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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

See how activists from Labour, Lib-Dems or just the Looney Left in general (of which there are a few posters on here), think, that by drawing attention to a couple of idiots who associate themselves with UKIP, that this would somehow convince the electorate not to vote for them. Well it doesn't look like its worked does it ?

I think Farage does a little bit more than merely 'associate' himself with UKIP.
There was a few activists in the Electric Club on Saturday with their election trailer parked outside, they were drinking tea/coffee, that won't go down well with Nige.

Exactly, we want REAL men (and women) in UKIP. Beer and Lager drinkers only !
I think Farage does a little bit more than merely 'associate' himself with UKIP.

Nothing about the 300,000 voters beating Labour into third in the West Midlands last time round then Visage..........?
Do you think that margin might be bigger than 60,000 this time ?
If you weren't so cagey and just nailed your colours to the mast then there would be no ambiguity would there ?

If you read responses in threads it's fairly clear where I am on most things. Out of interest, is it just immigration that bothers you? I ask as I haven't seen a single positive economic case put forward by you on leaving Europe. It seems to be based on the premise we'll get a better deal if we left but with nothing to back it up. Andy tried and failed miserably above. I would say this is fairly important and far more important than immigration, so can you put the case forward?

Interesting that it still looks likely that UKIP will perform very strongly in the forthcoming Euro Elections.

This despite the media's anti-UKIP scare tactics.

See how activists from Labour, Lib-Dems or just the Looney Left in general
(of which there are a few posters on here), think, that by drawing attention to a couple of idiots who associate themselves with UKIP, that this would somehow convince the electorate not to vote for them. Well it doesn't look like its worked does it ?

Back to the drawing board eh chaps ?
Looks like those tactics have back-fired ?

In the last Euro Election, in the West Midlands, UKIP received over 300,000 votes, beating Liebour into third place with 240,000 votes. Makes you wonder how many people will vote for UKIP this time round, but would rather not admit it to certain people, even on forums like this ?

As has been asked before;
1)who is this looney left?
2)what is this anti-ukip media campaign?
3)it is with great interest that I note that you refer labour, the lib dems & the rest of the looney left as being anti ukip, but not the tories!
See how activists from Labour, Lib-Dems or just the Looney Left in general (of which there are a few posters on here), think, that by drawing attention to a couple of idiots who associate themselves with UKIP, that this would somehow convince the electorate not to vote for them. Well it doesn't look like its worked does it ?

I'd rather be from the loony left than the racist right. See what I did there? I denigrated your views by attaching a label because I don't have anything of substance to say.

You can't possibly know that and can't possibly know the damage it would do to the markets or to costs of products and the renegotiations of agreements. Just a silly opinion based on nothing.

Why would, for example, Mercedes Benz suddenly stop sending cars to sell in Britain if we left the EU?
Why would, for example, Mercedes Benz suddenly stop sending cars to sell in Britain if we left the EU?

Wrong brand to pick as their price point would still be top end. You've also picked imports not exports which is where the economy would fail. You don't address Vis's point about conpanys' leaving the UK and relocating to the EU either. So other than premium brand sports tourers how do you see the trade relationship sans EU membership?
Cars are actually a very strong point - in an EU devoid of the UK, the dominant players would be France and Germany. It would be incredibly advantageous for Mercedes, BMV, Citroen, Renault, Peugeot, Porsche etc to see the EU enact import tariffs against a non EU state such as the UK.

You'd see the domestic market imperilled overnight, and UK plants frozen out of business - Nissan would move production to an EU country, for obvious reasons.
Wrong brand to pick as their price point would still be top end. You've also picked imports not exports which is where the economy would fail. You don't address Vis's point about conpanys' leaving the UK and relocating to the EU either. So other than premium brand sports tourers how do you see the trade relationship sans EU membership?

It doesn't matter whether I pick imports or exports to make my point, or at which end of the market a particular company is situated. Companies on the Continent are not suddenly going to stop doing business with the UK if we leave the EU. It would be business as usual, so to speak, but the Lib Dems wouldn't like you to think it. The Spanish Costas won't suddenly stop accepting the millions of Euros that British tourists put into their coffers, nor will German car manufacturers. If Britain were to leave the EU, we'd instantly become the common market's biggest export market. Can an economy with a non-optimal currency union in a permanent state of recession afford to cut us off?

On the point of companies leaving the UK, Nissan kicked up a fuss 15 years or so ago along those lines. They said they'd pull out of Sunderland if we refused to join the Euro currency. Funnily enough they're still there. They kicked up a fuss about the growing levels of Eurosceptic feeling in the Graun a couple of months back too; about how they'd leave Sunderland if we dared to leave the EU. If they could find a way to power their cars with the hot air they generate they'd make a fortune.

Money makes the world go around as far as we in Britain are concerned, not a non-existent European identity. I've lived in Brussels, I've lived in Germany and I've lived in Finland but I don't feel any more European as a consequence. British people simply don't consider themselves to be "proud Europeans" and that'll never go away, no matter what the latest integrationist clones to graduate from the Natolin College of Europe think.
Cars are actually a very strong point - in an EU devoid of the UK, the dominant players would be France and Germany. It would be incredibly advantageous for Mercedes, BMV, Citroen, Renault, Peugeot, Porsche etc to see the EU enact import tariffs against a non EU state such as the UK.

You'd see the domestic market imperilled overnight, and UK plants frozen out of business - Nissan would move production to an EU country, for obvious reasons.

Nonsense. They care about our money more than they care about the EU. If the EU were to impose tariffs they'd be reciprocated, leading to further anti-EU feeling and protectionism in the UK market. Are you sure it'd be a good thing for them to lose out on sales over trade tariffs? They'd lobby the unelected commission day and night to get them repealed.
Then why does the EU currently levy a ten per cent import tax on cars?

That would apply to all UK cars if we left. It's naive to say that won't have an effect.
Then why does the EU currently levy a ten per cent import tax on cars?

That would apply to all UK cars if we left. It's naive to say that won't have an effect.

The EU levies a tax on vehicles to provide funding for its institutions. They have to raise funds from sources that generate high returns but affect few people or companies because quite frankly, the general public is not willing to pay for them. It's a similar situation in the City of London; the EU are playing on the ill feeling towards financial institutions to garner support for a financial transactions levy that will go straight into EU coffers. Hedge funds, banks and so on aren't willing to fund the EU either and would move to more favourable jurisdictions almost immediately if any tax is implemented. The government isn't willing to risk the tax revenue generated by Britain's biggest industry moving to Shanghai and have rightly jumped to the defence of the City.

The EU's accounts have not been approved by auditors in 2 decades. Where does this money go? Your guess is as good as mine.
That's all well and good, but it doesn't address the point made, namely that an industry employing thousands would be slapped with a ten percent handicap the day we left the EU.
Money makes the world go around as far as we in Britain are concerned, not a non-existent European identity. I've lived in Brussels, I've lived in Germany and I've lived in Finland but I don't feel any more European as a consequence. British people simply don't consider themselves to be "proud Europeans" and that'll never go away, no matter what the latest integrationist clones to graduate from the Natolin College of Europe think.

It's mightily handy that you're around to speak for everyone.
It's mightily handy that you're around to speak for everyone.

Go out into the street and do that thing the EU never wants to do: ask people. Do they consider themselves to be European moreso than British, English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish? I'm pretty positive I know what response you'll get.
Go out into the street and do that thing the EU never wants to do: ask people. Do they consider themselves to be European moreso than British, English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish? I'm pretty positive I know what response you'll get.

That's not the point; you're using your own personal opinion and your own take on your own citizenship and blithely assuming it applies to everyone.