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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

UKIP can't allow a discussion on policy because who would really vote for an end to maternity pay, the end of paid sick leave, the end of minimum annual leave, the non-stealth end of the NHS, an end to minimum wage?

I'd love for UKIP's voting record in the European parliament to be discussed, we'd probably see a substantial fall in popularity.

I agree - the sums don't add up. These policies need to be debated - although I don't see the NHS lasting under any party.
I refer you to Lemonjelly's post 1031, and point out that you again fail to respond to accurate quotes.

UKIP's policies are transparent enough, you mr KTEC are , on that basis invisible, and just full to the brim with bull$#@! and racist waffle.

Just for once, reply directly to as post with an answer to that post, can you???? no didn't think so

And you are selective, bigoted and biased. You are an example of what Labour had to apologise for. I am not a racist and do not take kindly to what you just said - you go on my ignore list.
Do you think UKIP attracts racists, sexists and homophobes and if so why?

Do you believe UKIP attracts more sexist, racist and homophobic representatives than the other parties and if so why?

They do attract these types, that is not up for debate and it looks like it is more prevalent in UKIP than it is with other parties. When their supporters use phrases like 'white flight' and all the others LJ listed then the party is going to be seen as racist and so will attract more racist, homophobic, sexist types. If UKIP denounced such behaviour and had any policies that specifically prohibited such opinions within its party membership then that deterrent is there. As it is they don't, and more so, if they did they'd have even less voters as those simpletons would slump off back to the EDL/ BNP or other small minded, bigoted, neanderthal bog holes.
And you are selective, bigoted and biased. You are an example of what Labour had to apologise for. I am not a racist and do not take kindly to what you just said - you go on my ignore list.

He's not having a pop at you Papper. Just KTEC has caught his ire.
They do attract these types, that is not up for debate and it looks like it is more prevalent in UKIP than it is with other parties. When their supporters use phrases like 'white flight' and all the others LJ listed then the party is going to be seen as racist and so will attract more racist, homophobic, sexist types. If UKIP denounced such behaviour and had any policies that specifically prohibited such opinions within its party membership then that deterrent is there. As it is they don't, and more so, if they did they'd have even less voters as those simpletons would slump off back to the EDL/ BNP or other small minded, bigoted, neanderthal bog holes.

Okay, so any party that is willing to cease mass immigration is racist it appears. None of the terminology used is racist and punishable by law. White flight can be seen as racist if it supports an agenda - when in fact it's not racist terminology at all. As I said you cannot debate immigration without it turning into racist accusations and point scoring amongst the parties.

My last word on the subject. It's a pointless discussion.
And you are selective, bigoted and biased. You are an example of what Labour had to apologise for. I am not a racist and do not take kindly to what you just said - you go on my ignore list.

and you Papper are incapable of reading.

I refer you to Lemonjelly's post 1031, and point out that you again fail to respond to accurate quotes.

UKIP's policies are transparent enough, you mr KTEC are , on that basis invisible, and just full to the brim with bullshit and racist waffle.

Just for once, reply directly to as post with an answer to that post, can you???? no didn't think so

My post was directed solely at KTEC as i thought i made clear. The man totally fails to answer any post or quote that doesn't suit his agenda.

Me Selective, yes, I accept a multicultural society and refuse to blame all the ills of that society on immigrants.
Bigoted? against out and out racist, facist, xenophobes, yep that's me
Biased, against one eyed racist diatribe,purely designed to incite the masses, you betcha!

I believe KTEC given the opportunity would have all non white 100% english people, british citzens or not, currently residing in the UK, stuffed in cross channels ferries by lunch tommorow, and sailed off into the bright blue yonder.

At least you ask questions and debate issues.

I remember History, I know what my family here in Greece suffered at the hands of the Nazi's, and if by being selective, bigoted and biased I can stop that ever happening again, make me the T shirt.
Failing that, I will take to the streets, as I have already done this year, right here in my village when we were invaded by those nice chaps (thugs) from Golden Dawn.

BNP, UKIP, EDL, all all the same, condone their rhetoric for one minute and pay for the consequences. There's a lot wrong with Europe, and from where i sit, the immigration policy is so far down the list, it's under water.

By the way i have never voted Labour in my life, though what that has to do with anything baffles me.

My stance is against any party that uses tough economic times to bullshit and herd the supposedly downtrodden masses, without offering one shred of an alternatve to the policies currently being followed.
It's paper thin Jingoism at it's finest, but that doesn't make it any less dangerous, or abhorrent.

I refer you sir to Lemmonjelly's post earlier, and ask you what are UKIP really doing about the quotes given there by their candidates and officials. A blank post will suffice as an answer to that question.
and you Papper are incapable of reading..

Excuse me, your reply was not quoted against KTEC and immediately followed my reply to LJ.

Read through this and ingest it - then you might understand why people are voting UKIP. That is my whole point and one that is completely ignored and one that has been sidetracked with the mention of racism, sexism and homophobia. Now we even have mention of the Nazis.

Okay, so any party that is willing to cease mass immigration is racist it appears. None of the terminology used is racist and punishable by law. White flight can be seen as racist if it supports an agenda - when in fact it's not racist terminology at all. As I said you cannot debate immigration without it turning into racist accusations and point scoring amongst the parties.

My last word on the subject. It's a pointless discussion.

UKIP could've quite easily said that they are against mass immigration in their policy statements AND mentioned equality for any race/ creed/ religion. As it is UKIP has said only the first point. If UKIP had stressed the latter points they may not be seen as racist. As it is their members and elected officials are making racist, homophobic, sexist remarks and making the party look about as equal as Kobiashi and Karen Carpenter in a hot dog eating contest.
Excuse me, your reply was not quoted against KTEC and immediately followed my reply to LJ.

