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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

I can see the point being made.

Myself, for example; Im not racist, I just really really really hate black people, and dont want to be near them, in case I catch black.
Well that was some post by KTEC - last time I look most eastern europeans are white. So why the emphasis on "white British"?
Nobody was forced to come here but we have been forced to put up with as many immigrants that want to come here whether we like it or not.
You are right, the colour of someone's skin has nothing to do with immigration. White people leaving London (replace the word London with a number of Towns and Cities up and down the country), refers to what all sections of the media term as "White Flight'. By white, this of course means White British. I.E. when the immigrants move in, the White British move out. Not because they are Racists, its because they want to live by people similar to themselves.

If their street or area is filling up with Eastern Europeans, many will naturally want to move out. This is why we have large areas in our Towns and Cities where there are very few White British people. Some call it Multiculturalism, but its really about sticking to our own kind (that goes for any Nationality) and tolerating something over which we have no control. But eventually I think it will cause fear and resentment. (Housing, Education, NHS). Please dont reply saying I am just blaming the immigrants for everything. I'm not. It's Blair, going back to 2004 and the EU laws over which we have no control. If I was Romanian, I would crawl over broken glass to get here.

I am concerned about what David Blunkett said though. I hope he is proven wrong but it sounds like he was saying, 'the fuse has already been lit'.

Long term our standard of living may be affected by the immigration of recent years and the privileges we have been afforded will disappear. We'll see. Labour apologised so let's not deny that problems exist/existed. To mention race and colour is pure folly because I don't this what we are actually trying to protect or defend from these ' marauders '. Britain 2014 is not Britain 1945 and I certainly don't get sentimental about what it must have been like and how wonderful it must have been - because if the truth be told you had the same bollocks to cope with back then just that it was wrapped up differently. If the NHS disappears, if we get ridiculous levels of poverty, if the education system decays, if if if if. ... Just look out for yourselves because nobody will ever look out for you. KEEC - seriously, don't waste your time worrying about all of this just get on with your life and enjoy it. Take people at face value and take advantage of what is out there for you.
In that case, presumably there are massive all-white enclaves being established throughout the country. All those hard-done by white folks have to go somewhere, and obviously they won't be moving abroad as they'd be living with people who are different - the horror! Where are they all going?

Can you tell me why there is one particular area in Spain where British people are living as opposed to being spread evenly throughout the populace and geographical area of the whole country ??
I actually feel honoured to be mentioned (in a roundabout way), in the same sentence as the intellectual giant, Enoch Powell.

I'm trying to work out if you're actually just on the wind up or genuinely a bigot. I should add I hope it's the former.
are you totally thick??? You argue wth yourself that using the word "white" might be considered racist, and then suggest we all substitute the word "London" to avoid this scenario.

If i wasn't pissing myself laughing at your stupidity, i might be angry about that, but i'm still pissing myself laughing, ha ha ha ha

Despite your ignorance and lack of understanding, as usual you write so eloquently Pav. You always seem to quote incorrectly too. I never said that using the word "White" might be considered Racist. I leave those sort of comments to fools like you. Why do you think Penn Fields Wolverhampton is 90% Asian ? It's because they are happier living by each other. Not Racist, just birds of feather, flocking together. Completely natural human instinct.

Perhaps the bottom line is that you love Immigration and I don't.

Tell me Pav how many thousands of Poles have flocked to Greece over the last few years. Also, when you moved there with no job to go to, where were you housed and how much benefit did you get ? Come on Pav, don't piss yourself, get angry. You are much more entertaining when you do that and you make an even bigger fool of yourself.
I actually feel honoured to be mentioned (in a roundabout way), in the same sentence as the intellectual giant, Enoch Powell.

Enoch Powell was an intellectual giant. In many ways. Shame he fucked up any chance he had of becoming prime minister with that speech.
No one is forcing you to do anything. Feel free to leave whenever you like.

I am a White Heterosexual Male and a Married Father living in my own country.
When I go to places like the pub, or the restaurant, or a concert or Molineux, I am surrounded by people like me. (Ok they wont all be Heterosexual or Married).
Either way, that makes me feel happy and comfortable to be with my 'own kind'. It's what we all do but I am just admitting to it. Perhaps that makes you feel uncomfortable because it's what you do too ?

