Off again about where people live. Why would they move to Heath Town in protest? Protest at what?
I've been asked a few times why I am concerned about Immigration, so here goes.
There was nothing wrong with the way Immigration in the UK was working prior to Tony Blair opening the floodgates in 2004.
I am sick to death of Middle Class White People, living in middle class white leafy suburbia, telling me that because I live on a council estate, that I have to accept excessive immigration in my town and in the area where I live, whether I wanted it or not. That I have to embrace multiculturalism whether I like it or not and that if I don't like it then I am clearly a racist.
I bought my council house and have no chance of moving to a 'better' area. Whereas the white middle class luvvies who profess to love immigration and spout all their crap about the wonders of diversity and the enrichment of our society, why is it they never seem to live in an area that represents our so-called multicultural society ? I want people like Tim Faron to say "I love multiculturalism sooooo much, I'm moving to Sparkbrook in Birmingham"
But where Tim lives in the ultra white Lake District, he doesn't have the same concerns as working class people on Estates, and the impact that unlimited immigration is having on their lives and the infrastructure of their towns. My black and asian friends are affected by these issues and they don't like it either. My asian friend who I have known for years, didn't like the fact that there are restrictions on which of his Indian relatives could come and live here, yet no matter how big your family was in Eastern Europe, there are no limits or restrictions. For my family friends and I, of different colours and religions that we had grown up with for years and years, we had a 'way of life' that we were all happy with. We did not vote for unlimited immigration. We never used to talk about desperation for child places at the school of your choice or waiting weeks to see a doctor, or Hospital waiting lists. But make no mistake, this is not the fault of East Europeans. This lies with people like Blair and Mandelson.
Perhaps someone can tell me why not many white people live in Sparkbrook, or why so many white people have left London over the last 15 years. Are they Racists or am I a Racist for asking the question. To many on here, probably both, but so what ? It's an uncomfortable truth for many. We were ok with the way things were. We just don't like being 'swamped'.
So there you go, that's just for starters. Don't bother picking the bones out of that little lot, just dismiss the whole piece and call me a racist bastard. Just like the 70% in Lincoln and the 63% in Wolverhampton. Let the tit for tat insults begin.