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Yeah I saw that. As a tv fan I was a tad surprised as atmosphere always seems flat. However every pundit or reported who has been has commented on the noise. I just think our ground must allow the noise to escape or not translate to broadcast as nearly all the other games I've seen have had more noise it feels like.

It's weird, I watched it on a feed from American TV and the crowd sounded plenty loud. Sky must have kept the crowd noise down on their broadcast.
It's weird, I watched it on a feed from American TV and the crowd sounded plenty loud. Sky must have kept the crowd noise down on their broadcast.

Yep, the crowd noise on ESPN was LOUD. I mentioned it to my Dad during the game, Molineux sounded like a cauldron. Which is great as I felt the atmosphere was very flat last time we were in the PL.
From Linkedin.

2nd Action Level. Molineux must be declared a mandatory hearing protection zone.
Just listened to Spiers and Judah's podcast for the first time. Got a new level of respect for them, their take down of some of the e&s comments was genuinely entertainingly, calling the one person "sub human scum" and if he had an issue with that come and see them at 51-53 Queen Street. It was done in a wittier way than that reads and fair play to them for that. You could argue they shouldn't comment, but they take shit loads of abuse from all across social media, including from a lot of us on here a lot of which is about their style, so I don't have an issue with them having a pop back...Would still rather have a more conventional Wolves journalist cough David Instone cough follow the club, but Timmy is what he is and if people want a pop at what is a more socially lead journalist in a digital age via social media then I don't have an issue on him responding.
It's not the most cerebral of podcasts, but it's always a fairly decent listen and more interesting than any of their written stuff.

The internet warriors are just oddbods.
Judah is alright, I just can’t take to Spiers though. Some of his match reports make me question how long he has been watching football and some of the player ratings he gives are shocking. I don’t know what it is but everything he does just seems either a bit unprofessional and pointless or just badly researched. His job day in day out is a dream job for a lot of people but he makes very sloppy mistakes with it, the other day he had Donovan Wilson on the bench for his Sheff Wed preview. A lot of people on here already knew he was out on Loan, how can he not find that out? I also don’t get on his comms he has to use phrases like “Bonatini has scored a football goal” I know it’s minor but he’s just annoying.
Here's my problem with the podcast, and I tried it when it was new at the start of last season, and again at the start of this season, but found the same issues:

It just isn't about Wolves. You'd be lucky if 30% of the airtime is dedicated to Wolves. Most of it is their silly little in-jokes and 'banter'. Most of which is so banal as to be excruciating. If I wanted a comedy podcast, I'd download one by genuinely funny people. But I want a podcast with insight about Wolves, and it fails to provide that.

I get the impression they are both solid blokes. Probably a laugh to have a beer with. But in the same way as if me and my mates tried to record a funny podcast, it would be shit for most outsiders, Tim and Nathan suffer from the same issues.

Now of course, plenty of other football podcasts try to be light hearted. My two favourites, the Guardian Football Weekly and the Totally Football Show both do. But this is never at the expense of proper analysis and insight. It is a mere by-product of it. When the banter becomes the main focus, you've lost your way.

I remember listening to the Switzerland pre-season podcast. I really wanted to hear about what spirit looked like in the camp, how we'd look liked in the games etc. - stuff that they were in a unique position to talk to having been on the ground. But instead, there was literally 20 minutes of shit chat at the start of the podcast about Nathan putting a fish in Tim's luggage. It was cringe worthy in the extreme.

Rant over.
I think their podcast is a good listen - I do understand why Spiers pisses some people off but I think he's okay, occasional odd player ratings aside. No problems with him having a go at the abuse he's received recently because I do think it's a bit out of order, though I guess that's what happens when you do his job in this day and age.

I suppose different people want different things from a podcast but TBH I just find it entertaining.
I think he takes abuse (which I agree is out of order) pretty well. It's when he gets challenged on a view i don't think he can handle it. This is based on twitter though, I haven't listened to the pod
I don't agree with people who abuse him at all. I just don't think he's a very good journalist and I don't really enjoy any of the stuff he puts out, nothing personal against him.
I think he takes abuse (which I agree is out of order) pretty well. It's when he gets challenged on a view i don't think he can handle it. This is based on twitter though, I haven't listened to the pod

TBF to him I do think that the context can be lost when stuff is written down - I'm sure he knows he's going to get pelters.
On the noise issue, I had to go into wolverhampton centre on saturday just after 12. The noise from the ground was PHENOMENAL. You could almost feel the vibrations through the pavement.
I don't listen to podcasts in general and I'm certainly not bothered about one that's themed around in-jokes by a couple of blokes who seem to be more interested in cultivating a strange little audience on Twitter than actually discussing the matter at hand.

Tim can actually write when he chooses to, maybe he has a brief that says he can't, maybe he finds it easier not to and gets away with it. I would certainly say that his player ratings - whether you agree with the assessments in them or not, and there's no doubt that a few (especially Doherty) are continually skewed by his own feelings towards the individual rather than an objective view of the performance - tend to be desperately thin, an 800 word or so count on those is just strange. I don't know why there is an almost total absence of feature writing, there's so much that could be done.

Opinions are opinions but if you make factual errors (he does) then you will be pulled up on it, and while he doesn't write the headlines (standard newspaper practice), the spin that the paper put on two stories this summer - "Wolves won't be doing much transfer business", "Wolves thinking of leaving Molineux" - was seriously shabby and he's kidding no-one when he tries to defend that.

That said I don't mind him having a go at idiots on Twitter, it can be an absolute cesspool at times, so many frankly stupid people who can't read. I don't just leave it alone when it happens to me and so I don't blame him if he has a pop back either, though he could probably do with a strictly "E&S Wolves" account and a personal one.
I think I was trying to talk to you about this Saturday but was too mangled to do so coherently, but if you didn't get the point (or if I even failed to make it) I just don't see how he gets that job when the writeups you produce are infinitely better and much more accurate. His player ratings are usually always fucking ridiculous, and while some aren't bothered they do shape the way a lot of people who follow Wolves from a distance view the players as it's the only thing they bother reading. My step dad is one of them. The lack of features is probably because he's too busy arsing around putting stupid filters on his face while he's supposed to be announcing team lineups. His double act with Judah is cringeworthy.

If this is what's seen as an acceptable sports journalist these days then it's no wonder paper sales are so low. The bloke's a fucking piss taking cretin.
That Timbo man *hicc* he's sucka, such a wanker
Wolves game then straight to Nottingham for a stag do, 24 hours and no sleep later I felt a little supernatural. Never again...
People on Twitter saying the Spurs game on the 4/11 will be moved back to the Saturday 03/11 but 1945 kick off due to Spurs playing in the CL on the Tuesday.
Nothing confirmed yet tho but highly unlikely spurs will play 48 hours before a cl game.