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2024 General Election Thread

Who did you Vote For

  • Labour

    Votes: 35 63.6%
  • Tory

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lib Dem

    Votes: 7 12.7%
  • Green

    Votes: 12 21.8%
  • Farage Ltd

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Serious Independent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SNP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • One of the Niron ones

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Count Binface

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Mr Baked Bean Face

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other Strange Party/Independent

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I didn't say I wasn't voting at all. Just not for Labour.
That's sad IMHO unless its a tactical vote to get the tories out. But it would be nice to see what you have to say in the same vein as you did about SKS about one or two of Cameron, Johnson, May, Truss, Sunak, Osborne, Javid, Badenoch, Morgan. Letwin, Patel, Gove, Hunt, Braverman, Rees-Mogg, Cleverly, Raab, Hancock, Rudd, Zahawi, Mone, Mordaunt, Shapps, Dorries, Coffey, Kwarteng or even Clegg! I would say that in my carefully considered opinion all 27 of them have done far more damage to the UK and are far worse than SKS. ;-) By the way, I am not going to go on and on at you! Have a good weekend.
That's sad IMHO unless its a tactical vote to get the tories out. But it would be nice to see what you have to say in the same vein as you did about SKS about one or two of Cameron, Johnson, May, Truss, Sunak, Osborne, Javid, Badenoch, Morgan. Letwin, Patel, Gove, Hunt, Braverman, Rees-Mogg, Cleverly, Raab, Hancock, Rudd, Zahawi, Mone, Mordaunt, Shapps, Dorries, Coffey, Kwarteng or even Clegg! I would say that in my carefully considered opinion all 27 of them have done far more damage to the UK and are far worse than SKS. ;-) By the way, I am not going to go on and on at you! Have a good weekend.
All of them cunts.
It's a very Tory thing to want power for power's sake, or believe that you were born to rule (both Cameron and Johnson definitely fall into both brackets, it's unclear why Sunak ever went into politics as he didn't need to and he isn't very good at it either).

I don't think any Labour Government ever works that way and I doubt it applies to Starmer either.
Thought sunak went into politics because his father in law had a word with senior tories so they parachuted Sunak into a safe seat to make his father in law richer through dodgy contracts
That's sad IMHO unless its a tactical vote to get the tories out. But it would be nice to see what you have to say in the same vein as you did about SKS about one or two of Cameron, Johnson, May, Truss, Sunak, Osborne, Javid, Badenoch, Morgan. Letwin, Patel, Gove, Hunt, Braverman, Rees-Mogg, Cleverly, Raab, Hancock, Rudd, Zahawi, Mone, Mordaunt, Shapps, Dorries, Coffey, Kwarteng or even Clegg! I would say that in my carefully considered opinion all 27 of them have done far more damage to the UK and are far worse than SKS. ;-) By the way, I am not going to go on and on at you! Have a good weekend.
I think the point is you EXPECT those people to be cunts, they don't represent us, they represent the ruling class. You/we should expect the leader of the Labour Party to represent us, ordinary people, and act in our best interests. When they openly act in the same interests as the bastards you listed, it is more of a let down, it is a kick in the crotch of ordinary people, and thus begets more criticism. Maybe.
I think the point is you EXPECT those people to be cunts, they don't represent us, they represent the ruling class. You/we should expect the leader of the Labour Party to represent us, ordinary people, and act in our best interests. When they openly act in the same interests as the bastards you listed, it is more of a let down, it is a kick in the crotch of ordinary people, and thus begets more criticism. Maybe.
I agree with the spirit and the way people like you and TP are talking on here but it'll take one helluva change of mentality in the UK to get any semblance of democratic progress and justice for UK citizens. It's all so ingrained and IMHO UK history shows that change has to be done steadily otherwise the powers that be will get you. Let's see but I am not optimistic at the ripe old age of 65 of even slow progressive change being allowed. Indeed, Labour leaders have to be squeaky clean as the ruling class certainly got to the apparent political, sexual and religious inclinations of Wilson, Blair and Brown. One of the biggest successes in my lifetime was over 50 years ago when the comprehensivisation of schooling was done and we know how that failed because they just weren't going to let it be a success. Independent schooling survived and its poisonous effects are now rampant. Many a left wing analyst has said in retrospect that we should have taken them all out. I concur.
PS. Even with a massive and justified lead in the polls the combined support of the tory and reform jokers is more or less the same as Labour. Considering what has happened in the last 14 years that is completely ridiculous. IMHO.
What I think is dying out is the old trope of people drifting further right as they enter middle age.

I'm 43 and don't personally know anyone heading in that direction. The opposite if anything.

