Suits is fantastic viewing, Youngy. It’s really well written, comedic, dramatic, and the dynamoc between the characters is really good, and mostly likeable.
I’ve given up on True Detective though. The pace was too slow for me, but more importantly I had to concentrate too hard on the dialogue. Pisses me off all the whispery voices, so you turn the volume up, and then stuff falls off your shelf when somebody slams a door. The accents are pretty much undecipherable for my tiny brain. Had a similar problem with The Wire, which is why I only lasted 3 episodes of that.
Just finished season 2 of House of Cards; that was brilliant. Dark, brilliantly written, dramatic and some tremendous characters.
Enjoying Fargo, but as per SLA, I’m getting annoyed at the lack of expertise involved in the solving the case of a murdered police chief and a local mobster/businessman. But, I suppose it is a true story, so there’s only so much licence for creativity.
Got S.H.I.E.L.D. on series link, it’s always enjoyable. Looking forward to 24.
Has anybody seen the ‘Strike Back’ series? If you like 24, you’ll like that. Full of action and twists, with the odd gratuitous sex scene thrown in for good measure.
I do feel like I need another box set to catch, either on On Demand, or Netflix. Any recommendations?
Oh, I also feel that Modern Family doesn’t get anywhere near enough love in this thread. The funniest thing to come from America for fucking years. If you haven’t watched it from the start, I’d highly recommend it.