Landmark klaxon
Landmark church in Wolverhampton, not St. Peters apparently.
My claim to making myself look a dick was outside that church,as an army cadet regimental sergeant major(ooh get me) we did a mayors guard of honour for a function there,I was leading the guard,the mayor arrived,I called the guard to attention,came to attention myself,and because I was wearing hobnail boots and there's a slope,fell over into an undignified heap,which the mayor then stepped over and disappeared inside.
And yet Jonny Phillips' articles have always provoked a very positive reaction.
Read Tim's player ratings from the Fulham game earlier. Agree with some, disagree with others (he really does have a problem with Willy Boly). But that's not the point.
Out of idle curiosity and because it all seemed a bit perfunctory, I had a look at the word count. Something like 470 and I was allowing him stuff like (on for N'Diaye, 67) in there.
Word count isn't everything, but my Norwich player ratings came in at 1,400 words or so and my reaction piece to Fulham which was a bit more of an analysis was around 1,900 words.
Can't be a time thing either where he's smashing out a piece within minutes of the final whistle because those Fulham ratings came out a good two hours after I published my article on Sunday morning.
He can write when he wants to (whether I agree with him or not) so I wonder why he's being instructed to produce material that has zero depth to it?
That's a valid point, I always make an effort to read his articles whereas I never bother with Tim's stuff. The E&S is like a local more right wing version of the sun, I guess Tim has to meet their target audience.
You only have to look at Twitter to see there's a big market out there for something different than what the E&S provide. I wouldn't say my stuff is especially popular compared to the bigger blogs out there (eventually I'll hit a niche where I have four people who absolutely adore what I do, and everyone else will never read another word) but it does ok and the other sites get a much bigger endorsement.
I can certainly say that I'd never have bothered writing Wolves stuff away from the forum/Facebook if the local paper had some real decent content, because what would be the point.
I don't know who the E&S are trying to appeal to because as a news source, evening papers are dead and have been for years, and in terms of analysis/features (which should be their bread and butter), they're as lightweight as a Mason/Seol strikeforce.