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I just tried to get in the Bree Louise but it's completely packed out.
There is the Euston Tap bang outside the station which is great.

It was the tap Stan, ta very much.

Currently enjoying a pint of Oribit Nico sat outside! It's time like this I wish I still smoked :)
Probably my favourite London pub purely for the convenience and location!
A night of drinking available and I didn't have chance to get over to the Wine Seller as I was waiting for my new Marshall to be delivered (cracking little amp it is as well). I've got one bottle of Epic Saison then I'll have to make do with the Hoegaarden reserves. :(
Probably my favourite London pub purely for the convenience and location!

Have you been to the Howling Hops Tank Bar though!?

Just cracked open a bottle of the festive porter I brewed with my brother-in-law. We tried it over Christmas but it was a bit young and hadn't carbonated at all. Left it to condition in the bottle and a month later it has come on leaps and bounds.


Really tightly packed, dense head with tiny bubbles cascading up the glass on the pour. Very decent flavour too. Lots of bitterness with hints of chocolate and roasted nut flavour. I'm really chuffed with it! :D
Very cool Machin! I need to start home brewing, I don't know why I haven't at least tried it yet.

Currently drinking a colab between Nomad and Stone. A 5.2% red rye IPA. Seriously hoppy for 5.2. Crazy bitter.
My bro-in-law has got all the kit for doing 5 gallon batches and this is our second brew - we don't really get to brew that often though. I'm really keen to get a little 1 or 2 gallon setup going at home. Something I can do on a conventional cooker hob. Trouble being is you need lots of storage to condition the bottles. Oh and convincing the missus that its a good idea is another stumbling block!
I've toyed with the idea of home brewing but I'm just too fucking lazy. I mean busy.
3 Tigers - Curry Head

5.1 % Brown ale with a hint of "spice", not bad at all.
Yeah it's pretty decent Mike, it's been a while since I had it too. I thought it would be lifeblood for me being a Quo beer but strangely enough I only ever ordered two boxes and drunk it up Wolvo when Quo were playing the Civic.
Tempest, Pale Armadillo.
Absolutely belting session IPA. Bags of resinous hoppy aroma and flavour but with a good body to back it up. Probably my favourite sub 4% pale.
Yeah, that's where I've had them from before.
Craft beer seems to have finally found its way out to SE Asia at last. There's a bar called Taps in Kuala Lumpur that's got a choice of about 70 from all around the world. Fantastic stuff.

In Saigon there's two or three breweries now producing craft beers ... I live next door to one of them. Six or seven local varieties all with twists such as jasmine or pumpkin, etc ... Sounds weird but tastes fantastic, especially the Jasmine IPA and Saigon Saison. :burp:

Everywhere else it's a desert of Tiger or Heineken. :icon_rolleyes: