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A man was seen putting surprise shoe boxes on cars in the NHS carpark this morning where a friend works. The staff found this. The Note says " Dear NHS Worker, just a little thankyou hopefully you find some of this useful. When all this is over, get yourself a treat. James x

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Jesus, just seen deaths up by about 30% again today.

Was talking to my ex, she's a band 7 in ITU. They're terrified. Understaffed, 3 patients to a nurse (should be 1),and says she's too scared to even go to the shop. 'it doesn't matter how old or healthy you are, you've no idea if you catch it whether you're going to end up with a cough, or end up on a ventilator. This isn't just fucking people who are already on death's door' it's going to kill tens of thousands of people.
Wife just went shopping wearing mask and gloves. She says other shoppers gave her horrified looks as though she has the virus and kept well away from her.

Made shopping easier for her.
So it's a time of global crisis. You would think this would bring nations together. Not in Trumpland.

The cunt is talking about militarising the border with Canada so he looks even-handed when authorising the shooting of a load of Mexicans.

Surely there must be a modern day Lee Harvey Oswald out there...
Jesus, just seen deaths up by about 30% again today.

Was talking to my ex, she's a band 7 in ITU. They're terrified. Understaffed, 3 patients to a nurse (should be 1),and says she's too scared to even go to the shop. 'it doesn't matter how old or healthy you are, you've no idea if you catch it whether you're going to end up with a cough, or end up on a ventilator. This isn't just fucking people who are already on death's door' it's going to kill tens of thousands of people.

Still waiting to hear where Squeeze is going to be assigned. I have a bad feeling it might be the temporary hospital authorised at the NEC. Concerned doesn't even cover it.
So it's a time of global crisis. You would think this would bring nations together. Not in Trumpland.

The cunt is talking about militarising the border with Canada so he looks even-handed when authorising the shooting of a load of Mexicans.

Surely there must be a modern day Lee Harvey Oswald out there...

Oddly enough I sent this to an american mate yesterday and said surely there must be someone out there?
So it's a time of global crisis. You would think this would bring nations together. Not in Trumpland.

The cunt is talking about militarising the border with Canada so he looks even-handed when authorising the shooting of a load of Mexicans.

Surely there must be a modern day Lee Harvey Oswald out there...

They'll be there to stop people leaving America
Lawmakers in the US House of Representatives are racing back to Washington DC to vote on the massive economic coronavirus bailout which at nearly $2bn (£1.6bn) is the largest economic relief bill in US history.

Members of Congress were planning to remain at home for a “voice vote” until one Libertarian Kentucky congressman hinted that he would demand a quorum of half the chamber be present - which rules say he is allowed to do.

Both Republican and Democratic leaders have called for members of Congress to return to DC, to ensure that at least 216 members are present for the vote on Friday to make sure that the bill’s passage is not delayed.

Asked on Friday whether a “voice vote” would be held, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi told reporters: “We’ll see.”

Lawmakers tweeted through the night on Thursday about their long drives to DC or their flights through deserted airports.

Several lawmakers have already been infected with coronavirus.

President Trump said he would sign the bill into law as soon as it is passed by the House, which is expected in a few hours time.

The bit in bold is frankly ridiculous. First against the wall (well, second after Trump) when the revolution comes.

Fucking hell, coronavirus has turned Paddy into some Che Guevara/Trotsky hybrid...
Wife's niece believes that Mexicans cannot get the virus, and so far only 8 deaths have been recorded in Mexico.

How ironic if Americans flee across the southern border into Mexico.
Italy looks really bad, but I would also pay attention to the figures from Spain, France, USA and ourselves. It doesn't look good.

Just a bit of flu though, eh?
Looks like it's just kicking into second gear, I think the next two weeks will be frighteningly bad.
Feeling happier today as I have been of more use to society - opened up the charity shop this morning for the last time for the moment & made sure that our regular clients had sufficient consumable supplies to see them through for a while & delivered a chair commode which had been specially ordered to someone who cares for a very elderley parent. If you can't get to the bathroom then you need somewhere to deal with this.

Went to Asda this afternoon (who have finally got the message to limit numbers in the store at any one time) so a queue - only 10 mins but was talking to the lady in front (6 ft away!) who said she worked as a carer and some of her clients were worrying about hearing aid battery replacements. Was able to advise where they could still be obtained even though we are closed though my number is on the door & website for emergencies & we will still try & get supplies delivered.

Going to talk to the local authorities on Monday to see whether they can link us up with local volunteers that can help (one of my neighbours has already offered).
The words "a temporary mortuary at Birmingham Airport that will hold 12,000 bodies" is about as sobering as it gets. If people still want to fuck the regulations after hearing that they have no place in society.
The words "a temporary mortuary at Birmingham Airport that will hold 12,000 bodies" is about as sobering as it gets. If people still want to fuck the regulations after hearing that they have no place in society.

From what I heard it was 1500 bodies - still not great though