I’ve played with and against players that have had good professional careers and I have never really worked out why some did and others didn’t.
Years ago dedication and application seemed to be the common denominator but latterly that appears to play a lesser part with players with questionable attitude and hearts the size of a pea often ‘making it’.
If you’re good enough you’ll always be good enough but I suppose I do still like a Dan Burn (referencing the other thread) who appears to have got where he got on shear attitude alone.
Played many a Game, with Phil Gee, went on to play for Derby County.
Also played many a game with Mark Sparrock, who was at Wolves with Andy Gray.
Phil was quick and had an eye for goal, he had a fantastic bit of Luck thanks to Steve Essex, and David Nish. He had application by the truck load
It's the same now
You can have all the talent in the world, but you need extra it's not enough to just be talented you need a massive Heart, huge Self Belief and a massive work ethic.
Just getting that first trainee at 16 takes work that not many people kmow about.
Imagine being at Work from the age of 6, and every week someone turns up for 6 weeks to prove they are better than you and if they do your let go, that is what happens every week in academies right through the world.
even then at 17/18/19 etc you have to dedicate your life
Mark on the other hand was a close friend of mine, he had all the talent in the world, and we often joked if he had 50% my application and work rate, or I had 50% of his talent we would have made it.
He would go out on the piss turn up.late for training, put 50/60% in training and never played higher than West Mids.
Someone at Wolves Academy once told me when I was Scouting it's 60% Talent 30% application and 10% luck
Fucking hell, dont talk to your missus whilst trying to type on here as well as listen to a Masonic, well Chapter lecture, whilst trying to decide if I am ready to go for Knights Templar.
I struggle doing 1 thing at a Time