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The Incoming Transfers Everywhere Thread: Summer 2023

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He’s certainly experienced, which I prefer over the 19 yr old Brazilian mentioned before
Elvedi is right sided, that Brazilian guy is left. Don't necessarily think it's one or the other.
That would be silly if we do.
Agreed, if it’s a player the manager really wants, and your arguing over say 5mil, just bloody pay it.

I’d rather than than going for plan b target who the manager didn’t really want
He’s certainly experienced, which I prefer over the 19 yr old Brazilian mentioned before
Not that I can prove what I was or wasn't told over 8 years ago but I can assure you it is true.

I wouldn't bother white knighting him if I were you.
Youve had a vendetta for years, I for one have no problem with a return.
He basically triggered every single one of Dan’s football pet peeves for four years running. He’d have to win the Ballon d’Or to undo all that damage.

And this not me calling your stance unfair, Herr Bud. 🙂
Some fans like him. Outside of this bubble plenty who back his return
The twitter kids?

They've only seen the Nuno years, not really a full picture.
But it explains their thinking though.

If your memory of Doc is that period then it will mainly be good.
Also seen plenty of older fans who have what can only be described as having memory loss as they also only remember the Nuno version of Doc despite seeing all the versions before he arrived.
Twitter pro Doc arguments are basically

Knows the club
Better than Jonny
Some fans like him. Outside of this bubble plenty who back his return
Well, again. Fuck 'em.

Although in fairness I do hope that they're the ones who turn out to be right this time.
The cynic in me thinks that the Doc deal was all but done (even Romano pretty much gave it a “here we go”) but they’ve seen the overly negative backlash online and have pulled the plug. I could be miles off, but I’m sure the club do read the various forums.

Scott is an interesting one. Would he play as one of the deeper midfielders, in behind a striker (I assumed Cunha would make that role his own this season), or one of the wide midfield positions?
I think we're a stalking horse to help Doc get a deal with another club.
Romano just did talks moved into the final stages.
Still a step or 2 away from a here we go
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