The new Vanorama advert... :facepalm:
Have to be quick to hit the mute button or the bloody song gets stuck in my head...Just fuck off you shite "white van man" twats!
Two personal bugbears at the moment:
1) Daniel Sturridge Subway advert. It's not just his wooden delivery or the bizarre optimism advertisers showed when booking that advert to appear deep in the knockout stages of the World Cup. It's that the flashbacks showing the young Studge's TV, clothes, the car he wellies the ball at, the Pele advert on the TV - appear to indicate that he grew up at some point in the early 80s. I'm not sure England's premier misser of gilt edged chances is 33.
I've been waiting patiently for the complaints about the latest BT Broadband ad. Three generations of the geek are now in the adverts and not even a mention on here.