The BAME rule is about giving people an opportunity, not the job itself. If they do get the job, then they were the best candidate - no question. What organisation, especially in the ultra-competitive world of professional football, would appoint the second or third best candidate??!
It is important because in the current state of affairs, and for a whole mixture of reasons (nepotism, football culture, institutional/latent racism, groupthink...) BAME players - who are such an important segment of the playing staff in the football league - just aren't making it to managerial positions. That, in turn, discourages BAME candidates from even trying to become a coach/manager, or even applying for these jobs, because they know they don't stand much of a chance.
So this is about offering opportunity to current BAME players to say, "yes, you will get an opportunity to be successful as a coach, if that's what you want. Now believe it can happen and go work your arse off!!"
On the other hand, stipulating that BAME candidates must be British is ridiculous :spaz: