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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

Isn't that phrase inherently contradictory?

Yes, you would think so. There are links out there that suggest that this is happening. But if you are a Labour voter and you are not happy with their current stance on the EU, our relationship with the EU etc, and rightly or wrongly, if your 'perception' is that we have lost control of our own borders with no cap on immigration from the EU because we cannot put our own UK immigration policy in place, then these may be the reasons why some Labour voters will be voting for UKIP next month ?

In the South Shields by-Election in May last year, David Milliband's old seat no less, their majority from 2010 was slashed by 6500 votes from 18,995 to 12,493. UKIP, contesting the seat for the first time, received 6,000 votes, which was about 25% of the turnout. Obviously the Tory vote was also reduced and the turnout was lower and its not clear how many of those 6500 UKIP voters had previously voted Labour but it was a remarkable result for UKIP just the same, when you bear in mind they were standing there for the first time.

I suppose we can all make statistics say what we want them to say. It could easily be argued that all of the Tory vote from 2010 went to UKIP in 2013, but I think that would be rather churlish given the surge for UKIP support since then ?
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Yes, you would think so. There are links out there that suggest that this is happening. But if you are a Labour voter and you are not happy with their current stance on the EU, our relationship with the EU etc, and rightly or wrongly, if your 'perception' is that we have lost control of our own borders with no cap on immigration from the EU because we cannot put our own UK immigration policy in place, then these may be the reasons why some Labour voters will be voting for UKIP next month ?

In the South Shields by-Election in May last year, David Milliband's old seat no less, their majority from 2010 was slashed by 6500 votes from 18,995 to 12,493. UKIP, contesting the seat for the first time, received 6,000 votes. Obviously the Tory vote was also reduced and the turnout was lower and its not clear how many of those 6500 UKIP voters had previously voted Labour but it was a remarkable result for UKIP just the same, when you bear in mind they were standing there for the first time.

I suppose we can all make statistics say what we want them to say. It could easily be argued that all of the Tory vote from 2010 went to UKIP in 2013, but I think that would be rather churlish given the surge for UKIP support since then ?

In the past, yes I have given you, and others on here, some personal abuse, some of it in retaliation, and for that I apologise and I can assure you that it won't happen again. I understood your personal comments in your previous posts and their context. I just don't wish to 'respond' to those sort of comments anymore.

Your apologies become pretty meaningless when you offer them on a daily basis
Your apologies become pretty meaningless when you offer them on a daily basis

I can understand why you say that and I can't do anything about what's gone before, so maybe you can re-evaluate that in a few weeks time ? As you said, we forget that there are people behind the words and the keyboards.

One of the posters on here recently said to me "....we all say things we don't mean; it's the immediacy of forums which are both the best and worst things about them...."

That comment has changed my attitude.
"statistics Damn statistics" Exits, you seem to have a knack of ignoring them when they don't suit you, and using them as absolute fact when they do. Nowe you want to discuss racist comments from 2012???

As for your new, nice , non argumetative, non abusive stance, ha ha ha, all of us who attacked you as a racist from day one, have just got bored and stopped attacking, so you are getting laid back, ha ha, but be sure, my opinion for one hasn't changed, and leopards don't change their spots, even when they are hiding in the shade.

The nearer the elections get , the sweeter you get, why is that, i wonder???.
It is clearly a mistake, as I wouldn't vote Ukip if someone was about to cut my balls off if i didn't, and you brought me two 18 year old virgins from Tahiti as a gift.
Be yourself man!!, political mind games don't work on this forum, never have, and never will. and that's why i love it.

However, if they did, trust me sir, you simply wouldn't get in the team, or on the bench.
"statistics Damn statistics" Exits, you seem to have a knack of ignoring them when they don't suit you, and using them as absolute fact when they do. Nowe you want to discuss racist comments from 2012???

As for your new, nice , non argumetative, non abusive stance, ha ha ha, all of us who attacked you as a racist from day one, have just got bored and stopped attacking, so you are getting laid back, ha ha, but be sure, my opinion for one hasn't changed, and leopards don't change their spots, even when they are hiding in the shade.

The nearer the elections get , the sweeter you get, why is that, i wonder???.
It is clearly a mistake, as I wouldn't vote Ukip if someone was about to cut my balls off if i didn't, and you brought me two 18 year old virgins from Tahiti as a gift.
Be yourself man!!, political mind games don't work on this forum, never have, and never will. and that's why i love it.

However, if they did, trust me sir, you simply wouldn't get in the team, or on the bench.

Hello Pav, the comments made by Diane Abbott in 2012 were raised by another poster, so I commented on them too. I will continue to comment on the forum and my support for UKIP has not changed at all. When you say 'the nearer the elections get, the sweeter I get, why is that ?' I assume you think that I am concerned that UKIP will not have a successful Euro Election ?
On the contrary, I think they will have a very successful Election and will substantially increase their vote and support, compared to 2009.

I did have a look back through some of the posts and, correct me if I am wrong, but I think you were the only one on this forum that has actually called me a Racist ? But you are entitled to your opinion and long may that be the case on here. You said 'Be Yourself Man'. I don't really know what that means because as I said earlier, I voted Labour in 1997 when immigration was not really on anyone's radar ?

Whether I was being 'attacked' on here, or doing the 'attacking' is no longer relevant. We will never agree on certain issues and that's fine and I will continue to comment accordingly.
I will just not resort to any more personal remarks in the way you have done again with your last post. This means that no matter how abusive you get, I will not retaliate in the same way.

