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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

As I see it, the only way the Liberals can come out of this in any way shape or form, is with whatever small number of seats they somehow keep hold of having the balance of power in a hung parliament. Labour (IMHO) would have to do a fair amount wrong over the period building up to the election, to end up in such a situation*. If there were a hung parliament then labour are still a racing certainty, one would think, to be the bigger party in terms of seats, so the lib-dems would need to get into bed with the labour party. Totally impossible for Clegg, so there would be a change of leader at the top of the liberal party, one would imagine. All that is assuming that Clegg keeps his seat, but he might just hang on as his majority is a massive 15,000 votes from last time.

*mind you I said the same about Cameron last time.
However, I do think that the lib-dems getting into bed with the Conservatives is going to destroy them at a national level in 18 months.

This is so true - as is the fact that if UKIP do reasonably well in the next election they will destroy the Tory's chances.
The moment the Lib Dems went into coalition they faced an uphill battle at the next election. Supporting the Tories to make huge cuts in the public sector on the premise of austerity was so naive it is scary. No-one was surprised when Osborne announced last year that the cuts would continue based on ideology as much as saving money. Add in alienating half the population under the age of about 25 by breaking their tuition fee pledge and there’s more chance of the Scottish Nationalists and Northern Ireland parties holding the balance of power in a hung parliament.
The Scottish Nationalists will hope not to be there. Now - the Northern Irish parties holding the balance of power, that would be an interesting political situation.
The Scottish Nationalists will hope not to be there. Now - the Northern Irish parties holding the balance of power, that would be an interesting political situation.

They won’t be there because they've won no seats then! I’ll be amazed if they vote for independence.
I don't see any way that Scottish independence is going to happen now a currency union has been definitively ruled out. They have seven months to come up with a new currency of their own or be admitted to the Euro in that timescale, neither are viable.
Exactly. They planned the referendum for 2014 to hit the world cup and the commonwealth games to bring out nationalistic fervour in their favour, but this currency thing kills the whole thing stone dead.
It's almost as if they should have checked with Westminster first, or had a proper backup plan...
This is Alex Salmond we are talking about....

When you have a one-issue ticket, you sort of have to keep pushing it or all credibility is lost, even if the ticket itself lacks credibility.
This is Alex Salmond we are talking about....

When you have a one-issue ticket, you sort of have to keep pushing it or all credibility is lost, even if the ticket itself lacks credibility.

...which brings us back to UKIP...
I didn't say this....but it could of been me...

Am I alone in noticing the sinister right-wing drift of La Farage's party over the last year or so? Slowly and carefully he has inched away from his traditional "In Europe, not run by Europe" message and shifted the focus almost entirely onto the matter of immigration.

This is no surprise. Opinion poll after opinion poll, study group after study group, showed that the British public don't give two hoots about "Europe". It was a dead duck, dead in the water. On the list of people's concerns, the EU came in at about ninth of ten places. Every single time.

So now we observe the shift: racism. Plain and simple... good old-fashioned xenophobia.

This tub=thumping buffoon plays into people's basest instincts. And he knows he's only got one shot at this. That is to say, while the economy climbs out of the doldrums. Once "business as normal" is restored, the question of immigration will disappear. In times of full employment and prosperity, no one really gives a toss about downtrodden poorly-paid immigrants.

This is exactly the path by which every fascist tyrant has ever risen to power in history: exploit people's natural unrest during times of economic downturn. Spread the myth that we, as a nation, alone of all people, are somehow "under attack" by foreign interests.

It's the oldest trick in the book, and idiots fall for it every time.
I didn't say this....but it could of been me...

Am I alone in noticing the sinister right-wing drift of La Farage's party over the last year or so? Slowly and carefully he has inched away from his traditional "In Europe, not run by Europe" message and shifted the focus almost entirely onto the matter of immigration.

This is no surprise. Opinion poll after opinion poll, study group after study group, showed that the British public don't give two hoots about "Europe". It was a dead duck, dead in the water. On the list of people's concerns, the EU came in at about ninth of ten places. Every single time.

So now we observe the shift: racism. Plain and simple... good old-fashioned xenophobia.

This tub=thumping buffoon plays into people's basest instincts. And he knows he's only got one shot at this. That is to say, while the economy climbs out of the doldrums. Once "business as normal" is restored, the question of immigration will disappear. In times of full employment and prosperity, no one really gives a toss about downtrodden poorly-paid immigrants.

This is exactly the path by which every fascist tyrant has ever risen to power in history: exploit people's natural unrest during times of economic downturn. Spread the myth that we, as a nation, alone of all people, are somehow "under attack" by foreign interests.

It's the oldest trick in the book, and idiots fall for it every time.

I am not comparing UKIP to the Nazi party, but that is exactly how such groups get a foothold, and move forward from that position.