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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

It also begs the question of how much do you know that isn't conjecture or printed in the daily Mail

I thought my reference , to the Guardian link , was fair enough , after your post above.It was meant as a light hearted joke , with no malice.I'm surprised you feel the need to insult me , in such a way.I might have different opinions to you ,but I respect , your opinions .I will not trade insults , on this forum.
I thought my reference , to the Guardian link , was fair enough , after your post above.It was meant as a light hearted joke , with no malice.I'm surprised you feel the need to insult me , in such a way.I might have different opinions to you ,but I respect , your opinions .I will not trade insults , on this forum.

Just a light hearted joke, I guess humour must be different in different places and for different people. I do respect your opinion as in the Voltaire sense.

But if you're going to give it out you must be able to take it.
The cricial point in the swiss article is tha the quotas were set in 1990.
The current membrship of the EU bears no resemblance to the EU of 1990, so many eastern , and thus so many poorer counries have been added since, then that it's a no brainer that the whole thing has gone tits up.
In the current world it is simply not possible that two or three or more richer nations can shore up 20 poorer nations, and all be equal.

I am entitled to 'dole' money here in Greece as i am unemployed, the chances of getting even 1 euro are less than zero.

Whatever the European guidelines/ruels are on this, are simply bollocks outside the major nations.
There my be Euro laws governing this, and they might well work on paper in Brussels or Strasbourg, in real life, here on the ground they ain't worth shit.

Brussels makes lawsand more laws daily, and rulesfor this and that, that are simply not enforcable outside of the Brussells parliament.

It's jobs for the boys to feel important,and the whole thing needs revamping.

Europe was a great idea that got out of control, and got totally swamped by beaurocracy, then the euro took precedence over everything and if that wasn't a totally unworkable idea from the moment the likes of Greece, Portugal et al were alowed to join on parity with the major nations, i don't know what is.

They wanted numbers to make the Euro a big currency in the world matket, and in the case of Greece, they simply ignored, known, falsified economic figures to simply add another member and make the Euro look like a big boy on the playing field, total bollocks from day one.
The crucial point in the swiss article is that the quotas were set in 1990.
The current membrship of the EU bears no resemblance to the EU of 1990, so many eastern , and thus so many poorer counries have been added since, then that it's a no brainer that the whole thing has gone tits up.
In the current world it is simply not possible that two or three or more richer nations can shore up 20 poorer nations, and all be equal.

I am entitled to 'dole' money here in Greece as i am unemployed, the chances of getting even 1 euro are less than zero.

Whatever the European guidelines/ruels are on this, are simply bollocks outside the major nations.
There may be Euro laws governing this, and they might well work on paper in Brussels or Strasbourg, in real life, here on the ground they ain't worth shit.

Brussels makes laws and more laws daily, and rules for this and that, that are simply not enforcable outside of the Brussells parliament.

It's jobs for the boys to feel important,and the whole thing needs revamping.

Europe was a great idea that got out of control, and got totally swamped by beaurocracy, then the euro took precedence over everything and if that wasn't a totally unworkable idea from the moment the likes of Greece, Portugal et al were alowed to join on parity with the major nations, i don't know what is.

They wanted numbers to make the Euro a big currency in the world market, and in the case of Greece, they simply ignored, known, falsified economic figures to simply add another member and make the Euro look like a big boy on the playing field, total bollocks from day one.
The nice thing about that line of argument is that its so versatile.


'Why are the government spending billions on Trident when we need money spending on flood defences?'


Yes, it depends on your individual priorities and preferences doesn't it? There is a finite amount of money to be spent. That's what it's all about.
The problem with the EU, Pav, is that there seems to be a duplication of effort.
UKIP beat the Conservatives into second place in the Wythenshawe by election.

Mike Kane (Labour): 13,261
John Bickley (UKIP): 4,301
Reverend Daniel Critchlow (Conservatives): 3,479
Mary Di Mauro (Lib Dem): 1,176
Nigel Woodcock (Green Party): 748
Eddy O'Sullivan (BNP): 700
Captain Chaplington-Smythe (Monster Raving Loony): 200
Turnout: 28%
Very safe labour seat, so that may have had an influence. UKIP will get nowhere in a general election, I don't think
Very safe labour seat, so that may have had an influence. UKIP will get nowhere in a general election, I don't think

Agreed. A very low turn out in a one horse race, so it may have been a protest vote. Of more concern to me is seeing that the BNP got 700 votes.
labour previously had a majority of about 7500 didn't they? Seems they've increased that.
Yep. Plus the got about 55% of the vote compared to 44% in the seat at the general election. That, combined with a poor Conservative showing, even allowing for the fact it is a safe labour seat, and the lib-dems losing their deposit, is a more significant pointer than Farage's bunch sneaking into second with something in the teens in terms of percentage of the vote.
It's more an indicator that they're likely to split the Tory vote, no? If so, good.
Sadly the only thing UKIP will give to this country at the next general election is a Labour government. More debt, more socialist drivel, taxes on ambition, increases in benefits for the feckless and lazy and of course more European interference.
1) National debt is not an intrinsically bad thing. Over the last 200 years we have habitually had more debt as a proportion of GDP than we have over the last ten years, including under the last Labour government(s). The Tories' mantra of cutting the deficit is so wide of the mark it's untrue. Money that should be spent underpinning our own economy has been thrown away on something that affects virtually no-one on a daily basis.

2) The Labour party have very little socialist policy these days. If any.

3) I don't know, I'd rather have an increase in the welfare budget rather than leaving people to starve, stripping people of their dignity and disenfranchising huge swathes of the population, as the Tories have proven they're still wont to do.

This has been easily the worst government I've ever known, laughably out of touch and ineffectual at almost everything. And outright nasty at times.
It's more an indicator that they're likely to split the Tory vote, no? If so, good.

Not when it comes to a general election, they won't. Plus this is a totally safe labour seat - there is barely any point in voting otherwise, so a protest vote to tell Cameron he isn't delivering is easy to do when you know the Farragista isn't going to get in.

However, I do think that the lib-dems getting into bed with the Conservatives is going to destroy them at a national level in 18 months.
Not when it comes to a general election, they won't. Plus this is a totally safe labour seat - there is barely any point in voting otherwise, so a protest vote to tell Cameron he isn't delivering is easy to do when you know the Farragista isn't going to get in.

However, I do think that the lib-dems getting into bed with the Conservatives is going to destroy them at a national level in 18 months.

I think the shift of the protest vote is significant - for a number of years the split has been left of centre and for the first time can remember there is a real alternative right of centre. I am of course ignoring the right wing Blair government which didn't just split the right of centre vote it devoured it in 1997.

The difference is the Liberals, Social Democrats and Lib Dems built a foundation over a long period of time - double figures in parliamentary seats term after term, UKIP have nothing and apart from the man at the top no personalities. They need to break through in 2015 otherwise their presence risks reinforcing a strict two party system, out democracy is not set up to support a number of minority parties. If they get kicked out of power in 2015, the Lib Dems will have to go away and reinvent themselves as the party of the protest vote all over again.
However, I do think that the lib-dems getting into bed with the Conservatives is going to destroy them at a national level in 18 months.

Oh, absolutely. If I were a rank and file Lib Dem supporter (I'm not) then I'd be furious with Clegg.