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I like Wainwright but my question is what do others feel about larger breweries snapping up popular beers from other smaller brewers? Part of the fun in visiting new places is to sample the different ales that you find. What I wouldn't like to see is that more places around the country end up selling the same brands in their outlets.

Well it hasn't worked for Jennings. It's as uninspiring and middle of the road as you can get - I can't say I'm too fussed about any Marstons beers anyway, they fall into the same category.
I'm with Langers on this one. It's a 60s/70s deja vu.
Curious Porter is today's Beer Bods offering. Dark and smoooooooth. Subtle roasted coffee balanced with sweetness. Almost like a red wine! At 4.4% it's not a "punch you in the face" porter, which is a good thing for me.

Had never heard of beerbods until reading this - looks pretty tempting to give it a go!
Do it Phil, it's often the highlight of my week :D
I like Wainwright but my question is what do others feel about larger breweries snapping up popular beers from other smaller brewers? Part of the fun in visiting new places is to sample the different ales that you find. What I wouldn't like to see is that more places around the country end up selling the same brands in their outlets.

I know what you're saying, but I'm not going to feel too bad. Banks's/Marstons (I'm not sure who owns who) employ a lot of people in Wolves and any expansion is good for the city. I think the independent market is stronger than ever with pubs like The Lych Gate and Dog & Doublet offering lots of variety. Hopefully likewise is happening around the country.
This week's Beer Bod beer is the unfortunately named "ISIS Pale" by Compass Brewery.

Sounds nice though. American citrus hops (Cascade) on a toffee laden British malt base. 4.9% is a bit pokey too.


O'Hara's - Irish Stout. Gorgeous beer.
This week's Beer Bod beer is the unfortunately named "ISIS Pale" by Compass Brewery.

Sounds nice though. American citrus hops (Cascade) on a toffee laden British malt base. 4.9% is a bit pokey too.

Like Phil, I'm also intrigued by your weekly updates. £3 per bottle seems a bit steep though, would you say it's been worth it so far?
Was meant to be meeting the owners of Pure Bar/purity on Wednesday but now I'm in a meeting :mad:
Like Phil, I'm also intrigued by your weekly updates. £3 per bottle seems a bit steep though, would you say it's been worth it so far?

Yeah, absolutely. I thought the same about the £3, but you're not exactly getting bottles of Boondoggle and Old Speckled Hen - it's worth the premium to get new beer that's not readily available in the shops - I think most are only available directly from the brewery or at festivals. TBH I've not heard of any of the beers so far, but have liked every single one. I'm already looking for an excuse to buy a 5 litre mini-cask of the Fyne Ales Jarl I had a fortnight ago. Actually, that's a good example of why it's worth the £3. You can only buy a 12 pack or 5 litre mini-cask directly from the brewery. The bottles work out at £2.25 each but I would never have done that having not tried it first. The other only place I could find it online was charging £3.50 a bottle with a delivery of £6.50. So for that particular ale (which I loved) it was well worth the £3. If I had a couple of stinkers in a row, I might question it, but the guys who run it seem genuine chaps who chose the ales carefully.

Also, the #beerbods live tasting on Twitter (9pm every Thursday) is great for seeing what everyone else thinks as you are all drinking the same ale at the same time.

It was a gift subscription but I think I will probably renew it when my 12 weeks are up.
Your positive reviews have tempted me to get my brother a subscription for his birthday.
Mikkeler has a subscription plan in the States that runs you $864 a year.
Not sure I'd pay quite that much!
That doesn't even include the shipping (from Denmark, no less).

So assuming that you're lucky and you get 12 beers every month (although the official number is "6 to 12" with no real indication of when you'll get what), that's $6.94/£4.68 per 12oz/330mL.

Which is actually a fair bit cheaper than buying Mikkeler regularly but is still an absolutely raucous amount of money.
I posted a similar offer to this last year and you turned it down flat! (no pun intended)
A Spring Sprinter or two in the Fox and Grapes. Most excellent.
So it's Beer Bods time again. Last week's "ISIS Pale" by Compass was beautiful. It has bicuity and caramel malts with the Cascade hops giving it a wicked sharp citrus hit. Quite a punch at 4.9% but that suited the flavour to be honest.

This week's ale is a lager (WTF!?!?)


To be fair, it's a tradition, slow/long brewed lager (It’s put through a second maturation for several months) dating from 1328!

"Subtle floral hops, soft body, a bready depth, biscuity sweetness, a slightly bitter, grassy finish."

Actually looking forward to it - great day for a frosty one :D
Lagers get a bum rep because of the American macro explosion, but there are some exceptional examples of the style out there.
Britain and Europe are equally culpable, tbf.
Lagers get a bum rep because of the American macro explosion, but there are some exceptional examples of the style out there.

Is there nothing you asshats won't take credit for?