In theory if I am an Exec of Bumph Limited I get remuneration in three basic ways, Salary, Bonus, Pension (ignoring Company Car etc etc etc). All of those go through standard Income Tax pretty much (obviously there is a bit of a difference with pension, but basically it is treated as income)
Sid Emerald at mega bank PLC gets salary (Income Tax regime), bonus number one (60 per cent of his bonus say) as income and straight through Income Tax, bonus part two as deferred shares (no income tax now - only paid if the shares are collected, but the tax liability is crystallized on a known point so you can take tax minimisation action in three years time), Save as You Earn (£250 a month to go to a fund to have the right to buy shares at a set price. No Income tax after 3 or 5 years and so any rise in share price is pure profit), Long Term Incentive Plans (massive tax incentives here as explained), Pension, etc etc etc.