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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

you could comment on Lemon's post earlier about your candidates comments, but then again that would be answering a direct question , and neither you nor Nige seem able to do that.

Well, I just answered a direct question from TSB and went into some detail so I dont really understand your accusation ?

As for Lemon's post, some of the one's highlighted I completely disagree with and have no place in the discussion. But as Papper said, those sort of idiots are not exclusive to UKIP. Some have said that these morons are disproportionately high in UKIP.

You could argue that the media are digging deep and searching hard for any story to try and bury UKIP. What would happen if they worked that hard to seek out the same sort of people in the other parties. Are you telling me they would not find just as many if not much more ?

Maybe it just doesn't suit their agenda at the moment ? Wait until the run up to the next General Election. I suspect we may see more of it then ?
They aren't having to dig though are they, one of the culprits was a major UKIP mouthpiece a week ago.

Farage runs his party in such a tinpot way that it's bound to attract the dregs. He'd be better off standing as an Independent.
They aren't having to dig though are they, one of the culprits was a major UKIP mouthpiece a week ago.

Farage runs his party in such a tinpot way that it's bound to attract the dregs. He'd be better off standing as an Independent.

It doesn't seem to be affecting their support though DW ? Is it perhaps just people's chance to say NO to the others, just as much as it is to say YES to UKIP. I don't think I have ever known a time where Politicians have been more despised and yet so faceless ? Years ago their names rolled off the tongue from all parties. Not so now. More disaffected people than ever have also contributed to lower by-election, council election and EU election turnouts ? This also suits UKIP.
Well, I just answered a direct question from TSB and went into some detail so I dont really understand your accusation ?

You answered my direct quote not TSB.

FWIW I've not said we need to leave the EU. We do however need to renegotiate our terms and for that matter the whole structure of the EU. Paddy summer it up correctly for me.

And why do you think Europhile's and business people are lying but good ol' Nige is telling the truth? Are you picking and choosing your liars? Based on what exactly?

You still haven't answered the question about trade, other than using other peoples trade agreements, which is not the same thing at all. So, again, why do you think we will be better off if we leave the EU?
Now THAT is a valid point. Trouble is "a chance to say NO" is the dictionary definition of a protest vote.
Go on then.

I already did if you read back.

Labour institutionally racist?






Ah, back to form you avoid the question then try turning it round.
You've already been given that theyre against gay marriage - answer that one first eh?

It's up to the church isn't it and those that are religious are entitled to not agree with homosexuality. It's the church that is bigoted. It's quite rightly lawful for a same sex couple to get married but Politicians can't tell the church what to do. UKIP fully support same sex marriage but whether in a church/synagogue/mosque is a contentious issue ( for all parties ). Do you think same sex couples should be allowed to get married in a church, synagogue or mosque and are Jews and Muslims homophobic?




I won't repeat the questions I asked in the previous post because there is no chance you'll be able to answer them.
Well, I just answered a direct question from TSB and went into some detail so I dont really understand your accusation ?

As for Lemon's post, some of the one's highlighted I completely disagree with and have no place in the discussion. But as Papper said, those sort of idiots are not exclusive to UKIP. Some have said that these morons are disproportionately high in UKIP.

You could argue that the media are digging deep and searching hard for any story to try and bury UKIP. What would happen if they worked that hard to seek out the same sort of people in the other parties. Are you telling me they would not find just as many if not much more ?

Maybe it just doesn't suit their agenda at the moment ? Wait until the run up to the next General Election. I suspect we may see more of it then ?

THEY are your candidates for election, or senior figures in UKIP FFS!!!

Jeez man, this thread started back in January, and you are waving your balls around because you finally answered a direct question, even if you read it so well you replied to the wrong post?

THEY are your candidates for election, or senior figures in UKIP FFS!!!

You are full of shit, you use what you like to read to make your racist points, and ignore 99% of the factual direct (well supported by facts) questions politely put to you by a group of very sensible and politically aware posters.

It might wash in UKIP HQ with all the other BNP converts, but it's bollocks on here, and if you weren't so in love with seeing yourself, in print, you'd realise that. I'd love to hear you make a serious point on behalf of UKIP backed up with real facts, but i can't see how anyone alive on earth today (including new borns) will live that long.

Utter tripe and bollocks from January to now, and no sign of change.
Pav - that is pretty over the top. Debate the position but don't attack the poster
Pav - that is pretty over the top. Debate the position but don't attack the poster

Bugger this is my third attempt at replying to this post Paddy, it just won't compute!
Debate the position? you say. There are far more intelligent people than me on this forum attempting to debate the position, and Ktec will not asnswer a direct question, and hasn't since january.
Actually i have been calling him a racist since january and have seen nothing to change my opinion on that, and trust me i do not suffer racists gladly.

