Anyone ever done any 'barefoot' running?
It doesn't neccessarily have to be barefoot, you can get 'barefoot shoes' which offer little more than a sole for a bit of protection, none of the cushioning and support and whatever else modern running shoes are supposed to offer. The idea being that running with none of this extra technology to 'correct' your technique is that your body naturally finds 'your way' of running then allows/encourages your legs and muscles to strengthen in support of your technique, opposed to having a modern shoe alternating your technique and effectively making you weaker in the process.
I've read little bits on it, apparently there's a book called 'Born to run' which is quite informative on the subject, seems quite interesting so i might try and find a deal on some 'barefoot shoes' and give it a try. Hopefully i can reap some of the strengthening effect that supposedly comes with this style of running and rid me of the ankle niggles i've been picking up lately.
Was reading some stuff about running technique too when i looked into it, heel striking/toe striking sort of thing, not sure my technique is as 'efficient' as it could be so might have a go and see if i can change it.