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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

Well I think that's everyone taken care of.

I'd like to thank all of you for being part of my little show here tonight. If you've enjoyed it, then it's all been worthwhile. So, until we meet again, good night, and I love you all !
(With apologies to Janet Webb on The Morecambe & Wise Show. At least they had Shirley Bassey on once !)

Pushes glasses up nose, dusts off hands and walks triumphantly away...
Can you tell me why there is one particular area in Spain where British people are living as opposed to being spread evenly throughout the populace and geographical area of the whole country ??

Wow, you really don't do irony, do you?

Anyway, kudos on getting otherwise rational people to engage with you for so long. Nige would be proud.
Now the EU tells us we must allow anyone from Europe to come into the UK, regardless of the numbers. To all intents and purposes, we have an 'open door', uncontrolled immigration policy.

But freedom of movement within the EU has been around for decades, probably since the introduction of the EEC. I'd argue that the rapid expansion of the EU to countries with largely varying levels of income done primarily for the benefit of western companies is the root problem rather than freedom of movement per se.

Ukraine is probably going to be fast tracked into the EU to counter the Russians, I wonder how much that is going to cost EU taxpayers while the Ukrainians have austerity forced upon them.
Despite your ignorance and lack of understanding, as usual you write so eloquently Pav. You always seem to quote incorrectly too. I never said that using the word "White" might be considered Racist. I leave those sort of comments to fools like you. Why do you think Penn Fields Wolverhampton is 90% Asian ? It's because they are happier living by each other. Not Racist, just birds of feather, flocking together. Completely natural human instinct.

Perhaps the bottom line is that you love Immigration and I don't.

Tell me Pav how many thousands of Poles have flocked to Greece over the last few years. Also, when you moved there with no job to go to, where were you housed and how much benefit did you get ? Come on Pav, don't piss yourself, get angry. You are much more entertaining when you do that and you make an even bigger fool of yourself.

Even before your obsession with 2004, I grew up in Pennfields on Lea Road, even then in the 70's & 80's it was 75% Asian/Black.

Neighbours on one side for a time were right bunch of rough as fuck wankers (they were English and white), other side were Asian very quiet never had a problem with them, across the road were black family got along famously with them.

I managed to survive living in that multi-cultured pit without too much trouble to be honest.
Donegal Wolf;61251 I grew up in Pennfields on Lea Road said:
I was born in a front bedroom on Spring Road in Bilston in the 60's. Opposite lived my nan,next to her lived an Indian family, to my right was an Indian family and the three houses to my left were also Indians, all related. Think I was weaned on curries as they used to always be sharing their food with us. All lovely people. There was a constant waff of curry down our street. Heaven. Sorry, nothing to do with thread title but Donegal just took me back to 66 when I read his post.
Economic dogma, widely held back in the mid-2000s, was that a growing economy needed immigration in order to maintain it's growth. This wasn't something dreamt up by Blair and co, it was a belief held by many. At the time, increasing the size of the EU and the consequences that flowed from it were generally considered to be good things for the economy. Hindsight is a wonderful thing but most of what I hear from the political parties (including UKIP) is not sound, rational evidence based policy - it is hysteria. From Labour's apologies to UKIP's scaremongering and all things in between. The world in 2014 is very different to the world in 2004 and it needs proper solutions not short term fixes.
Economic dogma, widely held back in the mid-2000s, was that a growing economy needed immigration in order to maintain it's growth. This wasn't something dreamt up by Blair and co, it was a belief held by many. At the time, increasing the size of the EU and the consequences that flowed from it were generally considered to be good things for the economy. Hindsight is a wonderful thing but most of what I hear from the political parties (including UKIP) is not sound, rational evidence based policy - it is hysteria. From Labour's apologies to UKIP's scaremongering and all things in between. The world in 2014 is very different to the world in 2004 and it needs proper solutions not short term fixes.

Indeed, reminiscent of the Tories wagging fingers at Labour for building an economy overwhelmingly reliant on financial services and letting that industry run amok, conveniently forgetting that the Tories themselves at the time were in favour of less regulation of that sector, not more. Also the Tories also spent part of the last decade saying we should run our economy more like Ireland's.

It's been fairly conclusively proven that there are not millions of Romanians and Bulgarians itching to move to Britain and claim benefits ad infinitum. It's scaremongering, nothing more, nothing less.
I am a White Heterosexual Male and a Married Father living in my own country.
When I go to places like the pub, or the restaurant, or a concert or Molineux, I am surrounded by people like me. (Ok they wont all be Heterosexual or Married).
Either way, that makes me feel happy and comfortable to be with my 'own kind'. It's what we all do but I am just admitting to it. Perhaps that makes you feel uncomfortable because it's what you do too ?

I don't have friends from Poland, Romania or Bulgaria.

Or perhaps you and others on here can tell us all about how you engage with your Multicultural Circle of European friends ?

I talk to them.

See they are human beings. Last time I looked, I was too. They're my kind. :facepalm:
........I was referring to comments made by David Blunkett


We do not have integration in the UK. After all these years we still live separately. No wonder Blunkett is concerned. I think we should all be concerned.

West Indian people were gradually integrated into the UK over a very long period of time.
I don't hate anyone. I am just questioning the wisdom of EU freedom of movement throughout Europe policy. Labour even admit they got it all badly wrong.

After your comment though, I am very tempted to start a sentence with "I'm not a Racist but...........and I have at least one black friend....."

Can we say 'Black People' these days ? I thought we had to say "A Person Of Colour" ??
Which is it? Is there integration or not? As you seem to want it both ways?
I talk to them.

