Honestly, i hate that we are ruled by a King who was born into that role, supposedly "put there by God", i hate that our elected PM has to swear allegiance to him, that the national anthem isn't about the people of this country, but about hoping the King lives forever, reigning over us, I hate that the King's brother is at best friends with a huge paedo, at worst is one himself, i hate that we don't have a choice as to whether this Family "reigns over us", we just have to put up with it and that things like "inviting us to swear allegiance to the King" is perfectly normal and is ok, and of course i hate that we have to pay for the privilege of it all. Ace
And no it doesn't effect my life on a day to day basis, but neither does Boris Johnson, that doesn't mean that we can't all think he's a massive cunt and hate everything that he stands for.