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"A packet of salt and vinegar and a pint of Thames Roadkill, please mate – you sure? OK, bit of a well kept secret, I suppose. Got any Headburst? Flayed Cat? Growling Arse? No? OK, what’ve you got that’s super-local – tons of flavour mind, no more than 8% though, I’m driving, famous last words.

Camberwell Gobfest? I hope you’re having a laugh, my friend, no, I’m not saying it’s a badly made beer, just that weird sweetish almost jelly bean aftertaste, and the texture – a kind of underlying severe hardness underneath the syrupyness. Make it a half then. You know it’s not really a craft beer, not now it’s in Tesco, they’re not even a proper microbrewery any more, no, I’m not going all Camra on you, well how are you defining micro? Call me a purist, but anything with consistent quality control immediately loses the right to craft beer status, takes all the fun out of it.

OK, go on then, another half, quite a hefty nose on it, though, I’m still getting that weird foretaste, what did I say before? Jelly bean? It’s more a butterscotch hit now, no wait, mango? Mmm, complex, solid aftertaste, not bad, you need to drink at least a pint and a half, let the palate adjust, am I right? What’s that one over there – Dented Skull – kudos, wasn’t it highly commended in the 2013 Penge Ale festival? Wow, amazing. I’m getting kiwi fruit then fresh Snickers – lovely chewy mouthfeel, is it meant to have bits in it?

Anything stronger? What’s that, Hackney Devil’s Cobblers, great label, what is it, stout? I’m more of a porter guy but go for it – what, you think stout and porter are the same? Just come over here and say that, mate, and I’ll shove your stout where the sun don’t shine, hipster bollocks, the chocolate malt gives stout a mocha flavour you’ll never get in a porter. No need to get aggressive, I’m going, if this was a proper craft place you’d appreciate a bit of banter. I’m off to Wetherspoons."

That made me smile.
Just chased up my Beer52 delivery as I used the gift card to order my crate on the 5th. Apparently it hasn't been despatched yet but will be by the end of the week. I can sympathise that they must be super busy and as long as it turns up before Christmas it's fine but it's a bit frustrating that I got sent a gift card in the first place (even though I definitely selected the crate option) and now I'm waiting bloody ages for the thing to turn up!
Same thing with me here. Chased them yesterday and haven't heard back from them yet.
Yeh. Nothing back yet. Don't think I'll order anything from them again to be honest. Honest Brew have been much easier to deal with.
Another sour beer for tonight's Christmas BeerBods. Thornebridge/Wild Beer Tart. Hope it's nicer than the sour from Sunday night. That was rough!
Another sour beer for tonight's Christmas BeerBods. Thornebridge/Wild Beer Tart. Hope it's nicer than the sour from Sunday night. That was rough!

Was that your Sleeping Lemons? I've got a bottle of that - been looking forward to trying it.
Yep, couldn't get on with it. The smell was too rank.
My one foray into sour ale was bad enough to put me off forever.
I love sour beers but a bit weird to have so many in a Xmas box.
Placing another order with Honest Brew later in time for Christmas, plenty of Yeastie Boys, Three Boys and Cloudwater I think.
I think they've got the Cloudwater Winter range in stock now.
Just looking at it now, I'm struggling to get past the Hopfen Weisse for now though while it's still in stock. Toying with grabbing some 8 Wired Saison Sauvins as well.

The Wild Beer Co Epic Saison looks good as well but the Somerset Wild made me really wary of them!
The Epic Saison is lovely mate.
Plumped for this lot. I'll start mixing it up more after Chrimbo.

Wild Beer are only a bit weird when you start venturing into their truly 'wild' concoctions.

Bibble, Madness IPA, Fresh, Epic Saison and Millionaire are all wonderful specimens.
I've sunk a fair few Madness IPA, love the stuff. It was probably my favourite IPA til I just opened this bottle of Cloudwater IPA, now this stuff is fucking nectar.
Millionaire is 👌

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The Millionaire does sound nice, I'll throw some in my next box. Some of the Weird Beard beers look good too so there'll be some of those in as well.