If it was any other paper i'd imagine that was a mistake. But...The daily fucking mail can't help themselves though can they? In the story on their website reffered to him as 'She'. Fucking cunts.
Very close to the maximum custodial sentence that the Magistrates Court can hand down without referring it to the Crown Court for sentencing.Robert Biggs, 30, £55k pa STH (former) jailed for 24 weeks:
Man, 30, pleads guilty to assault after headbutting Sheffield striker
EXCLUSIVE: Robert Biggs, 30, of Derbyshire, entered his guilty plea at Nottingham Magistrate's Court this morning after being held in custody overnight.www.dailymail.co.uk
Or referee for that matter, one wrong decision and you could have a close up view of a tyreNow, as a member of the keepers union I know we are generally thought to have a screw loose...but fook off would I go in goal for this
Imagine a one on one!!