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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

It is. I'm just wondering why the personal rating of Clegg seems to have gone up. Maybe because unlike Cameron and Miliband he was actually prepared to engage in this debate with Nigel Farage? The other question is, how many of those who viewed his performance positively would actually vote for him or his party. I'm not convinced that his prospects have been enhanced.

Equally, I'm not convinced that Nigel Farage's prospects have been massively enhanced by winning the debate. He has his core support, the same as the other three leaders (although Farage's support is not as strong in General Elections - but let's just talk Euro elections for now). Those who are vehemently anti Farage's point of view are not going to have been convinced to come onside by the debates. If anything those voters will have been further disinclined to vote for Farage. Is the debate likely to have gathered in more than a small percentage of wavering voters?
I feel that watching those two has as much merit as watching Alan Shearer talking football with Mark McGhee . Pointless.
Anyone know how many people actually watched the thing? I was given a choice and chose to spend the evening hammering my testicles flat.
Equally, I'm not convinced that Nigel Farage's prospects have been massively enhanced by winning the debate. He has his core support, the same as the other three leaders (although Farage's support is not as strong in General Elections - but let's just talk Euro elections for now). Those who are vehemently anti Farage's point of view are not going to have been convinced to come onside by the debates. If anything those voters will have been further disinclined to vote for Farage. Is the debate likely to have gathered in more than a small percentage of wavering voters?

I agree. He can tubthump and preach to the choir all he likes, but UKIP appeals to a very select group of people. They were going to vote for them anyway. At absolute best it will have swayed some (not many) people who weren't going to vote at all in the European elections but were partially drawn to UKIP to make the effort to vote for them. No-one who believed before the debates that Farage indulges in bluster, rhetoric and blatant falsehoods is going to have come round to his side.
Saying that the fucking BNP got over 600,000 votes and two seats last time. I could see Farage hoovering up a fair amount of that.
I have no doubt that UKIP will see a surge in votes in the upcoming Euro elections. As far as I can see though (and I will admit that my knowledge of the European Parliament is very limited) all this means very little as there is not a great deal a handful of UKIP MEP's can do that can influence anything.

When it comes to the actual General Election I'm sure they will have minimal impact unless there are large numbers of voters that want to go back to a 1950's version of Britain while voting for a party that seem to have no actual policies apart from leaving the EU and limiting immigration.
Farage has one big problem at a general election. Not wishing to completely generalise but the majority of the votes he needs to target are Conservative votes. Cameron has boxed rather clever by saying a Conservative government will grant a referendum on Europe. Totally spikes the UKIP guns as those voters they need to come over to their party can remain as Conservative voters and still get the referendum if they wish.
I watched it. Farage won. But every time he started saying " oh dear dear dear " while Clegg had a rant I squirmed in my chair. The issue I ahve is that Farage and Cameron are our better live debators on europe, Clegg and Milliband are not. Milliband inspires little or no confidence so the left of centre are going to struggle with this euro election. Labour and Tory are neck and neck after 5 years of cuts and austerity and selling off the post office to feather 300m in city invetstors pockets ( 16 of them share a profit of 20 m each not a bad days work gggrrr). Bad move by Cameron and Milliband not to be there IMO. Let Clegg get a bit of a kicking

However after austerity and recession there is always a chnace that either far left or far right will gain in popularity. I reckon we are going to have a tory led coalition again next election but that UKIP will get 5 -10 MPs in the next general election voted in by tories in Labour/Liberal areas. A bit of tactical voting.
When it comes to the actual General Election I'm sure they will have minimal impact unless there are large numbers of voters that want to go back to a 1950's version of Britain while voting for a party that seem to have no actual policies apart from leaving the EU and limiting immigration.

We are starting to see a few UKIP policies come to the fore. They don't believe in maternity pay, they think job security should come with lower wages, they want to scrap the minimum annual leave, they want a flat rate of tax which would see the poor paying more and the rich less, they would cut the public expenditure to 1997 levels - none of which is working class friendly.
We are starting to see a few UKIP policies come to the fore. They don't believe in maternity pay, they think job security should come with lower wages, they want to scrap the minimum annual leave, they want a flat rate of tax which would see the poor paying more and the rich less, they would cut the public expenditure to 1997 levels - none of which is working class friendly.

And thus it's essential Farage debates this with Dave and Ed. They cannot be seen as a one policy party.
Sounds good to me. Wouldn't it be wonderful to go back to the 1950's. Even The Wolves had a great side then. Women knew their place and PPB would have my balls cut off if she ever read this !

Too bloody right Sir !!! :)
Unless they can find a way to debate more than one issue (which the EU candidate round here couldn't when I had a discussion with him on the doorstep whilst he was canvassing for the EU election) then they will have no impact on local or national UK elections.

Farage may have a 'presence' but their other candidates do not.
With MP's such as Maria Miller showing such arrogance, UKIP may not have to do a lot to start making inroads. With Mp's credibility at such a low standing, there is every possibility that UKIP will do very well in the May elections.
With MP's such as Maria Miller showing such arrogance, UKIP may not have to do a lot to start making inroads. With Mp's credibility at such a low standing, there is every possibility that UKIP will do very well in the May elections.

Because UKIP candidates have demonstrated so much credibility.
It doesn't really matter which candidate you choose at the European talking shop elections. The European Parliament is a weak, rubber stamp entity. Filling it with anti-European MEPs will provide entertaining clips on YouTube but won't do much in terms of making life miserable in a tangible way for the likes of Barroso, Verhofstadt, Schulz, Dany le Nonce and Van Rompuy. I'll be voting UKIP because I'm a fan of brash soundbites.

I'd say democratise the EU and abolish the unelected commissioners and president but the vested interests wouldn't consider doing that.