Keep forgetting to post this but during our trip around Europe, Mini Langers and I went to see GAK v Blau-Weiß Linz in Graz. What a superb afternoon. First time I've been to a game outside England and it was incredibly entertaining both on and off the pitch.
It was at the Merkur Arena (formerly known as the Arnold Schwarzenegger Stadium) and although one of the ends was closed, it was incredibly noisy from the first minute to the last. Only 5,000 fans were there but it sounded like a lot more. It was very nice to have a beer during the game (and get me,
@Deutsch Wolf - I actually ordered my beer in German after asking if I could pay by card! Cheers, Duolingo...) and enjoyed relaxing in 28° heat watching a pretty low quality game of football.
The game itself was entertaining enough despite the quality, 0-2 to Linz at half time, with the PES-sounding Ronvaldo the main threat for them up top, but the 2nd half was all Graz and they came back to draw 2-2, so the fans went home happy. Some very interesting methods of defending set pieces (Linz's method of 'stay still and hope the others don't move too quic.... oh fuck, that's 2-2' was never going to work). Oh yes, and although I moan about the refs in England often enough (with due cause - they're shit), I did feel sorry for the locals as it seems that the Austrian Bundesliga is not the place to go to find competent officials. Mini Langers was killing himself laughing at some of the decisions he made, comically bad for both teams throughout. Still - it added to the entertainment.
Could have done with a look around the club shop - some of GAK's retro shirts are pretty cool, I'd have liked a souvenir.
Oh yes, and it cost me a total of €40 for 2 tickets and 2 beers. A bargain. Shame you won't be reading this, Jeff - you twat. That's €40 more than you'll be getting from me this season.
Main highlight? GAK have a club song that plays before the game starts. It's a soft rock classic - think of 'Don't Stop Believing' but with lyrics basically saying that the team in red and white are very good or words to that effect, with a key change for the final chorus. Stunning guitar solo halfway through as well. Absolute tune.