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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

It doesn't really matter who wins the European Star Chamber elections because it's nothing more than a rubber stamp parliament which enacts diktats from the unelected commissioners. Hopefully as many seats as possible are taken by Eurosceptic Tory and UKIP candidates; at least it may provide some entertainment.
Why is that?

My family, friends, people at work and generally anyone that I know, do not see how we are getting any benefit from our membership of the EU.

I think its because I am a 'little Englander', of course, some would say I am a Racist, but as the years pass, I am not even sure what constitutes being a Racist now ? The word Xenophobia used to mean 'a fear of foreigners', which was never the case with me personally. Now the definition apparently means, "an intense or irrational dislike, or fear of people from other countries".
It's not that I dislike East Europeans, I just want immigration to stop, apart from the highly skilled, until we have near to full employment.

As I have got older I have become more resistant to change. I grew up in a very different country from the one I live in today and I just don't like it. I personally avoid walking around the City Centre Shopping areas now because you rarely hear an English voice and I feel uncomfortable with that.

Of course it wont ever change, it will just get worse, because we have no control over the number of Europeans that may want to come and live here.

My views will inevitably upset the Europhiles and champions of Diversity, they are entitled to their point of view, and so am I. But to answer your direct question, if enough people vote for UKIP in May then I hope that this will put some pressure on our Government to try and put a halt to the madness of being an EU member.
My family, friends, people at work and generally anyone that I know, do not see how we are getting any benefit from our membership of the EU.

I think its because I am a 'little Englander', of course, some would say I am a Racist, but as the years pass, I am not even sure what constitutes being a Racist now ? The word Xenophobia used to mean 'a fear of foreigners', which was never the case with me personally. Now the definition apparently means, "an intense or irrational dislike, or fear of people from other countries".
It's not that I dislike East Europeans, I just want immigration to stop, apart from the highly skilled, until we have near to full employment.

As I have got older I have become more resistant to change. I grew up in a very different country from the one I live in today and I just don't like it. I personally avoid walking around the City Centre Shopping areas now because you rarely hear an English voice and I feel uncomfortable with that.

Of course it wont ever change, it will just get worse, because we have no control over the number of Europeans that may want to come and live here.

My views will inevitably upset the Europhiles and champions of Diversity, they are entitled to their point of view, and so am I. But to answer your direct question, if enough people vote for UKIP in May then I hope that this will put some pressure on our Government to try and put a halt to the madness of being an EU member.

OK, I was just wondering. Without going into the benefits of being in Europe, of which I think there are many (mind you, I live in France so I'm a bit biased) I always thought that opening the borders to Eastern Europeans would be a disaster waiting to happen. Britain should have vetoed the question.
My family, friends, people at work and generally anyone that I know, do not see how we are getting any benefit from our membership of the EU.

I think its because I am a 'little Englander', of course, some would say I am a Racist, but as the years pass, I am not even sure what constitutes being a Racist now ? The word Xenophobia used to mean 'a fear of foreigners', which was never the case with me personally. Now the definition apparently means, "an intense or irrational dislike, or fear of people from other countries".
It's not that I dislike East Europeans, I just want immigration to stop, apart from the highly skilled, until we have near to full employment.

As I have got older I have become more resistant to change. I grew up in a very different country from the one I live in today and I just don't like it. I personally avoid walking around the City Centre Shopping areas now because you rarely hear an English voice and I feel uncomfortable with that.

Of course it wont ever change, it will just get worse, because we have no control over the number of Europeans that may want to come and live here.

My views will inevitably upset the Europhiles and champions of Diversity, they are entitled to their point of view, and so am I. But to answer your direct question, if enough people vote for UKIP in May then I hope that this will put some pressure on our Government to try and put a halt to the madness of being an EU member.

Typical of UKIP supporters, threatened by their declining ability to cope with change as the years advance, think the answer is to reverse 40 years of progress by trying to recreate a time when they were more potent. This may upset them personally, but "they are entitled to their view and so am I".

I didn't say this....but it could of been me...

Am I alone in noticing the sinister right-wing drift of La Farage's party over the last year or so? Slowly and carefully he has inched away from his traditional "In Europe, not run by Europe" message and shifted the focus almost entirely onto the matter of immigration.

This is no surprise. Opinion poll after opinion poll, study group after study group, showed that the British public don't give two hoots about "Europe". It was a dead duck, dead in the water. On the list of people's concerns, the EU came in at about ninth of ten places. Every single time.

So now we observe the shift: racism. Plain and simple... good old-fashioned xenophobia.

This tub=thumping buffoon plays into people's basest instincts. And he knows he's only got one shot at this. That is to say, while the economy climbs out of the doldrums. Once "business as normal" is restored, the question of immigration will disappear. In times of full employment and prosperity, no one really gives a toss about downtrodden poorly-paid immigrants.

This is exactly the path by which every fascist tyrant has ever risen to power in history: exploit people's natural unrest during times of economic downturn. Spread the myth that we, as a nation, alone of all people, are somehow "under attack" by foreign interests.

It's the oldest trick in the book, and idiots fall for it every time.

The only way Farage can come up with enough candidates is to bring in the racists. It will turn against him, because one of them will get in and start giving Nazi salutes in Brussels or Strasbourg.
Typical of UKIP supporters, threatened by their declining ability to cope with change as the years advance, think the answer is to reverse 40 years of progress by trying to recreate a time when they were more potent. This may upset them personally, but "they are entitled to their view and so am I".

The only way Farage can come up with enough candidates is to bring in the racists. It will turn against him, because one of them will get in and start giving Nazi salutes in Brussels or Strasbourg.


