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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

Seems Richard Desmond is donating £300k to UKIP. Should the owner of a national newspaper (albeit an AWFUL one) be allowed to publicly and openly finance a political party in that way in the lead up to an election?
No I don't think they should. Surely the Express will be too busy doing cry wolf snowmaggedon* front pages for the next two months to bother with anything political just yet.

*4 days in a row now. Piers Corbyn and Leon Brown couldn't read a weather prediction model if their lives depended on it, but the Express keeps trawling them out EVERY day with utter bollocks. According to Tuesday's paper we should be ALMOST CERTAINLY under a foot of snow today.
The Express have a strict policy on front page rotation, weather/health scares/immigrants/Diana, nothing else.
Todays headline


Small print - that -10 will probably be on the top of the Cairngorms. Temperatures elsewhere will be around 9 degrees.

Fucking does my tits in.
My argument is not with Immigration, but with control over immigration.

Schools where English is not the majority language, School being criticized for being too English, and too White.

Only allow those entering the UK in if

A - They Have a job
B. On the understanding they will not be entitled to any ANY benefits for 5 years
c. They can speak English.

I don't go with all this they am tekking ower jobs shite

Youths are to fucking idlke to do manual jobs now, I would restrict any dole payments to someone who was claiming benefits when jobs were available.

Saw an interview with a strawberry farmer who's labour is entirely foreign, he had majority of English workers at the start of harvesting he lost them all because it was too hard, saw the same with Hop farmers.

The youngsters now are too fucking idle to work.

When I was 21 I had done everything from Brickies Labourer, to Ice Cream man, to collecting trollies.

My Step Son cant be bothered to get out of bed at 23
I would restrict any dole payments to someone who was claiming benefits when jobs were available.

Even if the jobs available are manifestly unsuited to the claimant's abilities or needs?

If graduates or people with years of managerial experience are on the dole and told they must take up shelf stacking jobs or go and work in Amazon's warehouse (where the conditions are appalling, incidentally)....what do the people who would normally take those jobs - those without much experience or formal education do? Wait for the more skilled people to leave when the economy picks up?

When I was on JSA I would have taken a very dim view of anyone telling me "take this job (which suits you in no way and which you are never going to stay in) or we will stop your £70 a week", especially given the NI contributions I'd already put into to the system precisely to protect me (and others) in the event of finding myself without work.

Demonising the unemployed is a disgraceful state of affairs, one this government are happy to encourage. The same as they have encouraged many people to enter very low paid employment so that despite there being record numbers of people in work, income tax receipts are still miles under forecast as millions of people earn next to nothing.
Even if the jobs available are manifestly unsuited to the claimant's abilities or needs?

If graduates or people with years of managerial experience are on the dole and told they must take up shelf stacking jobs or go and work in Amazon's warehouse (where the conditions are appalling, incidentally)....what do the people who would normally take those jobs - those without much experience or formal education do? Wait for the more skilled people to leave when the economy picks up?

When I was on JSA I would have taken a very dim view of anyone telling me "take this job (which suits you in no way and which you are never going to stay in) or we will stop your £70 a week", especially given the NI contributions I'd already put into to the system precisely to protect me (and others) in the event of finding myself without work.

Demonising the unemployed is a disgraceful state of affairs, one this government are happy to encourage. The same as they have encouraged many people to enter very low paid employment so that despite there being record numbers of people in work, income tax receipts are still miles under forecast as millions of people earn next to nothing.

DW I did when I was on JSA, I had 20 years experience in IT, I went for a shelf stackers job, I ended up doing 90 hours a week as a taxi driver, because I refused to accept welfare
That's your personal choice really, isn't it? Personally given my own health issues it'd be actively detrimental to me to take a job I know I'd be rubbish at, know I'd hate and end up leaving fairly quickly. Employment for employment's sake is not the answer.

I don't think many people actively make a lifestyle choice to not bother working at all costs and instead exist off less than £3,500 a year. As ever there's isolated anecdotal evidence thrown around whenever the subject comes up but little by way of facts and figures. Extensive research has shown that it's a myth.

If someone has paid years and years of National Insurance contributions, why should they be denied the right to find employment of their own choice and be given a miniscule amount of financial support by the state in the meantime? Isn't that partly why we pay into the system, so there is a safety net for us? I'd rather have that safety net for the many genuinely deserving and needy rather than skew it so it punishes everyone in the hope that we catch out the tiny minority who do play the system for what it is.
DW I have done so many jobs I hated, I have worked at so many places I hated, Employment is for employments sake Why should you pay for someone to sit on their arse because they cant get a job they want?

I want to not work, god I would love to not work, but I like my Golf, Holidays, nights out etc
Why should you pay for someone to sit on their arse because they cant get a job they want?

Because given the right support they'll find a job more appropriate to them and contribute more to society as a result.

I don't think a race to the bottom where everyone scraps over menial jobs is the answer. By the way the welfare bill is not high because of JSA claims, but because of tax credits claimed where employers don't pay people enough to live on. In the world you're proposing everyone should be grateful to pick up a pittance and the government pays the rest of the tab - leaving everyone worse off in every sense (except the companies making the profits assuaged by ultra low labour costs).

I'll ask again - why do we pay National Insurance if claiming unemployment benefit is unacceptable?
Also if we accept for a second your argument to 'restrict dole payments to claimants when jobs are available'...presumably to make this work you'd have to make sure that every single claimant was continually made aware of every single vacancy within a 20 (?) mile radius, then make sure they'd applied properly for them all, then follow up on what happened, then discuss why they didn't get the job, then you'd have to make an arbitrary decision on whether they could still pick up their £70 this week. Don't you think the costs involved in that process might outweigh the possible savings we'd make by bouncing these 'scroungers' into employment? Which as I've said is often state subsidised in effect anyway due to low pay. And which for many would be fundamentally unsuitable employment so the whole cycle would begin again mere weeks after the problem had been 'solved'. Do you think employers will welcome these increased number of frivolous applications, where people are applying for jobs they neither want nor can do? Or having to continually re-recruit for the same job as people keep leaving?

We live in one of the richest economies in the world where 350,000 households had to resort to the use of food banks this year. Often due to benefit sanctions. And you want to INCREASE the number of sanctions?

Sorry, that isn't a society I want to be a part of.
I just watched last night's Question Time on iPlayer. What a complete irritant Russell Brand is. Still blaming all of society's ills on people who work in finance.
When everyone knows it the damn immigrants.

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Farage actually blamed traffic on the M4 on immigrants this week. Beyond parody.