Interesting though that you said you had got bored of 'attacking me' and then proceeded to do just that ? Perhaps you can change too ?
Hello Pav, the comments made by Diane Abbott in 2012 were raised by another poster, so I commented on them too. I will continue to comment on the forum and my support for UKIP has not changed at all. When you say 'the nearer the elections get, the sweeter I get, why is that ?' I assume you think that I am concerned that UKIP will not have a successful Euro Election ?
On the contrary, I think they will have a very successful Election and will substantially increase their vote and support, compared to 2009.

I did have a look back through some of the posts and, correct me if I am wrong, but I think you were the only one on this forum that has actually called me a Racist ? But you are entitled to your opinion and long may that be the case on here. You said 'Be Yourself Man'. I don't really know what that means because as I said earlier, I voted Labour in 1997 when immigration was not really on anyone's radar ?

Whether I was being 'attacked' on here, or doing the 'attacking' is no longer relevant. We will never agree on certain issues and that's fine and I will continue to comment accordingly.
I will just not resort to any more personal remarks in the way you have done again with your last post. This means that no matter how abusive you get, I will not retaliate in the same way.

Interesting though that you said you had got bored of 'attacking me' and then proceeded to do just that ? Perhaps you can change too ?

a change is as good as a rest as they say.

The above link is based on yet another anti-UKIP 'news' item. At the forthcoming Euro Election, voters are who are concerned about un-capped Immigration or our relationship with the EU, will decide on whether or not to vote for UKIP. Are they really going to be swayed by a few morons who have associated themselves with the party ? Nick Clegg was keen to mention some of them in the recently televised debate on the EU, with Farage, and he was still trounced. This suggests to me that the vast majority of people can see through what the media and main parties are trying to achieve, in trying to bring downn UKIP. But it's not working.

On the above link, I found that the last paragraph summed up why I think many people will still be voting for UKIP in May, whatever the media and their friends in the 'political establishment' throw at them. May is almost here. Get ready for plenty more stories like the one detailed in the above link.

But will it really affect UKIP's vote share in the EU election ? I'm still not sure if a vote for UKIP is a protest vote, but in a way, I really hope it is.

Here is that last paragraph from the above link.

UKIP isn't perfect. But this concerted media campaign against them is out of all proportion to anything they have done wrong or any mistakes they may have made. What we're seeing here is just how cosy is the relationship between the media establishment and the political establishment. UKIP are being punished for being outsiders who want to rock the boat. This though is precisely why so many disparate groups - from disappointed natural Labour voters to betrayed natural Tories - are being drawn to them. It's less, I suspect, because of anything UKIP says in its manifesto or even anything Nigel Farage says on TV, than that UKIP represents a force for rebellion against the oppressive status quo.
And maybe that's why, in the end, the media will come to regret this nasty, dirty politics game it's playing to undermine UKIP. It reveals the establishment for the controlling bullies they are. And it makes the rebel faction more determined than ever to bring the bastards down.

I know it's important to try to back up opinions with evidence, so here are the last couple of lines from the above Sky News link provided by leedswolf.

Despite a bruising week of controversies, a poll suggests Mr Farage's party has surged into the lead in the European election contest.

UKIP recorded 31% support in the YouGov survey for the Sunday Times, three points ahead of Labour, with the Conservatives trailing in third place with 19%.
I would imagine that the vast majority of those that intend to vote UKIP are pretty comfortable with the comments regarding Lenny Henry.
It isn't UKIP candidates expressing racist, sexist, homophobic and generally offensive crap that"s the problem - it is the nasty media who report it who are doing wrong. UKIP are just the victims.

Let's hope these racist, sexist, homophobic candidates all get elected so they do something about the press.
A sad list of stories that date back over 14 years. UKIP candidates seem able to manage similar numbers in 14 days.

I am not suggesting that there aren't offensive and ignorant people in all walks of life but UKIP have a disproportionate amount.

It's the policies that most people are interested in and not the point scoring so prevalent in politics these days.
A sad list of stories that date back over 14 years. UKIP candidates seem able to manage similar numbers in 14 days.

I am not suggesting that there aren't offensive and ignorant people in all walks of life but UKIP have a disproportionate amount.

Exactly. You're comparing 14 years worth of every other party, with the antics of a single, very young party.

Its moronic to suggest that UKIP doesnt attract a particular type of person.
It's the policies that most people are interested in and not the point scoring so prevalent in politics these days.

Who do you think comes up with their policies? UKIP attract a certain type of opinion and these are the ones who will shape their policies if they get a whiff of power.

If you put yourself up to be an elected representative then your beliefs, attitudes and opinions are important and open to scrutiny.
Exactly. You're comparing 14 years worth of every other party, with the antics of a single, very young party.

Its moronic to suggest that UKIP doesnt attract a particular type of person.

But, we live in a 'democracy' and it's important that people are presented with policies and given an idea of what they are actually voting for. Any policy that fell foul of the law wouldn't actually exist therefore to suggest any party in itself is racist, homophobic or sexist is wrong and misleading. Debate policies - surely that is democratic.
Who do you think comes up with their policies? UKIP attract a certain type of opinion and these are the ones who will shape their policies if they get a whiff of power.

If you put yourself up to be an elected representative then your beliefs, attitudes and opinions are important and open to scrutiny.

Okay which UKIP policy is racist, homophobic or sexist? Are you or anybody else above the law?