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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

I'm a bit sick of people telling me what I should and shouldn't believe and the hysterical stereotypes of anyone who dares lean slightly to the left. I believe in equality, I believe that the poorest in our society should be helped out of there rather than chastised and locked away there for life.

This is what I believe and it annoys me how this underclass has emerged, been paid off and forgotten about. I believe in equal opportunity, I hate labels and stereotypes and detest how in my perception the Politicians tend to serve Corporations rather than us. It is a globalised, capitalistic mess where our only purpose is to consume, consume and then consume. It is imperative that people are valued and that the vulnerable in society are cared for. The enemy is not ourselves it is the system that allows 1% to hold all the cards.
I grew up in an environment bred by Thatcher where my father was led to believe that personal advancement came before anything else. Broadly working class but with a clear aspiration to middle class. By the time I was old enough to know any better, lo and behold, we were middle class. Despite my Dad growing up on a dirt poor shite estate. I went to grammar school, I went to one of the best universities in the country. I don't see how background has anything to do with one's political beliefs. I don't need to hand my socialist cards in at the door because of what my parents chose to do. Not that I am particularly socialist these days, I believe in social justice more than any economic dogma.

I'm a bit sick of people telling me what I should and shouldn't believe and the hysterical stereotypes of anyone who dares lean slightly to the left. I believe in equality, I believe that the poorest in our society should be helped out of there rather than chastised and locked away there for life. Iain Duncan Smith has a fucking hell of a lot to answer for, he is one politician who truly does have blood on his hands.

Sorry for the rant, but I'm not fond of being constantly portrayed as some granola eating Richard Littlejohn concoction when actually, I don't think what I believe is that extreme.
Excellent words.

My parents & I suppose I was affected by thatcherism in a similar way.
Consumerism & striving for middle class ness was key. My parents moved from willenhall to wolverhampton to ensure any children they had would be better educated, & would speak properly(!) Some of the views they express are resoundingly thatcherite in some ways - not necessarily because of their core beliefs, but it is more a product of their nuturing I suspect.

As I grew, I remember talking with my grandad about politics. This was in the 80's, & he said then that labour "had stopped representing the workin' mon". He'd moved towards the liberals, but wasn't sure about them either.

I do agree very strongly with your perspective on social justice. I believe strongly in social justice - it is something very important to me, & I feel I identify closely with others who believe in similar issues.
When the next election comes around, I'll be 34, and voting for the first time in my life. I've hitherto been incredibly apathetic about politics, what the parties stand for, and what their manifestos mean - the upshot being that I didn't feel it appropriate to vote blindly, given my lack of knowledge. If Farage has done nothing else, it's highlighted to me how dangerous that apathy was, and motivated me to research the idealogies, values and ethic of Lab, Con. Lib Dem, Green and UKIP with a view to voting come next May.
When the next election comes around, I'll be 34, and voting for the first time in my life. I've hitherto been incredibly apathetic about politics, what the parties stand for, and what their manifestos mean - the upshot being that I didn't feel it appropriate to vote blindly, given my lack of knowledge. If Farage has done nothing else, it's highlighted to me how dangerous that apathy was, and motivated me to research the idealogies, values and ethic of Lab, Con. Lib Dem, Green and UKIP with a view to voting come next May.

I've tried but I can't see much difference between the big two. All I see is higher tax and more cuts.
Excellent words.

My parents & I suppose I was affected by thatcherism in a similar way.
Consumerism & striving for middle class ness was key. My parents moved from willenhall to wolverhampton to ensure any children they had would be better educated, & would speak properly(!) Some of the views they express are resoundingly thatcherite in some ways - not necessarily because of their core beliefs, but it is more a product of their nuturing I suspect.

As I grew, I remember talking with my grandad about politics. This was in the 80's, & he said then that labour "had stopped representing the workin' mon". He'd moved towards the liberals, but wasn't sure about them either.

I do agree very strongly with your perspective on social justice. I believe strongly in social justice - it is something very important to me, & I feel I identify closely with others who believe in similar issues.

My dad was similar. Came from a rough part of Willenhall, did OK for himself and moved to Penn. Was a Tory as he felt that if he could improve his lot through hard work then then so could anyone else. Typical of a lot of working class baby boomers I think - my in laws are much the same. The irony is that the baby boomers profited from the left of centre politics of the post war consensus which led to a rapid increase in living standards and social mobility the likes of which we'd never seen.
The Nazis had Wagner. UKIP have Mike Read putting on a racist cod-Jamaican accent. Fascism isn't what it used to be.

Courtesy of twitter
I think the issue the NAO are putting forward is more a case that the government are not doing what they say they're doing in their soundbites.

They suggest they're tough on crime & instantly deport all the nasty foreigners. Sadly, their own austerity has put paid to that, amongst many of their other "promises".

Manchester Gaurdian in anti-UKIP shock. The headline is very inflammatory - it's not the "far-right, racist, Holocaust denier" that Farage is dealing with, only an MEP in his party. It's a bit like branding all Tories Nazis because Aidan Burley decided to have a Nazi-themed stag do or branding all Labour Party members racists because of Diane Abbott.
I know, how dare they report the news.

It's not like calling Tories Nazis at all. That's possibly one of the most facile analogies I've ever seen.
I think the issue the NAO are putting forward is more a case that the government are not doing what they say they're doing in their soundbites.

They suggest they're tough on crime & instantly deport all the nasty foreigners. Sadly, their own austerity has put paid to that, amongst many of their other "promises".

Exactly, in a nutshell, why people are turning to UKIP.
I know, how dare they report the news.

It's not like calling Tories Nazis at all. That's possibly one of the most facile analogies I've ever seen.

It's like calling me a leftist because I once had a conversation on the phone with a Labour canvasser. It's nonsense from a news organ whose sole purpose is to spout nonsense.
Sure, he's not racist, he just happens to be an elected member of a party whose leader is a racist. Ok then.
Manchester Gaurdian in anti-UKIP shock. The headline is very inflammatory - it's not the "far-right, racist, Holocaust denier" that Farage is dealing with, only an MEP in his party. It's a bit like branding all Tories Nazis because Aidan Burley decided to have a Nazi-themed stag do or branding all Labour Party members racists because of Diane Abbott.

Would that be the MEP who likes a joke about beating wives to keep them in their place? Just a joke says Nige. And anyway, he doesn't want him in his group because he agrees with his opinions, more so that he can secure 1 million euros of funding from the institution he wants to leave. Um...
It's like calling me a leftist because I once had a conversation on the phone with a Labour canvasser. It's nonsense from a news organ whose sole purpose is to spout nonsense.

Yeah, if only poor Ukip had more sympathetic media coverage.