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In a country where 52% of a referendum voted for an ill-defined, unrealistic Brexit, lots of people will also vote for an ill-defined, unrealistic Brexit Party.

It won’t be a surprise.
Was at Mental Health training at work today. The trainer finished with a point about the impact and cost of mental health related issues at work and quoted some figures based on UK research.

Long term sickness and mental health related issues cost the UK £17 billion per year.

The UKs annual contribution to the E.U. is £9 billion.... :(
In a country where 52% of a referendum voted for an ill-defined, unrealistic Brexit, lots of people will also vote for an ill-defined, unrealistic Brexit Party.

On a slightly more.serious point, those who want to leave would be voting in an election or a Parliament they don't actually want their elected representatives to take

It won’t be a surprise.

If you feel let down that you haven't got your unicorn and you don't blame those that offered it for the reason you haven't got one and unicorn promiser in chief continues to promise one then you want your bloody unicorn and you are damn well going to get one.

On a slightly more.serious point, those who want to leave would be voting in an election for a Parliament they don't actually want their elected representatives to take a seat in. If Brexit or UKIP don't get 50% between them it's actually a poor result, although naturally our national medias fascination with Farage won't follow that narrative
It's annoying that the LibDems and Change UK haven't agreed to cooperate. Really not sure which way to vote. The south-west used to elect Liberal MPs, but my MP is Sarah Wollaston, so there might be some support for TIG too.
It's annoying that the LibDems and Change UK haven't agreed to cooperate. Really not sure which way to vote. The south-west used to elect Liberal MPs, but my MP is Sarah Wollaston, so there might be some support for TIG too.

If you feel let down that you haven't got your unicorn and you don't blame those that offered it for the reason you haven't got one and unicorn promiser in chief continues to promise one then you want your bloody unicorn and you are damn well going to get one.

On a slightly more.serious point, those who want to leave would be voting in an election for a Parliament they don't actually want their elected representatives to take a seat in. If Brexit or UKIP don't get 50% between them it's actually a poor result, although naturally our national medias fascination with Farage won't follow that narrative

Hard line brexiters will always be hard line brexiters. They are not for changing but are probably about 30% of the 52%. The other 22 % could be changed. But all this political posturing , positioning and lack of cooperation is actually hardening the resolve. I have said all along that Farage new party will do well in the EU elections and it will. I fear it will do outstandingly well as its a protest vote like no other in living memory. Its a protest against May, Its a protest against the ineffectual Corbyn. Its a protest against Tory and Cameron arrogance. Its a protest on not delivering what was promised. Its a protest against remainers and the constant sniping and put downs those 22% of brexiters have had for three years. Dont be surprised if the majority of the MEPs are brexit party
Hard line brexiters will always be hard line brexiters. They are not for changing but are probably about 30% of the 52%. The other 22 % could be changed. But all this political posturing , positioning and lack of cooperation is actually hardening the resolve. I have said all along that Farage new party will do well in the EU elections and it will. I fear it will do outstandingly well as its a protest vote like no other in living memory. Its a protest against May, Its a protest against the ineffectual Corbyn. Its a protest against Tory and Cameron arrogance. Its a protest on not delivering what was promised. Its a protest against remainers and the constant sniping and put downs those 22% of brexiters have had for three years. Dont be surprised if the majority of the MEPs are brexit party

"constant sniping and put downs" - oh, please. Enough of the victim stuff. It doesn't really wash when your man is about to do very well in the next set of elections.
"constant sniping and put downs" - oh, please. Enough of the victim stuff. It doesn't really wash when your man is about to do very well in the next set of elections.

he is not my man.
Apologies. I thought you'd voted UKIP in the past when he was the leader and public face of the party. My mistake.

That does not make him my man. Any more than the last three years helping convince me that my hope for a soft brexit was exactly right and that we will throw the baby out with the bath water. But hey ho. Now there is a chance to bloody the EUs nose in their own back yard with little effect to us other than electing the MEPs and I truly belive that the Brexit party, UKIP and Brexit supporting tories will be elected on a spoiling ticket/ revenge mission as some petty pay back for the ineptitude shown by many including memebers of the EU, over the last 3 years. Its wrong, but I think it will happen. If the Lib dems and Change UK got their act together and had some way of npt being against each other on a ballot then that balance could shift as many tory and labour supporters would vote for them as a protest for remain. They havent, they probably wont and , unfortunately I fear a lurch to the right with this election. Big Style.
Got some material through from Nige today. Booo, hiss. I can't even bring myself to read the cretinous bullshit that he's shat out to be honest.

However rather than simply lobbing it in the bin or drawing a Hitler moustache on his stupid face (both good options), I've sent them a GDPR request asking how they got my details, which will cost them money.
Nigel Farage tells @lbc "here's the good bit. The good bit is we go through Geneva, we go to the @wto, we use Article 24 of their treaty and we would have two years of no tariffs and no quotas and we could sort the while thing out"

I mean it's just a lie. Not even something you could possibly argue is the case. It's a lie, it's not true at all. It's been debunked over and over again. But the media just let him rattle on unchallenged.

He knows it's a lie as well.
If it gets them the brexit they want,along with free spitfires for all,with million pound notes on the seat and unicorns pissing rainbows,they'd vote for Muslims tbh
Got some material through from Nige today. Booo, hiss. I can't even bring myself to read the cretinous bullshit that he's shat out to be honest.

However rather than simply lobbing it in the bin or drawing a Hitler moustache on his stupid face (both good options), I've sent them a GDPR request asking how they got my details, which will cost them money.

Saw this shite when I opened my porch door when I got home from work. Stomped all over his stupid toady face, which although childish was also somewhat cathartic.
I had one waiting for me when I got home too. Didn't realise you could squeeze so much bullshit into one leaflet.
Dear Nige was answering questions on BBC News around 5. Well, I say answering. He was talking bollocks about WTO being a piece of piss to organise and not being a risk to jobs.

Fucking charlatan.

Actually, fucking cunt.
Looks like the withdrawal bill will be put to them Commons in the first week of June.

I'm sure that T-Bag will be using the Euro election results as the basis that it is still the will of the people to leave. Nothing changes on the numbers side of it to try and get it through Parliament though.
My wife can't get her blood pressure medicine, apparently due to pharmacists stockpiling it in other parts of the country due to no deal prep.

Thanks Brexit voting shitheads.