Unless you're already very well off and don't have to worry about anything financially, the Tories have nothing to offer you.
What I think is dying out is the old trope of people drifting further right as they enter middle age.

I'm 43 and don't personally know anyone heading in that direction. The opposite if anything.

Unless you're already very well off and don't have to worry about anything financially, the Tories have nothing to offer you.
I think it's more that people are moving rather than the 'I'd vote for a pig in an x rosette' as generations have been in days gone by.

The Tories harbor the fears of migration as their weapon and it works on poorer folks as fear is such a powerful weapon.

But even rich folks are changing from that particular view as it's bad for business.
If you look at 1979-1997 and then 2010-2024...the Tories broke so much stuff in those two massive administrations. Even more egregious the second time around.

You'd hope it'd put them out of power forever in our lifetimes but there's always a way back in politics. What I would say is that way is not to tack further right with some total wanker like Braverman or having Farage take over.
What I think is dying out is the old trope of people drifting further right as they enter middle age.

I'm 43 and don't personally know anyone heading in that direction. The opposite if anything.

Unless you're already very well off and don't have to worry about anything financially, the Tories have nothing to offer you.
100% agree and hope that the younger still were reading about threats to their driving licence from Sunak. We can but hope that my generation and thatcher's children like those who thought moving from Ashmore Park to Essington or Great Wyrley meant that they'd made it and therefore should vote tory and against their interests will repent or give up the ghost. What really pisses me off though is those who followed influencers like that twat Russell Brand in the recent past and then didn't vote.
I think the point is you EXPECT those people to be cunts, they don't represent us, they represent the ruling class. You/we should expect the leader of the Labour Party to represent us, ordinary people, and act in our best interests. When they openly act in the same interests as the bastards you listed, it is more of a let down, it is a kick in the crotch of ordinary people, and thus begets more criticism. Maybe.
This. The Tories do their job. Labour don't.
But they are centrist, Blair certainly was.

I know you don't agree with that but it is a fact.

They're just not though. Currently centre right. Been there for most of the past 30 years. They were closer to the centre in 97 than they are now though for sure.

They currently support low public spending and low taxation. Right wing policies. They talk a lot about immigration and are pro-Brexit. Right wing.

If you don't believe me look at the kind of people who are now endorsing them. Billionaires and millionaires don't usually support left wing parties. Tory MPs have converted to Labour.

I get he's not Sunak and that's lovely and that for some reason you feel the need to defend him, but let's not pretend he's a centrist.
Ah, I couldn't call Labour pro-Brexit, not in anything other than a very literal sense of they don't want to immediately overturn it (for the avoidance of doubt I would, as it's possibly the stupidest thing any Western democracy has done in 80 years and I'm still annoyed now. And fuck anyone who voted for it, you had your go, it's clearly shit and you have stupid ideas, do one).

They don't bang on about how it's a good thing or how it opens up opportunities (bollocks, obviously), they don't indulge in the awful anti-EU rhetoric that disgusting cunt Fat Al did, they openly want to renegotiate the crap terms we have and move towards closer ties.
But they are centrist, Blair certainly was.

I know you don't agree with that but it is a fact.
Socially, I would argue Blair was definitely left of centre but he was to the right economically.

I would like Starmer to be more like Blair in that regard, it would be an improvement.

2017 Labour was economically and socially left and polled around what Starmer will this time.
They're absolutely not 'low taxation' though, are they?

The tax burden is massive as we know - there isn't the room or the public appetite to increase any of the big three. But equally there's not been a hint of decrease anywhere, so saying they're 'low tax' is clearly bollocks.

They're obviously keeping a CGT move in the back the pocket which will, I'm presuming, be used to pay for the double child cap.

They're not pro-brexit. They're anti letting reform/tories weaponise a stance on it prior to the election. There's a renegotiation in 2025; I don't think we'll get CU or SM then but certainly a softening of tensions. At the end of the day if they came out and put rejoin in this manifesto, they'd get hammered and the polls would look a lot different. It's too risky electorally, and too important to get wrong again. Maybe with 5 years to use government to soften the language around it ahead of the next election it'll be different.

The desperation of a massive portion of former Labour voters to SKS as right wing just plain weird, and falls apart under the most minute scrutiny. So he hasn't been able to stick to his 5 year old pledges, he's not moses. The world changes.
Socially, I would argue Blair was definitely left of centre but he was to the right economically.

I would like Starmer to be more like Blair in that regard, it would be an improvement.
I would say Brown managed the economic side of things and Blair more or less left him to it.

Hard to pull up comparisons as it's all a long time ago now. The world has changed immeasurably since 1997.