Just because YOU think we have had 40 years of progress, doesn't mean its true. Like you say, you are entitled to your opinion and that's all it is.

It is certainly not factual.

I am certainly not threatened by immigrants. I have a steady, skilled job but others are not so lucky.
I am at the stage now where I actually enjoy being called a Racist because that is the only route or argument that you have isn't it ?
Obviously all UKIP voters, and anyone remotely concerned about forced multiculturalism and forced immigration on the UK is of course a total Racist.
Can we move on now ?

But instead of pretending that we live in a multicultural paradise, I do think that people like you should heed the warnings of David Blunkett and Jack Straw because YOUR multicultural 'nightmare' is just a few very short years away !! Before you respond, remember, we are all entitled to our opinion.


I am not sure what Clegg hopes to gain by having a TV debate with Farage. I imagine that UKIP will love the fact that they will be on national TV, it is just the kind of publicity they have craved. Though it is hardly surprising that Messrs Cameron and Miliband declined the invitation.
Any chance we can take "everyone's entitled to an opiinion" as a given without having to put it in every post?
But instead of pretending that we live in a multicultural paradise, I do think that people like you should heed the warnings of David Blunkett and Jack Straw because YOUR multicultural 'nightmare' is just a few very short years away !! Before you respond, remember, we are all entitled to our opinion.



You have a point with what is essentially the ghettoisation of certain areas of cities. I would qualify this as a social problem all round though, not just with immigrant communities but our own indigenous population where social mobility is at its poorest since the second world war. Compound that with a split education system where the the vast majority of uneducated poor fail to see the benefits of education for their children and themselves and you have a recipe for hate between communities and can only lead to violence as that is all they will know.

There has been problems with the Roma community all over Europe for over a thousand years, it is nothing new, but UKIP are using this and other communities and lumping them in with Eastern Europeans which is very wrong. Are Eastern European surgeons OK to come into this country to live?

However, to say there has been no progress is factually incorrect. We have technological and economic progress over the last 40 years and some would argue social progress too. You can see the gap between uneducated and educated widening likewise the gap between very rich and middle to low income people.

UKIP always use the immigration argument but have no argument for leaving the EU for business which I don't understand, especially as money makes the world go round and the EU states provide around 50% of the UK's trading partners. There has just been an agreement signed with all EU members that allows Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) to use one agreement for all member states. This is bad news for patent attorneys worldwide (shame) but great news for business as it reduces the costs of IP by over 70%, this makes every country in the EU competitive with China instantly. Not only that but it changes the mindset from service to knowledge based economies and so will essentially freeze the monopoly the US and far East are having at the moment and returns the balance of power to brands that have good IP (like Dyson) and want to bring jobs back to the UK or EU.

There is also a return to manufacturing across the EU which benefits the UK directly, particularly as it is creating jobs in poorer EU countries like Spain, Portugal, Poland and the slavic countries and so the skilled workers are returning 'home' to earn a living wage.

Would UKIP really want to destroy all of this because they want to stop immigration and do you think business will let them? Regardless of how they do in May?

Do you prefer we stay a part of a common market or get out altogether and renegotiate all of the trade agreements we have now?
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Any chance we can take "everyone's entitled to an opiinion" as a given without having to put it in every post?

This is how it starts...

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Seriously guys, is this thread (and the other politics thread) worth getting that worked up over? If you feel people are getting under your skin from their comments, just take a step back and read a different thread/forum/go outside.
This is how it starts...

*** *** ***

Seriously guys, is this thread (and the other politics thread) worth getting that worked up over? If you feel people are getting under your skin from their comments, just take a step back and read a different thread/forum/go outside.

Not worked up, just don't see the point of qualifying every post with "just my opinion and I'm entitled to it." We're all just random strangers on a message board - we know it's an opinion.

But that's just my opinion.
(I wasn't actually referring to you with the bottom part of my reply...)

I am not sure what Clegg hopes to gain by having a TV debate with Farage. I imagine that UKIP will love the fact that they will be on national TV, it is just the kind of publicity they have craved. Though it is hardly surprising that Messrs Cameron and Miliband declined the invitation.

They get to look relatively normal and sane stood next to UKIP. Given their sellout at the last election they have to do something to try to regain some ground.
They get to look relatively normal and sane stood next to UKIP. Given their sellout at the last election they have to do something to try to regain some ground.

PPB could go and meander on about alternative ways of taking a shit and she'd look normal next to Farage.
PPB could go and meander on about alternative ways of taking a shit and she'd look normal next to Farage.

Awww bless, that's the nicest compliment anyone has ever paid me, thank you x !
I am not sure what Clegg hopes to gain by having a TV debate with Farage. I imagine that UKIP will love the fact that they will be on national TV, it is just the kind of publicity they have craved. Though it is hardly surprising that Messrs Cameron and Miliband declined the invitation.

Given that UKIP came second, to the Tories, in the last Euro Election in 2009 with 2.5 Million votes, and they look to be running them even closer this time round, and as several polls, including one from the Daily Mirror, puts UKIP as a the third biggest Party in the UK, surely it is only right that UKIP and Nigel Farage are allowed to enter into a debate on National Television.

In last years Council elections, UKIP won over 140 seats and averaged 25% of the vote in the wards where it was standing.

Yet, even with this support from disaffected voters from all sides, there are still some that wish to dismiss UKIP with ridicule, and of course amidst cries of 'Racists'. Yes they have a few morons within the party, (who doesn't ?), but that should not detract from the bigger picture. I think most people can see what the Press are trying to do as UKIP gain in popularity. To single out the odd moron does of course mean that we stop talking about the EU, and isn't that the real agenda from some of the Europhiles ?