Read through this and ingest it - then you might understand why people are voting UKIP. That is my whole point and one that is completely ignored and one that has been sidetracked with the mention of racism, sexism and homophobia. Now we even have mention of the Nazis.


mmmm Nazi's, well, it seems to me that a lesson from recent history reminds us, that the nice Mr Hitler started in exactly the same way as UKIP.
As for my post following your post, well i just arrived home from work and read the thread, so sorry to be late, however i thought by adding his name in my post, it was one hell of a giveaway who i was talking to.

Papper you have to accept that while canditates and employees of UKIP are on social media quoting the racist comments as detailed by Lemon, and Fargage is doing sweet FA about, then it's no great leap to see that these are the true (if undercover) policies and beliefs of UKIP.
I can react to them,and will at every opportunity, but it needs Farage to do so, and clearly state exactly what are his parties views, although as you yourself have already said, so far that idea just doesn't add up.
mmmm Nazi's, well, it seems to me that a lesson from recent history reminds us, that the nice Mr Hitler started in exactly the same way as UKIP.
As for my post following your post, well i just arrived home from work and read the thread, so sorry to be late, however i thought by adding his name in my post, it was one hell of a giveaway who i was talking to.

Papper you have to accept that while canditates and employees of UKIP are on social media quoting the racist comments as detailed by Lemon, and Fargage is doing sweet FA about, then it's no great leap to see that these are the true (if undercover) policies and beliefs of UKIP.
I can react to them,and will at every opportunity, but it needs Farage to do so, and clearly state exactly what are his parties views, although as you yourself have already said, so far that idea just doesn't add up.

So now UKIP are the embryonic stage of the Fourth Reich as well as having the monopoly (or is it disproportionate) on racist, sexist and homophobic representatives.
You're not humouring me at all - you are boring me !

I could and did list similar links that highlight racist, homophobic and sexist remarks amongst the other parties. That was entirely my point and you are reinforcing it.
Go on then.

I will ask you - what are the racist, sexist and homophobic polices of UKIP?

Do you think UKIP attracts racists, sexists and homophobes and if so why?

Do you believe UKIP attracts more sexist, racist and homophobic representatives than the other parties and if so why?
Ah, back to form you avoid the question then try turning it round.
You've already been given that theyre against gay marriage - answer that one first eh?
'The People's Army' hahahahahahahahahahaha

As for not engaging you in debate; people tried and you spouted voting numbers at them and continued your diatribe on the evils of immigration and EU laws.

There is a debate to be had on EU membership but you don't want that, you just want to discuss immigration (controlled or not). So for the umpteenth time, can you tell us why we should come out of Europe other than to control our own borders?

What do I have to do or say to make it any clearer ? On the two debates between Farage and Clegg, I agreed with everything that Farage said. When a Europhile or Business Leader tells us that pulling out of the EU will mean the loss of millions of jobs and that companies from all over the world will turn away from trading with the UK, how do we know that's true ? How do we know that it's not just a scare tactic ?
Is it not the case that some European countries seem to manage perfectly well outside of the EU with their own personal trade agreements with other Countries (i.e. Iceland and China ?) I don't recall China telling Iceland that they had to join the EU otherwise they would not be trading with them ?

The EU seems like another old boys network of people in power that cannot be voted out. Who elected them ? Does anyone on here know any of their names ? Who are they ?? Why should they be allowed to dictate to a UK Government what we can and cannot do ? In 1975 we voted to be part of 'The Common Market'. My understanding of that was to take away all of the Red Tape and Bureaucracy to enable all EEC members to trade freely. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. But, we did NOT vote to be a part of what we have now. Any decisions and policy introduction since then has been forced upon us whether we want it or not. That is not a democracy. It's virtually an Autocracy.

The Tories say that they want to stay in the EU and get a 'better deal' for the UK. Do we really expect the other countries like France to go out of their way to change the rules so that we can chop and change the conditions of our membership and cherry pick the things we like and kick out the things we don't like ?
Also, does anyone know how much it costs us on a daily basis to be a part of this Big Club ?

I had a Labour Party Council Election leaflet through my door today. One of the points raised said, and I quote directly.... "We now have 900,000 unemployed young people, because there are no jobs for them to do" Well, you know what I am going to say to that, so I won't bother going over that old ground again.

Now I know it's feasible that you may go through all of that and rip it to pieces and tell me why you think it's all wrong and why it's vital that we stay in the EU ? But, have you yourself not said that we should leave the EU ? (albeit not because of anything that UKIP stand for), so even though you may think my reasons for wanting to leave the EU may be economically flawed, I would be interested to know why you think we should leave the EU ?
you could comment on Lemon's post earlier about your candidates comments, but then again that would be answering a direct question , and neither you nor Nige seem able to do that.
One thing about the trade point, and it does pretty much relate to the "common market" point you make. Yes, we signed up to the Common Market as was then, which was a free trade organisation between the signatory countries. What this means now for ME as a consumer is that if I buy goods directly from a source outside the EU (say the US, Japan, or China, which are the most common countries I personally buy from) then I am liable for import duties on products that aren't zero VAT rated (like say books). For me, as a consumer, it is a bloody irritant. For a company importing a lot of components for stuff they need for their business it is a massive financial burden.

If we are out of the EU then some of our biggest markets are then going to be subject to those duties. You are talking about putting maybe 20% on the costs to our companies that import from France, Germany, Ireland, etc etc. That is a massive margin dent.
Yup. The EU already slaps a 10% tarriff on all imported cars. So every UK produced car suddenly gets 10% more expensive in the EU. I wonder what effect that would have on companies deciding where to base their plants?