Really what we would like to see the UK look like is not that different. .we both blame the government, the difference is I also blamed the Labour government.
I have never excluded the Labour government from criticism - when I have laid the blame at the door of successive governments I assumed that was understood.
I think are difference in opinion is about perception. That isn't too surprising, we make our opinions on what we see, read, hear and are on told.
No, I don't agree with this at all. You use limited information to make a general point and you frequently apply filters to other people's opinions to suit your own argument.
I equate that having many extra people and not investing enough in public services will put a strain on those services. You perceive that the extra people aren't putting a strain on the services and it is just about funding. I believe the poor and low-paid are paying the the price of successive goverments who haven't invested enough in public services and the public services can't take the strain of a high influx of new people. The important part is that we both want a more caring world, more investment in public services.
And here you prove my point. At no point have I said that extra people aren't putting a strain on services and it is just about funding - you have made this up. I have laid the responsibility for the strain on services on those who had the power and resources to do something about it. The cause of the problem is not immigration, it is government. I have taken that further and stated why I think coming out of the EU won't make any noticeable difference to net immigration so we will continue to have the same problem. Increasing population, both through ageing and immigration WILL put additional strain on services unless government is prepared to invest appropriately.
The austerity part, I blame the world financial crisis, lack of government investment and that the poor and low paid who are after all are the ones affected by austerity, facing attacks from all sides. High levels of immigration, without enough goverment investment in infrastructure will directly affect the low-paid and the weak. They will often use the same public services that are strained by lack of investment. That has to have a direct affect on the poorest in society, it is logical. Of course that is not the fault of the immigrants who are often poor and low paid too.
I can blame successive goverments, financial institutions and the EU for austerity. I can't understand how you can't see that the EU is helping to cause austerity in Greece, Spain etc etc. Of course politicians in those countries are highly responsible too, but the EU has played it's part.
And again, you are making up my opinions. I have not said that the EU hasn't played a part in austerity - in fact in an earlier post I acknowledged just that. My point is that leaving the EU (or being in the EU in the first place) is not the reason why people in our and other countries are being "punished" by austerity. How you can use the word "logical" and keep a straight face amuses me.
My conclusion to all this is you are very loyal to your principles but you find it hard to apportion blame to the people or institutions you believe in. I have said I didn't like many of the people running the leave and remain campaigns. I blame the government for the lack of infrastructure, but too many new people in the country, without enough investment in public services, means the low-paid and poor have had to pay the price. I blame UK governments, financial institutions and the EU for austerity, but you won't blame the EU.
What a load of pompous cack. I am not loyal to the EU, I have said that on numerous occasions. Under the right circumstances I would not only want out of it I would want it dismantled. It is a vehicle for the worst excesses of capitalism. When you clearly do not understand my principles how can you conclude that I am loyal to them.
Can you see from this that you refuse to criticize the EU for anything and also you don't hold anyone or anything that you you believe in, responsible for any of the problems the country has been and is facing? You say you see me bending facts and you are the only one that pulls me up on it. You are entitled to your opinion, but I am often critical of people, political parties and institutions I believe in.
That was a mistake, it should have read I am not the only one who pulls you up for bending the fact and making things up. I don't refuse to criticise the EU, I am challenging the assertions you are making about it. From that you leap to the assumption that therefore I won't/don't criticise it. Let me be absolutely clear with you - that is in your own head, not mine.
I know you will take this post as patronising and condescending, it isnt meant to be.
Must have been an accident then because it is both.
It is meant to show we have both got different theories about what is wrong, who made it go wrong and why. I can't see a problem with that, it is just about perception. The important thing is, we both want the same sort of caring country, a decent health service, free for all. A tollerant society and workers being able to feed their families and people who come to live in this country treated with equality and compassion. I think the things we have in common are far more important on what went wrong and who is to blame.
Your "theories" require you to assume things about others that are not true in order for you to validate them - I do have a problem with that. Theories are to be challenged otherwise they are just words. When your theories are challenged you just repeat them over and over they are just words, nothing more.