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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

But what is the point in inviting him to a debate when he won't contribute anything, by his own personal policy of not commenting on policy? What is he meant to be quizzed on, how can he reasonably challenge the other two leaders when putting forward no solutions of his own?

I agree that if UKIP have sufficient support AND are willing to debate policy then there is perhaps merit in inviting him. At present there is none. Imagine you were interviewing four prospective managers for your football club, and one of them said that he had no intention of revealing what kind of football he'd play, or what kind of vision he'd have, or what his transfer policy would be. However he would be prepared to carp at the other three when they were asked those very questions. Would you give him the time of day?

Because he is the leader of a major political party in this country. Let him prove himself I say.
Sure. As soon as he comes up with some policies and is willing to debate the merits of them. Should be some time in about 2031.
Aaaaaaghhhhhh! There's a candidate for Ukips living in my street!
Yes, it's clearly unreasonable of me to expect those put on the same platform as the leaders of our major political parties to have more than one semi-coherent idea. Or be willing to discuss anything at all relating to domestic or economic policy.

I hear that Michael McIntyre is really popular with the public - get him along as well.
Yes, it's clearly unreasonable of me to expect those put on the same platform as the leaders of our major political parties to have more than one semi-coherent idea. Or be willing to discuss anything at all relating to domestic or economic policy.

I hear that Michael McIntyre is really popular with the public - get him along as well.


I'm interested as to whether their sums add up.

I don't think there is a manifesto for the next election from any party.
Valid question? What have they done that is racist?
It has been pointed out to you repeatedly. Perhaps you got "sidetracked"?

I'll humour you, but in reality I think you're being deliberately obtuse.

In one statement, a candidate standing in next month’s local council elections suggested on Twitter that the comedian, Lenny Henry should leave Britain to live in a “black country”. According to his Twitter account, the Ukip candidate said: “He should emigrate to a black country. He does not have to live with whites.”
The party was forced to suspend one of the stars of its European election broadcast when it emerged he had published a series of racist remarks on Twitter.
A Ukip candidate in Camden, Magnus Nielsen, claimed that 70 per cent of mosques in the UK have been “taken over” by “fundamentalists”.
According to his Facebook page, he said: “Islam is organised crime under religious camouflage. Any Muslim who is not involved in organised crime is not a ‘true believer’, practising Islam as Mohammed commanded."
Mr Lampitt, who is a Ukip council candidate, posted a series of racist messages on Twitter, saying Islam is “evil” and claiming Ed Miliband is not British.
On a day when the Lib Dem peer Lord Oakeshott dubbed UKIP "the BNP in blazers", BNP leader Nick Griffin accused UKIP of a "shameless rip-off" of one of his posters.
Local branch chairman for Ukip defends a party's councillor candidate Douglas Denny who called gay people “abnormal” and said he wished “they stop trying to ram it down my throat”, all while discussing whether the word “sodomite” should be used
Pamela Preedy, secretary of UKIP’s Redcar branch, wrote: ‘The image of Stephen Lawrence has been promoted to sainthood, with his own memorial site, constant invocation of his name in any discussion of racism; even to close down a discussion about immigration when the issue bore no relevance to his murder’.
David William Griffiths, a member of UKIP’s West London branch, used the site to argue that some people were ‘intended by nature’ to be slaves and were ‘marked out for subjection’ from birth.
He concluded with the offensive line: ‘That kingdom in which such b*******, sullying [the purity of] the castes, are born, perishes quickly together with its inhabitants.’
Another contributor to the forum, Keith Woods, a UKIP council election candidate, commented as part of the same exchange: ‘As for St Stephen of Racism, I feel sorry for the parents of many white youths that have been murdered .  .  . no one seems to give a toss .  .  . your son gets murdered, you become an expert on race relations it seems .  .  . but only if you are a particular colour’.
One councillor, who uses the online name Icini123, boasted: ‘Some individuals who voted for BNP in desperation, because there was no other alternate where we didn’t stand, have come over to us now.’
Martin Caine, a UKIP committee member in Poole & Mid Dorset, wrote: ‘I actually agree with the EDL on what they protest about.’
And in a message earlier this month, Brian Otridge, who is a campaign manager for UKIP’s North West Hampshire Branch, declared UKIP should be directly targeting BNP voters in the wake of their leader, Nick Griffin, being declared bankrupt.
New force: Mr Farage vowed to start a campaign for the 2015 General Election to ¿pick off¿ vulnerable seats, including several held by Labour
New force: Mr Farage vowed to start a campaign for the 2015 General Election to ¿pick off¿ vulnerable seats, including several held by Labour
Noting that the BNP received hundreds of thousands of votes in the 2010 General Election, Mr Otridge said: ‘We should be picking up 50-75 per cent of those now.
Victoria Ayling, an ally of Mr Farage, had been captured on video saying of immigrants: ‘I just want to send the lot back.’
No doubt you'll come up with some bullshit as to why these remarks aren't racist or homophobic, or change the debate onto something completely different. That's up to you, but as TSB has said, the evidence is there, in their own words, from them, and their funders.
What policy? If there was anything remotely worthwhile discussing then fair enough but even Farage has dismissed their last manifesto as "drivel" and "nonsense". All UKIP offer for discussion us their policy on Europe and the proclamations of their representatives on social media and party meetings.

