Got this lot coming. Was going to order from Beer Merchants (they've got a stunning selection) but I couldn't bring myself to pay £7 delivery, especially on top of a big order. Went back home to Honest Brew instead. Not sure what the 'backordered' means against the BA Rain Shadow, maybe they're out of stock
Partizan - Imperial Stout v1 - Stout 10%
Brew by Numbers - 03 | 05 - Porter - Willamette & Centennial 6%
Buxton - Barrel Aged Rain Shadow - Stout 12.2% (Backordered:1)
Brixton - Hurricane - DIPA 7.4%
Howling Hops - Double Chocolate Coffee Toffee Vanilla Milk Porter 6.3%
Stone Berlin - Ruination 2.0 - DIPA 8.5%
Mad Hatter - Nightmare on Bold Street - Milk Stout 5.3%
Buxton - Axe Edge - IPA 6.8%
Siren - Soundwave - IPA 5.6%
Weird Beard - Decadence - Stout 5.5%
Northern Monk - Black Forest Strannik - Stout 10%
Time and Tide - Calista - IPA 6.1%
Partizan - IPA 6.5%
Partizan - Porter 5.1%
Moor - Confidence - Red Ale 4.6%
Siren - V.I.P.A. - Belgian IPA 8.5%