The above article appeared in The Telegraph on 14th May 2013.
The former Cabinet minister Mandelson, confirmed then, for the first time, that New Labour not only welcomed, but actively encouraged a mass influx of migrants. He conceded then that this posed a major difficulty for the party’s traditional supporters.
In the same article it refers to Ed Miliband admitting that the last Labour government was not “sufficiently alive to people's concerns” over immigration and his party got “the numbers wrong”.
But most people saw through those Lies. Then, in the run up to the Referendum, Miliband tried to play down their disastrous immigration policy over their previous thirteen years in power and he was once again telling us how wonderful Immigration was and how important Freedom of Movement was.
They didn't 'get the numbers wrong', they got them exactly how they wanted them.
The day after the Referendum, The Telegraph ran this article.
Also, during the campaign, Corbyn wanted all the Calais Migrants to come to the UK and repeatedly argued in favour of Migration.
They just don't get it do they.
Labour voters in the Labour Heartlands did not forget Messrs. Mandelson, Miliband, Blair, Campbell and Corbyn and what they had all said and done.
In those Labour Heartlands and in many other areas across England, it was the issue of Immigration, more than any other issue, that angered people so much and caused so much more resentment, (for many reasons that perhaps so many Remain voters could never understand), than any other political issue and in the end, it was this issue that swung the vote in favour of Leave.
If Labour had not presided over such a disastrous Immigration policy for so many years, we would still be in the EU now.