UKIP can't allow a discussion on policy because who would really vote for an end to maternity pay, the end of paid sick leave, the end of minimum annual leave, the non-stealth end of the NHS, an end to minimum wage?

I'd love for UKIP's voting record in the European parliament to be discussed, we'd probably see a substantial fall in popularity.
UKIP can't allow a discussion on policy because who would really vote for an end to maternity pay, the end of paid sick leave, the end of minimum annual leave, the non-stealth end of the NHS, an end to minimum wage?

I'd love for UKIP's voting record in the European parliament to be discussed, we'd probably see a substantial fall in popularity.

They have a policy of voting against anything that extends the remit of the EU - hence their recent vote against the anti-ivory legislation. They also align themselves with groups who spoke out in favour of Anders Brevik and his ideology. Their ex Euro MP was suspended and subsequently left the party because of their links with far right groups in Europe.

Farag is being given an easy ride by the British media in my opinion.
UKIP can't allow a discussion on policy because who would really vote for an end to maternity pay, the end of paid sick leave, the end of minimum annual leave, the non-stealth end of the NHS, an end to minimum wage?

I'd love for UKIP's voting record in the European parliament to be discussed, we'd probably see a substantial fall in popularity.

I doubt it because that's not what their supporters are interested in. They are angry, disaffected people who have found a rallying point in UKIP and their anti-politics. I think the less like an established political party they are, the more some people like it. And the more they get criticised for it, the more they can play the outsider/victim card.

Talk of statistics, facts, voting records, policies is all irrelevant and won't make a blind bit of difference to UKIP's popularity. In fact the more people attack them for not behaving like a "proper party" the more popular they will become because a lot of people are fed up with politics as we know it.

The way to stop the UKIP bandwagon was to ignore it early on, but the papers and the TV know that they equal controversy which equals readers, viewers and most importantly website hits. So while there aren't many media outlets openly supporting Farage and co (again stoking the victim/outsider thing for folk like KTEC) they will continue to put them front and centre of the news as it means money to them.
....Imagine you were interviewing four prospective managers for your football club, and one of them said that he had no intention of revealing what kind of football he'd play, or what kind of vision he'd have, or what his transfer policy would be......

Well, Steve Morgan did give the Manager's job to Dean Saunders :)
I doubt it because that's not what their supporters are interested in. They are angry, disaffected people who have found a rallying point in UKIP and their anti-politics. I think the less like an established political party they are, the more some people like it. And the more they get criticised for it, the more they can play the outsider/victim card.

Talk of statistics, facts, voting records, policies is all irrelevant and won't make a blind bit of difference to UKIP's popularity. In fact the more people attack them for not behaving like a "proper party" the more popular they will become because a lot of people are fed up with politics as we know it.

