I’ve had some good fun with some people on Facebook today. You know the ones….they walked to school in 10 foot snowdrifts, fancy closing the schools today for no reason, snowflakes today can’t even walk etc etc
I just reply back:-
“When I was young, I walked 43 miles home from school through the snow in my bare feet, huddled inside my clothes made out of old sacks.
We didn't have any TV or shoes or bedclothes. We made our own fun in those days.
In the good old days, you could get a tram into town, buy three new suits and an overcoat, four pairs of good boots, go and see George Formby at the Palace Theatre, get blind drunk, have some steak and chips, a bunch of bananas and three stones of monkey nuts and still have change out of a farthing.
We'd lots of things in those days they haven’t got today - rickets, diphtheria, Hitler - and my, we did look well going to school with no backside in our trousers and our heads painted purple because we had ringworm.
They don't know they're born today!!!”
It sends them insane. No sense of humour