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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

I did not at any point call you racist. Paddy, TSB & Kenny have clearly and repeatedly confirmed this. Read the post again below, with the boldened italic highlighted sections in particular. Part one is clearly about your style of posting:
As has been made clear to you more than once, your posting infers racist attitudes. TSB was very clear, that you posted an "I'm not racist but..." post, and you never responded to that.
The next bit talks about what you posted subsequently, with an analogy:
You then proceed to make a series of posts that do not in any way denounce racism or prejudice, and indeed suggest that people should not do anything about racist behaviour and attitudes, as there are laws against these. A nonsense argument. Would I not go to the aid of a person injured in the street, as there is an ambulance service?
I then express how I find it sad that you have not moved to condemn racism, given the numerous opportunities you have had to do so. The climax is how this then could be perceived by others:
Your words are at best utter nonsense. More likely, they are disingenuous. You have tried very hard to sit on the fence and not criticise racists, almost in a "somebody else's problem" kinda way. You had numerous opportunities to say "hey folks, I think racism is wrong too!" but failed to take advantage of any of those opportunities. And it is facts like this which cause others to infer from your posting style that you hold racist beliefs or similar.
I then very facetiously made a silly prediction:
Of course, you will no doubt post that you didn't make any racist comment. That doesn't matter, as your words, and lack of certain words highlight an inner belief you aren't comfortable with expressing.

And you will likely post a "boo-hoo the cabal have it in for me", but again that isn't true, as posters clearly have been taking issue with what you say not who you are.
At no point did I refer to you, except in the prediction. I referred continuously throughout the post to how you may be perceived. Indeed I referred throughout to others, not to you. I referred only to the views you express. If you are offended by others perceptions of your views, perhaps you should examine what those views are, what they say, and what they mean.

You read it and took from it something completely different, that isn't contained within the actual words, structure and meanings. That can only have come from you.

I am sorry to other members who have had to tolerate this misunderstanding. I hope this makes it very clear what my meaning was. I apologise to members and readers who have had to/chosen to trawl through this.

THM, as the above shows (I believe) I have nothing to apologise to you for, as I never, ever called you a racist.

You should however withdraw the insult you mistakenly threw back.
I did not at any point call you racist. Paddy, TSB & Kenny have clearly and repeatedly confirmed this. Read the post again below, with the boldened italic highlighted sections in particular. Part one is clearly about your style of posting:
The next bit talks about what you posted subsequently, with an analogy:
I then express how I find it sad that you have not moved to condemn racism, given the numerous opportunities you have had to do so. The climax is how this then could be perceived by others:

I then very facetiously made a silly prediction:

At no point did I refer to you, except in the prediction. I referred continuously throughout the post to how you may be perceived. Indeed I referred throughout to others, not to you. I referred only to the views you express. If you are offended by others perceptions of your views, perhaps you should examine what those views are, what they say, and what they mean.

You read it and took from it something completely different, that isn't contained within the actual words, structure and meanings. That can only have come from you.

I am sorry to other members who have had to tolerate this misunderstanding. I hope this makes it very clear what my meaning was. I apologise to members and readers who have had to/chosen to trawl through this.

THM, as the above shows (I believe) I have nothing to apologise to you for, as I never, ever called you a racist.

You should however withdraw the insult you mistakenly threw back.

I have already apologised but am happy to do it it again. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
I did not at any point call you racist. Paddy, TSB & Kenny have clearly and repeatedly confirmed this. Read the post again below, with the boldened italic highlighted sections in particular. Part one is clearly about your style of posting:
The next bit talks about what you posted subsequently, with an analogy:
I then express how I find it sad that you have not moved to condemn racism, given the numerous opportunities you have had to do so. The climax is how this then could be perceived by others:

I then very facetiously made a silly prediction:

At no point did I refer to you, except in the prediction. I referred continuously throughout the post to how you may be perceived. Indeed I referred throughout to others, not to you. I referred only to the views you express. If you are offended by others perceptions of your views, perhaps you should examine what those views are, what they say, and what they mean.

You read it and took from it something completely different, that isn't contained within the actual words, structure and meanings. That can only have come from you.

I am sorry to other members who have had to tolerate this misunderstanding. I hope this makes it very clear what my meaning was. I apologise to members and readers who have had to/chosen to trawl through this.

THM, as the above shows (I believe) I have nothing to apologise to you for, as I never, ever called you a racist.

You should however withdraw the insult you mistakenly threw back.

I am proud of my views, I could have denounced racism more, but had said that both political sides have used and continue using immigration to stir up hate. People are trying to divide us where I think we have more that unites us. I think an atmosphere of hate has spread between both sides, also in the states. I believe immigrants are the losers in the end of that division. I believe the more people argue about something that has now happened, the harder it is to unite. There is a thin line between calling 17 million people stupid, racist and Don't know what you have voted for and categorising hate towards someone who has a different colour skin. Hate breeds hate and usually the weakest and poorest come out worst. I think both sides have to admit many mistakes and lies and most of all I think the politicians that are representing us, are not worthy of the responsibility bestowed up on them.
If I tried to keep out of the race argument earlier it is because I find it an easy argument that doesn't heal wounds but builds walls between two sides.
If I never got in to the immigration debate earlier it isn't because I condone racism, it is because I don't want to fall in to the trap of division that certain politicians are preaching. I have felt for a while that their is nothing more to argue for with Brexit, after the MP'S voted for Article 50, Most remain campaigners have accepted that we are going to leave the EU. This is one of the reasons I was trying to keep out of tit for tat earlier, I was trying say that we had all made mistakes and instead of all putting links up to prove what we said was right, maybe we should stand back and all admit we have all got things wrong, all made mistakes all exaggerated our points of view to suit our agenda.
That was the context in me trying not to get in to a tit for tat as I saw it. When I read your post I saw you put many posts together what I had posted, that according to you I wasn't vociferous against racism. I saw it as an attack, when I was trying to build bridges. Maybe if you had said to me, are you against racism, I would have given you a more direct reply.
Anyway, sorry for the misunderstanding and I hope we can try to build bridges instead of barriers
Just to state I am against all sorts of racism and all use of race for political gain. In the end it is the immigrants that lose, not the people how spread racial hatred or the people who try to manipulate power from using race to their political advantage.Hate spreads hate and it doesn't get us anywhere.

As I saw on Twitter the other day, he dresses like a German trying to get into England in 1945 and wondering how on earth he managed to get arrested an hour after arrival.
He dresses like he's off to Cheltenham for his one trip a year to the races.
Nuttall now saying he's the victim of a smear campaign...
People are smearing him by reporting the things he said and the context in which he said them? Interesting.
That's got to be some fringe UKIP supporters group and not UKIP themselves. Surely.
It is, that's the scale of weirdo that they attract though.
They can't really police what nutjob fliers get handed out by twats that turn up. Granted, they should stop appealing to whack job racists, but still.
UKIP arent mental. But every mental person supports them.

This argument may apply to other pejorative terms. But I dont want to inflame THM's victimhood.