The way to stop the UKIP bandwagon was to ignore it early on, but the papers and the TV know that they equal controversy which equals readers, viewers and most importantly website hits. So while there aren't many media outlets openly supporting Farage and co (again stoking the victim/outsider thing for folk like KTEC) they will continue to put them front and centre of the news as it means money to them.


Us Victims are doing quite nicely thank you very much. The rallying cry for 'The People's Army' is being heard up and down the country.

UKIP, the party OF the victims, FOR the Victims and currently UKIP have just gone ahead in the latest You Gov Poll with only four weeks to go.

As for not discussing anything to do with our EU Membership except Immigration and Border Control, if the Pro-EU brigade cant be bothered to discuss the benefits of staying in, instead of scaring us to death if we come out, how do they expect anyone to 'engage' in that ?

If you are a Labour supporter who is concerned about our EU membership, why would you vote for Labour in the EU Election ?
Lib Dems have hardly any voters now and Super Dave is just trying to appease his Euro Sceptic Tory supporters, to stop them voting for UKIP.

Even with all their 'bad press', it's not rocket science to suggest that UKIP could wipe the floor with all three of them even if it's just to stick two fingers up to the Establishment that no-one trusts.

Us Victims are doing quite nicely thank you very much. The rallying cry for 'The People's Army' is being heard up and down the country.

UKIP, the party OF the victims, FOR the Victims and currently UKIP have just gone ahead in the latest You Gov Poll with only four weeks to go.

As for not discussing anything to do with our EU Membership except Immigration and Border Control, if the Pro-EU brigade cant be bothered to discuss the benefits of staying in, instead of scaring us to death if we come out, how do they expect anyone to 'engage' in that ?

If you are a Labour supporter who is concerned about our EU membership, why would you vote for Labour in the EU Election ?
Lib Dems have hardly any voters now and Super Dave is just trying to appease his Euro Sceptic Tory supporters, to stop them voting for UKIP.

Even with all their 'bad press', it's not rocket science to suggest that UKIP could wipe the floor with all three of them even if it's just to stick two fingers up to the Establishment that no-one trusts.

If this upcoming vote was a referendum on Europe, I'd agree, but it's not. It's to elect MEPs who, as UKIP tell us, have a large influence on the laws of the land. As long as we're in Europe, I would like the UK's representatives to influence policy across a whole host of issues, and focus not at all on whether we should actually be in there or not. That's what a referendum will be for.

Us Victims are doing quite nicely thank you very much. The rallying cry for 'The People's Army' is being heard up and down the country.

UKIP, the party OF the victims, FOR the Victims and currently UKIP have just gone ahead in the latest You Gov Poll with only four weeks to go.

As for not discussing anything to do with our EU Membership except Immigration and Border Control, if the Pro-EU brigade cant be bothered to discuss the benefits of staying in, instead of scaring us to death if we come out, how do they expect anyone to 'engage' in that ?

'The People's Army' hahahahahahahahahahaha

As for not engaging you in debate; people tried and you spouted voting numbers at them and continued your diatribe on the evils of immigration and EU laws.

There is a debate to be had on EU membership but you don't want that, you just want to discuss immigration (controlled or not). So for the umpteenth time, can you tell us why we should come out of Europe other than to control our own borders?
It has been pointed out to you repeatedly. Perhaps you got "sidetracked"?

I'll humour you, but in reality I think you're being deliberately obtuse.

You're not humouring me at all - you are boring me !

I could and did list similar links that highlight racist, homophobic and sexist remarks amongst the other parties. That was entirely my point and you are reinforcing it.

I will ask you - what are the racist, sexist and homophobic polices of UKIP?

Do you think UKIP attracts racists, sexists and homophobes and if so why?

Do you believe UKIP attracts more sexist, racist and homophobic representatives than the other parties and if so why?
I refer you to Lemonjelly's post 1031, and point out that you again fail to respond to accurate quotes.

UKIP's policies are transparent enough, you mr KTEC are , on that basis invisible, and just full to the brim with bullshit and racist waffle.

Just for once, reply directly to as post with an answer to that post, can you???? no didn't think so