I would love this to be an oxford style debate, but let's get some facts straight! it is only recently since a decent poll result that the new KTEC mild mannered version has appeared. He has still failed to answer one direct question. (oops until today and he got the poster wrong), and is using this thread as a propoganda platform for a party that is, if their candidates on social media are to be believed, the new BNP.

Ask him to debate properly, ask him to answer the many sensible questions he has been asked, and then ask me to debate Oxford Union style, I am happy to do this , but be fair, I need an opponent to join in.

In answer to your next question, no i haven't, i got in from work, made a cup of tea and then read the latest UKIP propoganda on here and replied in anger.

As i said, i called him a racist when this thread started in January, i have seen nothing so far to change that opinion, other than to add "blinkered, one eyed philistine", to the racist epiphet.
We got a UKIP leaflet through the door today. It enabled me to teach my 2 year old daughter to say 'poo poo head' every time I showed her Farage's picture on the front. Not the most mature bit of parenting I've ever done :icon_lol:
We got a UKIP leaflet through the door today. It enabled me to teach my 2 year old daughter to say 'poo poo head' every time I showed her Farage's picture on the front. Not the most mature bit of parenting I've ever done :icon_lol:

Now this may be scurrilous hearsay, but two of my close family work for royal mail and apparently every postie is getting 31p per leaflet delivered, as otherwise UKIP thought they wouldn't be trusted to delivery them.
Pav, I will not be replying to your disgusting personal attacks and you are now on my "IGNORE LIST".

1 nil to the irishman
one nil to the immigrant
one nil to the europhile
one nil to the grown up world

ah i can't be arsed to write anymore, but does that mean you still won't be answering a question this year.
Farage to try and become an MP in a by election caused by the forced resignation of a person abusing his position? You couldnt make it up if he was to become an MP in a constituency thats an anagram of him.
Just heard this on BBC News Channel, 'The Papers'. This is what Ian Birrell said , the Contributing Editor of the Daily Mail, who ironically have been putting out one negative story after another on UKIP over the last few months, just like The Guardian, but to no avail.

".....This By-Election will just extend the UKIP story. They are dominating British Politics. They are poised to win the European Elections ahead of Labour and they are ten points ahead of the Tories. Mainstream Politicians do not know how to deal with this 'Phenomenon', despite the fact that they have no policies on their Manifesto, they are led by a Public School Educated guy on a very healthy salary and expenses via Brussels. A lot of their candidates seem to be rather 'dubious' but despite this they still get loads of exposure and the oxygen of publicity is helping them all the time and the politicians just do not know what to do with them or how to handle them. The will win the European Elections and then, even if they don't win the by-election (where Farage will be hoping to overturn a Tory majority of 16,000), it won't matter because UKIP will still dominate the by-election. Some are predicting that they may not do as well in the General Election, but I think they will get between 10-15% of the vote because of the mood of the country....."

In many ways this is typified on this thread. Reading the exchanges between Papper who was trying to get some points across with Lemon Jelly, Johnny 75 and The Saturday Boy, and reading their replies plus the comments other like-minded posters, it is very clear from the way they are commenting now, that they are becoming increasingly agitated by the continuous surge in support for UKIP and, with the above in mind, they just cannot understand why they are so popular. Papper was calmly giving his point of view and backing it up with facts and asking questions of their criticism of UKIP, while they just seemed to get more aggressive and agitated. Is that because they too are struggling to understand why UKIP are so popular and because it is a party that they despise, they gradually find it very difficult to argue, without making it personal ? Even Sniffer Grouse has fallen into this same trap with his last post. If I were them I think I would also be exasperated ! In addition to that, they have then fallen into the other trap of doing what the 'news' papers are doing, posting links on the latest UKIP member to have made controversial opinions. In reply, its tempting to just post a link back, of the latest YouGov Poll. What must be so annoying for them is that the negative media attention is not 'sticking' because it is not affecting their popularity, so how do you fight that ??

When this thread was started in January, did any of the UKIP haters really think that we would be entering May with UKIP looking set to wipe the floor with Lab/Con/Dems ?
For the media to select a few dubious characters in the party, it ignores the fact that there are thousands and thousands of decent people out there who will be voting for UKIP because, not only are they are not happy with our membership of the European Union, but also, they do not trust the main political parties, and they do not like to be manipulated by the media and the political classes and voting for UKIP is probably the best way to give them a massive bloody nose.