remain so deep though, which surely has to be down to instruction rather than players just low on confidence.
Agreed. You don't just suddenly start playing brilliant football when you play the way we have been.

What is scary that there was literally no plan for when we had the ball against Brighton. At least against Charlton and Reading occasionally we tried to break through quick distribution to our wingers largely from Ikeme. Against Brighton there was just ponderous play and then pass it back to Ikeme, wherever you are on the pitch almost.
Agreed. You don't just suddenly start playing brilliant football when you play the way we have been.

What is scary that there was literally no plan for when we had the ball against Brighton. At least against Charlton and Reading occasionally we tried to break through quick distribution to our wingers largely from Ikeme. Against Brighton there was just ponderous play and then pass it back to Ikeme, wherever you are on the pitch almost.

When you cant pass the ball its a bit pointless having passing options. In the current set up Kevin McDonald and Benik Afobe are wasting their time. This type of game is not for them.
We've been bloody lucky in the last three games and that has saved Kenny's bacon (for a while). Inevitably, the 'anti-football' that Kenny sets up to play will reap it's just rewards and we will get hammered. Surely three or four defeats in the next five games (not including the FA Cup) will rightfully see him sacked. This brand of football is awful and it's obvious that he knows no other way.
We've been bloody lucky in the last three games and that has saved Kenny's bacon (for a while). Inevitably, the 'anti-football' that Kenny sets up to play will reap it's just rewards and we will get hammered. Surely three or four defeats in the next five games (not including the FA Cup) will rightfully see him sacked. This brand of football is awful and it's obvious that he knows no other way.

Is that last bit right? Surely we played some decent stuff in his first two seasons. Who knows why he seems to have lost the plot in this one?
He'd get crucified on here if we switched to 4-4-2 and went back to conceding soft goals against Fulham next Tuesday. He'll also get slaughtered on here if we stick with the 4-5-1 and grind out another 1-0 win, being accused of negativity and anti-football.

A lot of people have staked their self-anointed reputations for football expertise on Kenny being a dead man walking, and the hubris involved means that he'll never win some back around. Thankfully, the majority view on here is actually the minority view amongst the fans.

Quite happy if he played a formation of 4-2-3-1 if the middle of the 3 wasn't someone who turned it into a 4-5-1.
Agreed. Some of the 4-2-3-1 football was very entertaining in previous seasons. It has unfortunately gone very drab and dour and we have been pushed back to our own 18-yard line to try and protect a vulnerable back four.

Upcoming fixtures are actually not that bad a run. Do well in them and we might be in the mix for fifth and sixth. I still won't like the style of play very much. The main thing is that the 9 points from 3 fixtures should go a long way toward permanently dispelling any spectre of relegation. With that in mind, and considering the ownership situation, it is extremely unlikely that a change will now be made this season.
We've been bloody lucky in the last three games and that has saved Kenny's bacon (for a while). Inevitably, the 'anti-football' that Kenny sets up to play will reap it's just rewards and we will get hammered. Surely three or four defeats in the next five games (not including the FA Cup) will rightfully see him sacked. This brand of football is awful and it's obvious that he knows no other way.

Spot on, Croxden. All this "Kenny has turned it round" stuff is pure nonsense. Far from 'turning it round' he's been extraordinarily lucky against Reading and Brighton. We could play htose games another 20 times and not win both of them
Short term remit - Get safe at any costs.

Going forward and until the structure changes and we see Moxey and Thelwell replaced we may be better off by improving our current system of play rather than blooding the youngsters to play in a style that the club has tended to promote. There is no evidence of the current set up being able to put what they preach into practice. We cannot pass, move or consistently play fluid attacking football.
I think we've got lucky in that Reading and Brighton were wasteful/poor around our goal.
This isn't sustainable, it's awful. Steve Bull would have struggled to score a dozen goals a season in this formation never mind Afobe.
If we continue with this garbage then they need to cancel the Early Bird as it will be a complete embarrassment.

If you'd have told me 5 years ago that in 2016 I'd be watching Doherty and Edwards play every week I'd have laughed you out of town.

No way will I be renewing my ST if this continues, I've had enough, my two lads will be the same.