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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

Do you ever think that may be the left in the UK, is partly responsible for the movement to the right? ( as you would see it). I mean things like, when Tony Blair could have put a limited time period, before workers from the new EU countries from the old Eastern block, would be allowed to move to the UK. I think the likes of Germany and most of the other EU countries, had several years grace, before people from those countries could move to their respective countries. I only say this, because if someone lives in a poor country, without work or money and all of a sudden they are part of the EU, it is quite obvious where they will end up. Wait several years to go to Germany, or move directly to the UK. It is quite obvious that housing and health services haven't been able to keep up and so, the people who worked and paid in to the system, have often seen their living standards fall. I think if you push any population far enough, sooner or later they will react.
I am not going to defend racism, be it in newspaper articles or in party political propaganda. They are exploiting the disenfranchisement of many normal working people. It would be wrong to target many Brexit voters with agreeing to over the top racist views as it would be to say all people who support bringing more refugees, are communists.

Everything before the words "I am not going to defend racism" is you defending racism. You are basically saying people have legitimate reasons for their racism.

And even if there was any merit in your "it's the left's fault" Tony Blair's decisions were straight out of what most consider right wing economic theory.

The notion that its OK to be racist if you feel hard done by is fucked up. Id like to say Im surprised at who is pushing it. But Im not.

No I'm not at all. I am saying the left and right both use immigration to further their political objectives, which is basically power.
This causes division and hatred and isn't doing the country any favours.

If that is referring to me, you are wrong. I don't believe people are any more racist than they have ever been. There is racism, yes. But I am saying both left and right use immigration for their political gain, which is winning more seats and power.

Well, if you knew already that they were racists, nothing has changed. Get rid of them and everything is solved. We will be left with the same goverment and opposition. I am of the view that politicians say what they think you want to hear, not necessarily what they believe.

So we should just let racist behaviour slide?

If they have done something racist, there are laws in place. If they have done something illegal, I am sure the police would be on the case.
As has been made clear to you more than once, your posting infers racist attitudes. TSB was very clear, that you posted an "I'm not racist but..." post, and you never responded to that.
You then proceed to make a series of posts that do not in any way denounce racism or prejudice, and indeed suggest that people should not do anything about racist behaviour and attitudes, as there are laws against these. A nonsense argument. Would I not go to the aid of a person injured in the street, as there is an ambulance service?

Your words are at best utter nonsense. More likely, they are disingenuous. You have tried very hard to sit on the fence and not criticise racists, almost in a "somebody else's problem" kinda way. You had numerous opportunities to say "hey folks, I think racism is wrong too!" but failed to take advantage of any of those opportunities. And it is facts like this which cause others to infer from your posting style that you hold racist beliefs or similar.

Of course, you will no doubt post that you didn't make any racist comment. That doesn't matter, as your words, and lack of certain words highlight an inner belief you aren't comfortable with expressing.

And you will likely post a "boo-hoo the cabal have it in for me", but again that isn't true, as posters clearly have been taking issue with what you say not who you are.
So what result are you hoping to achieve on this thread?
The referendum is finished and there has been a lot of nastiness and division. You could post links all day showing how Brexit is going to fuck up the country, I could post links all day saying we are doing better than what was said we would. It doesn't get us anywhere. Maybe A result for me, would be if we all admitted we had said things that we shouldn't have said, got angry what we shouldn't have got angry about and realise that it was a huge event, but it is actually over. Posting links one way or the other isn't going to change anything, calling people stupid because they have a different opinion to you, doesn't achieve anything.
People dont call you stupid because you hold different opinions. People call you stupid because you seem stupid.
As has been made clear to you more than once, your posting infers racist attitudes. TSB was very clear, that you posted an "I'm not racist but..." post, and you never responded to that.
You then proceed to make a series of posts that do not in any way denounce racism or prejudice, and indeed suggest that people should not do anything about racist behaviour and attitudes, as there are laws against these. A nonsense argument. Would I not go to the aid of a person injured in the street, as there is an ambulance service?

Your words are at best utter nonsense. More likely, they are disingenuous. You have tried very hard to sit on the fence and not criticise racists, almost in a "somebody else's problem" kinda way. You had numerous opportunities to say "hey folks, I think racism is wrong too!" but failed to take advantage of any of those opportunities. And it is facts like this which cause others to infer from your posting style that you hold racist beliefs or similar.

Of course, you will no doubt post that you didn't make any racist comment. That doesn't matter, as your words, and lack of certain words highlight an inner belief you aren't comfortable with expressing.

And you will likely post a "boo-hoo the cabal have it in for me", but again that isn't true, as posters clearly have been taking issue with what you say not who you are.

I have said many things on this forum denouncing racism. I see you didn't look for one of those posts, because it doesn't suit your agenda.
You clearly don't use What I sayBut What you want to say I didn't say

Another attempt to attack a poster, not for any other reason than he voted differently to you. I have a long memory fortunately. You should try to look up the new rules of this sub division of this forum. and think before make absurd unfounded accusations. Starting rediculous arguments, in an attempt to try and bully me.
If it was simply about how you voted, why dont other brexit voters get treated the same?

Stop playing the victim card.
People dont call you stupid because you hold different opinions. People call you stupid because you seem stupid.

To you and people who think like you, maybe. The important thing is, not to people who know me. You don't win political debates by insulting people. Do you not think it is cowardly insulting people on a football forum?
Well, if you knew already that they were racists, nothing has changed. Get rid of them and everything is solved. We will be left with the same goverment and opposition. I am of the view that politicians say what they think you want to hear, not necessarily what they believe.
Yet MPs voted against A50?
Bit of Kulture

To quote (well paraphrase) the mighty Cicero:

Quo Usque tandem abutere, THM, patientia nostra

You might want to look up the translation...
the house of common voted to let the people have a defining vote

When you wonder why people call you stupid, its in part because its been pointed out to you many times that this isnt true, yet you persist with it.
Bit of Kulture

To quote (well paraphrase) the mighty Cicero:

Quo Usque tandem abutere, THM, patientia nostra

You might want to look up the translation...

I was having a quite diplomatic and calm day, until I was accused of being racist, for no reason what so ever. Completly unprovoked and out of order. Instead of nipping it in the bud, Vis basically calls me Stupid.
The reason I get insulted is not because I am stupid, which I am not, but because I stick up for myself. There are 3 Brexit posters, who post on this forum. The reason Cyber doesn't get what I get is because he doesn't get so involved, he doesn't put himself on the firing block. I don't blame him for that. I chose to fight back against bullying it is my nature. Nobody bullies me in real life, why shouldn't I stand up and stick up for myself?

You are in the legal trade, read my posts that got me accused of being racist. How can I be called racist for posting what I have? A poster, links many posts together and makes a ridiculous accusation out of the blue and instead of being defended by Vis, he buts in an basically calls me Stupid. Not because I have said or done anything, because I stand up for myself and obviously he can't get over the referendum result.
Well, I won't cower, I won't give way to unfounded accusations and when a mod has made it abundantly clear, he has no intentions of being fair or just, I will tell him he is being unfair.
Do you know why? Because that is who I am. I have good manners, but will fight for what is right.

Please Paddy, study what has been posted and tell me if it is right, that I could be called a racist!

You don't need to tell me if Vis is fair.
The quote basically says (it is from Cicero to Catalina in the senate in 63BC)

Why, oh why do you persist with trying our patience.

To me it seems perfectly apt.