First E mail gone to Coca Cola, cc to FIFA. now we shall see if there is any response.
Dear Coca Cola,
I am 62 years old and have been a football fan all my life, played and followed the game wherever and whenever possible, but the current malaise on the beautiful game that is called FIFA has to stop.
Mr Blatter won the election today, no big surprise there, but i must inform you that my belief is, that as money and greed have caused this problem, then sadly it will only be, by the stopping the money that feeds that greed, that will provide a solution.
I am no big fish in any waters, but I must inform you, that as long as Coca Cola continues to sponsor this debacle of greed, I in my small way, will boycott any products under the Coca Cola banner or any of it's subsiduary products or companies.
I will also do my utmost to influence colleagues and friends to take the same stance.
Stand up Coca Cola for the love of our game, the people's game, and remember those same people are your customers.
Yours sincerely
Paul McMahon.