I don't have friends from Poland, Romania or Bulgaria.

Or perhaps you and others on here can tell us all about how you engage with your Multicultural Circle of European friends ?
Well my step-kids have a Romanian nanny. They have had several over the years, many of whom have stayed family friends. The kids have been to Romania to stay with them and they have brought family over for holidays to stay in Wolverhampton as well. Thinking about it, they have also had Spanish, Hungarian, Dutch and I think Italian helpers in the house. I like to think it helps round the children as people to be exposed to as many different cultures as possible. Insular attitudes are rather narrowing and you miss out on a lot.

The attitude I have about friends in general is that they are friends first, and their nation of origin, ethnicity or anything else is rather secondary to that fact.
What is this natural tendency of which you speak? When some people encounter cultural differences, their instinct isn't to run away, but is to investigate & befriend. If what you said were true, there would never have been any explorers, there would be no innovators, no-one would ever travel.

.........That's why we go on holiday to other country's. But the vast majority come back to the UK and stay here.

Quote The only fear & resentment I see is already existing in you & your posts.

........I was referring to comments made by David Blunkett


We do not have integration in the UK. After all these years we still live separately. No wonder Blunkett is concerned. I think we should all be concerned.
We don't live separately though. I can stand in front of the house right now and there are two Asian families and two Afro-Caribbean families within 50 yards. Wolverhampton is very much an integrated and multicultural city and we should be praising that fact, not fearing it.
I'm trying to work out if you're actually just on the wind up or genuinely a bigot. I should add I hope it's the former.

Johnny, it really doesn't matter does it ? Does anyone on here really know anything about Enoch Powell other than that speech he made in 1968 ?
Does anyone know that much of his speech was spent quoting his constituents from the letters they had sent to him ?
That was 1968. The world has changed, and the constituents have definitely changed in that time. Sorry, but "the Blacks aren't brought over to drive the buses" any more. Two generations on from 1968 and Wolverhampton is an integrated place. Enoch probably wouldn't recognise it.
I can see the point being made.

Myself, for example; Im not racist, I just really really really hate black people, and dont want to be near them, in case I catch black.

West Indian people were gradually integrated into the UK over a very long period of time.
I don't hate anyone. I am just questioning the wisdom of EU freedom of movement throughout Europe policy. Labour even admit they got it all badly wrong.

After your comment though, I am very tempted to start a sentence with "I'm not a Racist but...........and I have at least one black friend....."

Can we say 'Black People' these days ? I thought we had to say "A Person Of Colour" ??
Johnny, it really doesn't matter does it ? Does anyone on here really know anything about Enoch Powell other than that speech he made in 1968 ?
Does anyone know that much of his speech was spent quoting his constituents from the letters they had sent to him ?

That first sentence along with many others you have written are rhetoric of the BNP. Are you associated with them or agree with their stance on 'people of colour'?

Hint: The answer 'Does it matter ?' is tantamount to admitting you do.
That first sentence along with many others you have written are rhetoric of the BNP. Are you associated with them or agree with their stance on 'people of colour'?

Hint: The answer 'Does it matter ?' is tantamount to admitting you do.

I never have and never would have anything to do with the BNP.

I never had a problem with immigration until Labour came to power in 1997 which is even more ironic as I voted for them in 1997. Then again, I think we all did. It was a landslide victory.

Labour admitted they 'got it wrong' on Immigration. If you analyse what it is they actually 'got wrong', can you then work out how to put it right ?

I don't think its an age thing either (See Vince 'Euro-Maniac' Cable).

For fifty years we had controlled immigration and gradual integration.
Now the EU tells us we must allow anyone from Europe to come into the UK, regardless of the numbers. To all intents and purposes, we have an 'open door', uncontrolled immigration policy.
I.E. we cannot control the number that wish to come here.

The sheer mass of people coming into the UKs has inevitably started to affect our Infra-structure and more and more people are concerned about the levels of immigration. I am just one of those people.