See they are human beings. Last time I looked, I was too. They're my kind. :facepalm:

I have been told on here that I 'don't do irony', but I thought that was you lot ? For God's sake. For years my next door neighbours were black and we got on really well, not because they were Black, because they were just nice people. As my kids grew up, their best friends were Asian and Black. In my road now, there are Asian and Black people. On the odd occasion we see each other, we great each other with a genuine friendly 'Hello'. My best friend at school was Black, and in 1978 that didn't go down too well with some people, particularly my parents, but that didnt make any difference to me.

In the summer, the Black family that live in my road, enjoy their summer BBQ's, but there are no white faces there. Doesnt make them racists.
When I go to the pub before the game, all my friends are white and 99% of the people in the pub are the same. Doesnt make us racists.

My point and my concern is that there is still hardly any real 'integration'. The only way to change things is, to start with at least, is to do away with religious schools. Muslims still marry Muslims, Jews still marry or have relationships only with Jews. We still see hardly any Black and White or Asian and White, or Asian and Black couples walking around our City Centre together and we are surely one of the most ethnically diverse places in the country ? Hindus, Sikhs, etc we all still seem to 'stick to our own kind'. I would have thought that after 50 plus years of immigration, we would, by now, have had more of a 'Blue Mink Melting Pot'.

Comprehensive schools are a great example of kids from a variety of ethnic backgrounds, working and playing together. But something still seems to go wrong as they get older. They are still ending up with partners or close friends who look the same as them, have the same religion as them or speak the same language as them. I.E. it's still more likely a Polish guy will end up with a Polish girl ?

But if things just stay the same and we just keep bringing more and more foreign people into the UK with no plan in place to accommodate it all through our whole infrastructure, is that not ultimately a recipe for disaster going forward. Is this what David Blunkett was trying to warn us of ?
Which is it? Is there integration or not? As you seem to want it both ways?

Fair play Lemon Jelly. To qualify that, we no longer have any Race riots or racial unrest between people of West Indian origin and White people that was prevalent in the 70's and early 80's. What I was trying to say was, people coming here from that part of the world did so over a longer period of time and in smaller numbers. Now we see an unprecedented number of Europeans coming to the UK in a very short space of time. Is the same going to happen again ? Do we have more and more social unrest to look forward to ?

If there had been 'proper' integration without the barriers of religion and schools of various religious denominations, and a gradual introduction of Europeans coming into the UK over a longer period of time, then I dont think we would have had the problems we are experiencing now, which will worsen in time.
Hang on, I'm lost. I'm sure earlier on you only wanted to live with "your own kind" or whatever the phrase was. Now you want all the different races to put aside their differences and get jiggy with it together. What happened to the dream of living in a pure white British corner of Spain?
Hang on, I'm lost. I'm sure earlier on you only wanted to live with "your own kind" or whatever the phrase was. Now you want all the different races to put aside their differences and get jiggy with it together. What happened to the dream of living in a pure white British corner of Spain?

I never said that. I said we are all living 'with our own kind' and we dont integrate. Saying hello to your Asian neighbour is not integrating.
Its very idealistic for us all to 'get jiggy wid it' in a big melting pot. This is my point, it just doesnt happen. Yes, Brits go to Spain, but they dont integrate, they all live together in the same place.
Jews still marry or have relationships only with Jews.

That's a pile of presumptuous pony. Not everyone is a fully paid up member of the frum brigade. I've never had a Jewish girlfriend and my family has never had a problem with it.
I never said that. I said we are all living 'with our own kind' and we dont integrate. Saying hello to your Asian neighbour is not integrating.
Its very idealistic for us all to 'get jiggy wid it' in a big melting pot. This is my point, it just doesnt happen. Yes, Brits go to Spain, but they dont integrate, they all live together in the same place.

Well, you did, sort of:

"I am a White Heterosexual Male and a Married Father living in my own country.
When I go to places like the pub, or the restaurant, or a concert or Molineux, I am surrounded by people like me. (Ok they wont all be Heterosexual or Married).
Either way, that makes me feel happy and comfortable to be with my 'own kind'. "
KTEC, take a break son, you are chasing your own tail here, and even you know the only place your likely to end up.
Then again you should at least feel at home there.

I lived in Spain for 3 1/2 years, never saw one of your English ghetto's, or do you mean the prime package holiday spots, where you spend your two weeks of the year integrating with foreigners, assuming the waiters and cleaners are allowed to be foreign that is.

Perhaps you are confusing integration with economics, on the basis that those newly arrived in the UK, from less economically successful countries, logically with less money and uncertain employment a the outset, start off renting in lower rent areas, recommended by their friends and family.

If i came back to the UK now, with very little cash and no job, i certainly wouldn't be expecting to live in Sutton Coldfield.
The world in 2014 is very different to the world in 2004 and it needs proper solutions not short term fixes.

I don't necessarily think there is a fix and I wouldn't expect any party to offer one. I think they all have a responsibility to do all they can to keep public services on a level and that is the least we can expect - although I strongly feel there is little difference between the parties anyway. The corporations won't have any conscience about the cost of living rising and wages falling because maybe economic growth is dependant on those factors. I have always been puzzled by them encouraging the migration of low paid workers while we have so many unemployed but realistically it's out of any parties hands right now. We are entering a new age and it's real politics as opposed to false economies. Tend to agree with you about the hysteria and it annoys me when race gets thrown into discussions as I feel the majority of people who are prepared to listen to UKIP are not actually racist.
Re immigration, in the UK, we don't have enough taxpayers to support our ageing population, and we aren't producing enough new citizens ourselves, so we need to import some, to the tune of 140,000 per year according to the OBR. That's why the government welcomes immigration. That's why it has to happen and will continue to happen. So, if you're pro immigrant, you can be happy that they're enriching our society in both senses, and if you're anti, you can console yourself that we're just exploiting them for our own ends. Both are probably true, I think.