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The F1 Thread

No doubt. But the point was more about laddish commentators than old women able to see through to people's inner cuntishness.
They actually called Max out for his shithousing, unlike "Crofty" and Brundle who tried their best to cover it as a "racing incident" or outright blame Lewis for being too close and not wanting to go passed him

were we watching the same race?
were we watching the same race?
and I quote... "why didn't Hamilton go round him? Max left loads of room to overtake" (while Max slowed almost to a stand in the centre of the track). The bias by the race commentators is offset somewhat by the pre/post race team though
I just don’t see or hear that bias at all. Coulthard said it was finally sense from the stewards that max didn’t get a penalty in Brazil. He actually is biased.
Still takes the Red Bull silver doesn;t he?
and I quote... "why didn't Hamilton go round him? Max left loads of room to overtake" (while Max slowed almost to a stand in the centre of the track). The bias by the race commentators is offset somewhat by the pre/post race team though

They also said it was odd how he didn't pick a side like a normal pass, said hamilton was likely confused/misunderstood, took the piss out of max's give/retake, and specifically said they were looking forward to hearing what the stewards had to say regarding max's onboard data, which we now know had the random deceleration.

Dunno. I've always found them to be pretty fair/middling.

edit -- IIRC the "loads of room" comment came after they showed one of the from-above angles where it looked like plenty of space either side, but they dialed that back a bit while looking more at lewis's onboards. or not, I don't care enough to argue about this too much or revisit the stream to verify. I just haven't really had my bias alarm ringing because of them.
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Max thinks he is being treated unfairly. Bless.

Whinger Spice says there will be no crash this weekend as Max is a better driver than Lewis. Deluded.
I know. Staggering. Lewis is the GOAT, and I say that as a massive Senna fanboi. Schumi, Fangio and Jim Clark only ones in the same class.
I know. Staggering. Lewis is the GOAT, and I say that as a massive Senna fanboi. Schumi, Fangio and Jim Clark only ones in the same class.
Gilles was quicker than all of them - none of them managed to be 11 seconds a lap quicker than anyone else in the rain...

(and probably Bernd Rosemeyer is up there too, but even I'm not old enough to know for sure!)
All F1 drivers are pretty self obsessed and never really feel like they do anything wrong. Trouble is Max has Horner, Marko and his dad in his corner who just massage that feeling and make no effort to hold him accountable or bring him down a peg.
max would beat gilles
I think you know not of what you speak.

Max is good, and will be even better when he grows up a bit and stops trying too hard. However, he's not at winning Monaco (including overtaking people) in a complete shitbox with an on-off throttle; or completely fairly beating out a five car train of quicker cars to win without moving over on them once.