It is a bloody difficult one. My views on Farage and his party, and those of their policies that are currently known, are clearly documented here. So there is no way I can possibly consider a vote for that party.
Voting labour is total political anathema to me. Sorry, I respect them as a party and always have, but I just don't believe in those values that the party has so I can't vote for that.
Liberal Party - same as for labour except without the respect bit these days. Clegg sold the party's soul to get into bed with the Conservatives, and purely for the reason of a little bit of power that was always going to be fleeting and at the same time massively damaging for the party in the eyes of their core support. That sort of political betrayal isn't worthy of respect, or indeed votes.
I might look at the Green Party manifesto with interest. I doubt I will find a lot I agree with in there, but my impression is that it will have policies written with great integrity.
So that leaves me with two realistic choices. Vote Conservative as I always have, or spoil my ballot paper.
Not really sure which route I will take at the moment.